October 31st, 1999

time: 5:01pm
IMing with: no one
singing along with: The Phantom of the Opera
did Lisa update recently?: YES!!! hehe, such a good girl. My Rent, New York
last theatrical production I saw: The Beauty Queen of Leenane
anticipating: nothing really
stressing about: the usual post-secondary education trauma
pissed me off today: nothing :)
made me sad today: all these shows closing! I'm such a sap... Phantom in Toronto and Rent in London last night
made me happy today: meeting Jennpease and Lorilee for lunch today :)
I really should be: gr. 11 media logs
reading: 'Tis by Frank McCourt... (I'm as bad as Tonya is with The Shipping News!)
new thing I did / learned today: don't assume the lady standing in front of you at Shopsy's works there :)
link me up: London Rent board
quote of the day: another from Mrs. Williams, my OAC biology teacher, on why it's a good thing animals produce lactic acid instead of ethanol:

"It's a good thing, because if you were running for the bus, you might get drunk!"


October 28th, 1999

time: 9:23pm
IMing with: no one
singing along with: Blood Brothers
did Lisa update recently?: YES!!! hehe, such a good girl. My Rent, New York
last theatrical production I saw: The Beauty Queen of Leenane
anticipating: nothing really
stressing about: the usual post-secondary education trauma
pissed me off today: stupid STUPID girl in rehearsals
made me happy today: 90% on my OAC media logs, highest mark of the grade on my politics test (92%!), laughed 'til I cried in rehearsals
I really should be: doing nothing at all
reading: 'Tis by Frank McCourt... (I'm as bad as Tonya is with The Shipping News!)
new thing I did / learned today: don't bad-mouth the computer classes when the computer teacher is standing behind you!
link me up: Bloc Quebecois (don't ask... politics homework)
quote of the day: Mrs. Williams, my OAC biology teacher:

"You may eat beef... but you don't end up looking like a cow!"


October 24th, 1999

time: 11:40pmpm
IMing with: Brandi and Tonya
singing along with: Footloose (gotta love me some Party Pants:))
did Lisa update recently?: YES!!! hehe, such a good girl. My Rent, New York
last theatrical production I saw: Rent
anticipating: nothing really
stressing about: absolutely NOTHING aside from deciding where I want to go to university and what I want to do for the rest of my life... oy
pissed me off today: doing laundry
made me happy today: GOT MY CHICAGO PICTURES BACK!
I really should be: doing politics homework
reading: 'Tis by Frank McCourt... only five more chapters to go and it's incredible
new thing I did / learned today: Saving IM convos is a good thing :)
Chicago's Cows on Parade cow of the day: Belle, A Cow For All Seasons by the Engineering Staff for the Four Seasons Hotel
link me up: York U
quote of the day: none today :(

October 22nd, 1999

time: 10:18pm
IMing with: Laura and Lara
singing along with: Footloose (gotta love me some Party Pants:))
did Lisa update recently?: YES!!! hehe, such a good girl. My Rent, New York
last theatrical production I saw: Rent
anticipating: sleep... just sleep
stressing about: absolutely NOTHING aside from deciding where I want to go to university and what I want to do for the rest of my life... oy
pissed me off today: stupid gr. 11 media
made me happy today: got a 93% on the psycho huge OAC media project! Oh, and rehearsals are going really well
I really should be: doing bio homework
reading: 'Tis by Frank McCourt... only five more chapters to go and it's incredible
new thing I did / learned today: I can sing!
Chicago's Cows on Parade cow of the day: Moovie Cow by Marwen Foundation
link me up: Dartmouth (aka Jennpease's school)
quote of the day: "another jennpease in the world. god help us." ~ Jenifer Aubry

October 19th, 1999

time: 12:30pm
IMing with: Mary, Lynda and Turtle
singing along with: nothing
did Lisa update recently?: YES!!! hahaha! surprised you didn't I? Go look in the Quotes
last theatrical production I saw: Rent
anticipating: sleep... just sleep
stressing about: just a politics test
pissed me off today: I have a headache
made me happy today: finished the giant psycho media project once and for all!
I really should be: studying for politics
reading: 'Tis by Frank McCourt... only five more chapters to go and it's incredible
new thing I did / learned today: Kinko's is my saviour
Chicago's Cows on Parade cow of the day: Brian the Cow: Milk and Cookies by Dennis Callahan
link me up: Benny Tour Boards
quote of the day: Tonya, randomly on IM to me one day:

