Lenora's Fiction Archive

MSMF Prompt #76: Video Games

“Okay, Knit, ready to be defeated?” Net held her black controller at the ready.

“You wish, I've become a master at bowling.” Knit used her blue controller to scroll through the list of miis on her console. “Hmm, ah yes, there I am!” She chose the mii named Lenora.

Net peered at the sea of mii faces. “Okay, who's who? I want to use Sparx, didn't you say you made him?”

Knit chuckled. “He has no experience in Wii Sports yet but if you want to use him...there he is.” She used her controller to point out the appropriate mii.

“Okay, then, who does?”

“My cousins like using Antauri, and they always seem to do well with him. Otherwise they use Otto but he doesn't seem to be that good at this game.”

“You're joking.” Net sighed. “Where's Antauri?”

Knit pointed her to the right mii and the game began.

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Halfway through the game, there was a flash of light and the hotel room became a little more crowded.

Net almost dropped her controller. “Um, Knit, didn't you say you wished to meet the Hyperforce?”

Knit didn't say anything, just nodded. She was staring agape at their new visitors.

The six stood up slowly and faced the two stunned girls. Finally one, a boy dressed in white, approached them. “Hi, I'm Chiro.”

“I'm Net, this is Knit,” Net said, recovering first. “I can't believe it, Knit's wish actually came true!”

“Wish?” Chiro asked. “Hey, Sparx, that's rude!”

The red monkey had been playing with the red controller that was sitting on the table by the console.

“Hmm--?” Knit finally snapped out of it. “Oh, it's okay, that's just another game controller. He's welcome to play, you all are.”

“Really? What's the game?”

“Wii Sports,” Knit said. She picked up the green controller and handed it to Chiro. “How about a round of tennis?”

“Sure. Sparx?”

“Sure kid, sounds like fun,” Sparx replied.

“Hey, we can understand you,” Net said.

“Guess it's after SK Threat,” Knit joked as she navigated the menus. The other monkeys sat on the hotel room's beds to watch.

“Okay, Knit, which one is Antauri again? I was doing well with him,” Net asked.

Antauri, who had begun to meditate, opened his eyes. “Excuse me?”

“Oh, uh, I went a little crazy making mii characters when I first got this system and I made ones of all of you,” Knit said, blushing furiously.

“So where am I?” Sparx asked.

“I'll show you when it's your turn to pick. It's Chiro's turn now, he's got controller number three,” Knit said.

“So where am I?” Chiro asked. Knit pointed the mii out. “That doesn't look anything like me!”

“Hey the thing is limited! My miis don't look like me either,” Knit said.

“My turn?” Sparx asked as his controller beeped.

“Yes, there's you,” Knit said, pointing.

Sparx chose his mii and the team screen came up. It was Knit and Sparx versus Net and Chiro. Knit quickly explained how the controls worked and they decided on a best of five game.

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About midway through the game the door opened and RM4E, ii, and HL returned from their shopping excursion. They stopped dead in their tracks when they saw Chiro and Sparx furiously swinging wiimotes and four other monkeys cheering from the beds.

“Am I seeing things?” HL asked.

“Depends. Are you seeing Chiro and Sparx playing Wii Sports?” ii asked.

“Guess we're all imagining it,” RM4E said.

“Oh, hi guys!” Knit said, noticing their arrival. “Have a seat, Sparx and I are almost through winning this game.”

“There's still hope!” Chiro said in protest. “You haven't won yet!” He swung at Sparx's serve and missed.

“Now we have. Ha! That's three!” Sparx said as the score changed.

“Rematch!” Net demanded.

“No way, we're playing winner, remember?” Nova said, jumping off the bed with Otto behind her. Net and Chiro reluctantly handed over their controllers.

RM4E, ii, and HL exchanged looks. “We landed in the twilight zone,” RM4E declared. The others murmured agreement.


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If you're curious about the controllers and mii characters I mentioned in this story, check out photos of them on my Nintendo page!

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Hosted by Tripod

Created by Lenora McCoy

Last updated 09 JAN 07

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