Lenora's Fiction Archive

"The Five Sisters of Kintail" by Lenora McCoy

As I looked upon
My sisters
That breezy spring day
The lilac heather
And th'bonnie sweet scent
Drifted o'er tae me

I closed my eyes
And imagined
I saw the bloody battles
Between th'Hielanders and th'Lowlanders
I saw th'MacKenzies beating th'MacLeods
Crying out "Luceo Non Uro!"
And I was there
Seeing it all
From the bonnie
Bonnie peak of Beinn Fhada

I opened my eyes and th'warriors were gone
And I was alone
Wi' only my thoughts
As I started tae walk
Took out my clarsach
And began to play

I played th'songs
Played back in those days
I played th'Caber Feidh
I played and I played
And as I played
Th'ghosts of th'MacKenzies
Killed all those long years ago
Came back tae dance
Tae th'tune of Tullach Ard

I woke up wi' a start
And I looked aboot
I found myself alone
I had dozed off
In th'bonnie
Bonnie heather
Th'soldiers were gone
Th'ghosts back in their graves
My clarsach just a memory
And I was once again
Just an American tourist
Who had fallen asleep
In th'bonnie
Bonnie heather

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Hosted by Tripod

Created by Lenora McCoy

Last updated 15 JUN 98

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