WonTon FM: liiiiiiiiiissssssssssssssaaaaaaaaaa
WonTon FM: i still haven't seen a penis :-(

October 15th, 1999

time: 9:33pm
IMing with: Mike and Elizabeth
singing along with: The Last Session
did Lisa update today?: no... tomorrow I promise! I'm putting in a new fill-in-the-blank
last theatrical production I saw: Rent
anticipating: sleep... just sleep
stressing about: all the media homework I have to do
pissed me off today: the fact that I have NO time
made me happy today: 86% on that bio test baby :)
I really should be: doing media homework
reading: 'Tis by Frank McCourt... only five more chapters to go and it's incredible
new thing I did / learned today: Daphne Rubin-Vega has a pet boa... WTF?!?!?
link me up: Benny Tour Boards
quote of the day: Maggie, on learning I'm a whore in the school show, and I in unison:

"12 year old prostitute!!!"

October 7th, 1999

time: 7:22pm
IMing with: Laura
singing along with: You're A Good Man, Charlie Brown
did Lisa update today?: no... bad girl I know...soon
last theatrical production I saw: Cabaret
anticipating: CHICAGO! 2 MORE FREAKIN' DAYS!
stressing about: bio test tomorrow
pissed me off today: people who stand in the middle of the hallway, not moving
made me happy today: found out I'm in the school show! Panacea, a whore :) Oh, and my media presentation went really well
I really should be: studying for that bio test
reading: 'Tis by Frank McCourt... I've only read the first page because I'm trying to save it for the train
new thing I did / learned today: fire drills during your media presentation aren't neccisarily a bad thing
link me up: Tonya's Bowl of Crack
quote of the day: Roxanne Deans, on the rewards of acting in theatre:

"The job is the reward.
That's why they call it a 'play'!"

October 3rd, 1999

time: 7:55pm
IMing with: Press and Mary
singing along with: Cats (don't ask)
did Lisa update today?: no... bad girl I know...soon
last theatrical production I saw: Cabaret
anticipating: CHICAGO! 5 MORE DAYS!
stressing about: don't even ask...
pissed me off today: nothing!
made me happy today: got new running shoes!
I really should be: doing the media presentation
reading: 'Tis by Frank McCourt
new thing I did / learned today: don't dance in socks on a brick patio... ouch!
link me up: Tonya's Bowl of Crack
quote of the day: Freud e-mail signature line - "Your proctologist called. They found your head."

October 2nd, 1999

time: 7:37pm
IMing with: Mike, Laura and Turtle
singing along with: Songs For A New World
did Lisa update today?: no... bad girl I know...soon
last theatrical production I saw: Cabaret
anticipating: CHICAGO! 6 MORE DAYS!
stressing about: university, media career project, media logs, ANOTHER bio test next week and callbacks for our school play, A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum
pissed me off today: nothing!
made me happy today: finishing my politics homework early and working (yay for money)
I really should be: doing the media presentation
reading: nothing... any suggestions?
new thing I did / learned today: Ticky Tack is fun to play with :)
link me up: Turtle's Out Of Her Shell
quote of the day: from Forbidden Broadway Strikes Back -

"In La Boheme, she's a sweet, shy seamstress.
Now she's a crack-head, nymphomaniac prostitute! Yeah!"

October 1st, 1999

time: 10:09pm
IMing with: Turtle, Laura and Megs
singing along with: The Last Session (IT ROCKS! GET IT!)
did Lisa update today?: no... bad girl I know...soon
last theatrical production I saw: Cabaret
anticipating: CHICAGO! 7 MORE DAYS!
stressing about: university, media career project, media logs, ANOTHER bio test next week and callbacks for our school play, A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum
pissed me off today: supply teacher in media
I really should be: doing politics homework (hey, I've done half already!)
reading: nothing... I put away Mr. Norris
September 30th, 1999

time: 4:27pm
IMing with: Mike, Brandi, Laura and Tonya
singing along with: Rent, Broadway Cast, 07/17/99, second act now
did Lisa update today?: no... bad girl I know...soon
last theatrical production I saw: Cabaret
anticipating: CHICAGO! 8 MORE DAYS!
stressing about: university, media career project, media logs, Frech media project, ANOTHER bio test next week and callbacks for our school play, A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum
pissed me off today: idiot girl in media class, my bio test mark
I really should be: doing the media presentation or my politics homework
reading: nothing... I put away Mr. Norris 'cause I didn't like it
new thing I did / learned today:
link me up: Lor's journal
quote of the day: "Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly goes right down to the bone!" ~ Allie at lunch today

