My Review of Tony's performance in "Peter's Friends"

Here is my review of the MARVELOUS Mr. Slattery in "Peter's Friends".

Tony gives an excellent performance in this film. He plays an unappealing loser with an annoying laugh, and big sideburns. I'm guessing that he realised what a loser the character was, and decided to have a lot of fun with the role.

 Tony plays Brian, an irritating aspiring actor, who laughs constantly, and keeps repeating a story about how Greta Garbo and Georgia O"Keefe kept an alsatian that used to lick them. He has a somewhat amusing "crying" scene (you'll know what I'm talking about) and he's generally a lot of fun to laugh at.

 For most of the movie, Tony is naked, or nearly naked. I admire him for showing his body, even though he is far from perfect. It takes a brave person to be proud of his body in this plastic, weight conscious society. I'm glad he didn't request a body double!

If you'd like to add anything, please email me at:

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