One Nation Under God

"This Nation"

This nation stands for wisdom.

This nation stands for strength.

This nation stands for freedom.

This nation stands for peace.

This nation stands for justice.

This nation stands for rights!

I'm proud to say I'm American,

A real red, white and blue.

Many men died fighting for this land;

And on battlegrounds "Our" flag proudly flew.

Our armed forces all went to war,

Marching gallantly and not asking what for';

Giving of themselves so bravely and complete;

Our Air Force, Army, Marines and the Navy's stately fleet.

There were many brave men that fought for us;

And their lives they gave to God, in trust.

It's to them we owe our live to;

And to them we proudly wave, "Our" Red, White and Blue!

written by Chris Christmas O'Steen


Remember the ones who died at the Alamo?

They took their stand and didn't go!

Remember Pearl Harbor - such a terrible cost;

So many ships and precious lives lost.

Remember the Normandy Invasion?

What a battle and what a war won!

Remember Viet Nam - all our killed and Mia's?

They gave their all for us without a word to say.

America, Is beautiful, so mighty, powerful and strong;

How true "The National Anthem" - "Her" song.

All branches of service - so proud should they be;

For they keep America, "The Home of the Free"!

If it weren't for those who gave of their lives,

Left mothers, children and loving wives.

We couldn't hold our heads up high,

When we see "Old Glory" passing by!

And for all of this tears fill my eyes,

For it's because of all them............

We have our "Fourth of July"!

written by Chris Christmas O'Steen

"Fourth of July"

"Old Glory", how proudly she does wave!

Thinking of our men who's lives they bravely gave.

What sights and battles she must have seen;

Our young men defending "Our" country-only in their teens.

She's flown over many a bloody battle field;

Giving strength to our men, as though a shield.

She's seen it all and probably more to come;

For it's for peace and freedom our battles are won!

So as we enjoy today; the sun and drink;

Take a moment or two and stop and think.

For as "Old Glory" passes you by;

Remember how and why she got here;

On this Fourth of July!!

written by Chris Christmas O'Steen


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