September 29th, 1999

time: 7:38pm
IMing with: no one :(
singing along with: Rent, Broadway Cast, 07/17/99
did Lisa update today?: no... bad girl I know...soon
last theatrical production I saw: Cabaret
anticipating: CHICAGO!
stressing about: university, media career project, media logs, Frech media project, and callbacks for our school play, A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum
pissed me off today: waiting for the bus in the rain... it took forever!
I really should be: doing the media presentation
reading: nothing... I put away Mr. Norris 'cause I didn't like it
new thing I did today: stood up to Katie, this BITCHY, BOSSY thing in my politics class
link me up: Talkin' Broadway (the BEST theatre site on the web, so it gets to be the link for a few days)
quote of the day: I had a great one from Wag The Dog but I can't remember it...

September 28th, 1999

time: 6:01pm
IMing with: Lindsay Turlte
singing along with: You're A Good Man, Charlie Brown
did Lisa update today?: no... bad girl I know
last theatrical production I saw: Cabaret
anticipating: CHICAGO!
stressing about: university, media career project, media logs, Frech media project, bio test tomorrow, and callbacks for our school play, A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum
pissed me off today: my presentation date in media for the career project :(
I really should be: doing the media presentation and/or studying for bio
reading: nothing... I put away Mr. Norris 'cause I didn't like it
new thing I did today: took charge of my politics group
link me up: Talkin' Broadway (the BEST theatre site on the web, so it gets to be the link for a few days)
quote of the day: "you know what I think had to be the funniest thing...seeing Jai play a real man" ~ Lindsay Turtle :)

September 25th, 1999

time: 11:50pm
IMing with: Laura
singing along with: nothing
did Lisa update today?: no... bad girl I know
last theatrical production I saw: Cabaret
anticipating: AIDS Walk tomorrow, CHICAGO!
stressing about: university, media career project, media logs, Frech media project that I forgot about that's due on Monday, and auditioning for our school play, A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum
pissed me off today: going to Grimsby :::shudder:::
I really should be: sleeping
reading: Mr. Norris Changes Trains by Christopher Isherwood
new thing I did today: played a board game with my cousins
link me up: Talkin' Broadway (the BEST theatre site on the web)
quote of the day: "if the set's a rockin' don't come a knockin'" ~Tonya Facey (who else?:))

September 24th, 1999
Well, I'm conforming to the fill-in-the-blank site updates. Who knows how long it will last, but it's kinda fun :) So here goes:

time: 7:53pm
IMing with: Laura
singing along with: Das Rent (aka German Cast recording of Rent
did Lisa update today?: yes... new pic of Lor and I
last theatrical production I saw: Cabaret
anticipating: CHICAGO!
stressing about: university, media career project, media logs, and auditioning for our school play, A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum
pissed me off today: supply teacher in politics
I really should be: doing bio homework (I have a TON)
reading: Mr. Norris Changes Trains by Christopher Isherwood
new thing I did today: preped a Little Green Alien for surgery (his back is open and batteries exposed... waiting for new ones)
link me up: The Canadian Stage Company
quote of the day: "Life's a bitch and so am I" ~ Jason Oliver, though used by many

September 23rd, 1999
Quote of the Day

"Loutah! MOO!"
~ Das Rent (German Cast recording)
September 22nd, 1999
Happy 6th Birthday Spencer!
My baby brother is 6! Oy I feel old...
September 20th, 1999
Quote of the Day

"Oh, I'm trying to catch that damn baby. He keeps running around my room!"
~ Ally McBeal, by David E. Kelley
September 15th, 1999
Quote of the Day

"I have a new e-mail address 'cause so many people are underscore-stupid"
~ Lindsay "Turtle" Naft (btw, an underscore is this: _ )
September 13th, 1999
Happy Birthday Tonya!
September 10th, 1999
Quote of the Day

Vicki: "I'll have you know I have the body of a 20-year-old"
Tryshia: "Well you better give it back because you're wrinkling the hell out of it!"
~ from The Last Session, book by Jim Brochu, music and lyrics by Steve Schalchlin
September 9th, 1999
Quote of the Day

"It's like wearing a cotton Skittle!"
~ Allie in biology today, on her neon green underwear :)
September 7th, 1999
Quote of the Day

"I'm going back... back to school!"
~ Mimi in "Happy New Year" from Rent, book, music, and lyrics by Jonathan Larson
okay okay, I know it was cheesy but I had to use it!