Littleton Soccer Club
Littleton Massachusetts Youth Soccer
Player Development Program
Littleton Youth Soccer Association
Player Development Program
(This program has been borrowed from the Massachusetts Youth Soccer Association)
LYSA Player Development Program is being introduced with the following objectives:
- Raise the average quality of players.
- Tighten the distribution of skill-level within a given team.
- Identify developmental milestones for each age group to provide a focus for the coaches.
- Enables LYSA to assess progress via checklists, and so tailor clinics to focus on areas in most need of development.
- Improve the success of Littletonís players, teams, and soccer organization.
- Enhance the fun experience of soccer, for players, parents, and coaches.
Coaching a team is a great experience for novice and skilled coaches alike. Aligning coachís objectives with those of LYSA will set the foundation from which the club can grow from strength to strength. The attached development program, from MYSA, defines those objectives.
The checklist for each age group is provided as a guide for coaches, to help them focus on the objectives of LYSA. It is intended that most players will have satisfied all of the goals in the checklist for their age group. Naturally, there will be players who will require further development and others who exceed all expectations. This program will help to identify how far along the players have progressed and the spread of skill level within each team.
Please take 30 minutes to review the checklist for your age group and the accompanying information provided by MYSA. If you have any questions or comments regarding this program you are welcome to contact:
Matt Muggeridge 952-6926 Matt.Muggeridge@digital.com
Marjie Needham-Wood 486-0633
Have fun coaching!
Pee Wees Checklist
- Friendly with the ball
- Happy to be on the field
- Participate with minimum parental influence
- Inside of feet
- Straight dribbling
- Ball stays close to feet, within 3 to 5 steps
- Inside of both feet
- Kick the ball in intended direction
- Uses feet only (i.e. no illegal hand balls)
- Know which goal to shoot at (avoid the other team)
- Move freely (chaotically) around the field
- Be able to identify teammates
Five and Six Year Olds Checklist
- Friendly with the ball
- Enthusiastic on the field
- Willing to participate
- Inside of feet
- Straight dribbling
- Ball stays close to feet, within 3 to 5 steps
- Inside of both feet
- Kick the ball accurately over 8 to 10 yards
- Turn the ball around
- Uses feet only (i.e. no illegal hand balls)
- Know which goal to shoot at (avoid the other team)
- Know which goal to defend (get in the way of the other team)
- Move freely (chaotically) around the field
- Be able to identify teammates
- Be able to identify the opposition
Seven and Eight Year Olds Checklist
Note: Neuromuscular coordination and motor skill development: Anything missed at this age is acquired with difficulty later.
- Friendly with the ball
- Enthusiastic to be on the field
- Competitive tendencies
- Maintain balance when playing the ball
- Inside and outside of both feet
- Lift the head occasionally, check direction
- Change direction
- Stop and start with the ball
- Ball remains close to feet, within 2 to 5 steps
- Accurate passes over 10 to 15 yards
- Kick with instep (shoelaces)
- Consider ball speed in passes
- Accurate shooting up to 8 yards (little or no emphasis on power)
- Turn ball 180 degrees using soles, inside and outside of both feet
- Good balance over ball while using "playing leg"
- Control rolling balls (passes)
- Accurate first touch passing over 2 to 5 yards
- Use teamwork to their advantage
- Spread out in offense, compress in defense
- Aggressive on the ball in defense (close the space)
- Relaxed with ball
- Protect ball
- Make transition from possession to loss of possession
Nine and Ten Year Olds Checklist
- Smart with the ball
- Enthusiastic to be on the field
- Competitive awareness (enthusiastic 1 versus 1 encounters)
- Inside, outside, and soles of both feet
- Fake out the opponent (feinting moves under passive or limited pressure)
- Cruise or drive with ball (controlled/protective dribbling versus fast/progressive dribbling)
- Lift the head, look for options, know proximity of opponents
- Strong and accurate instep kicks over 15 to 20 yards (both feet)
- Use good ball speed in passes
- Accurate shooting up to 15 yards (observe power and angles ñ aggressive attitude)
- Front block tackle
- Turn ball under pressure (shielding ball)
- Strong balance over ball while using "playing leg"
- Trap ground balls travelling with speed
- Can trap bouncing balls using chest, stomach, thighs
- Wise and accurate use of first touch passing
- Understands concepts of heading
- Use teamwork to their advantage (use pairs, triangles)
- Positional play, but no specialization in positions
- Recognize pressure when receiving pass
- Vocabulary developing (Time!, Cross!, Switch!, Player on!, Keeper!, My ball!)
- Rarely stands still (with or without the ball)
- Move ball to space
- Spread out in offense, compress in defense
- Aggressive on the ball (first to it)
- Quick transition from possession to loss of possession
Eleven and Twelve Year Olds Checklist
- Some instinctive behavior
- Competitive in most challenges (shooting, supporting, hassling in defense, first to ball, etc.)
- Knows 3 or 4 moves to beat an opponent
- Cruise or drive with ball (controlled/protective dribbling versus fast/progressive dribbling)
- Create space for support (dribble at defender with speed)
- Lift the head, use options, know proximity of opponents
- Using inside and outside of instep (shoelaces)
- Chipping
- Passing/shooting bouncing balls (one-touch)
- Accurately pass to moving player (at various speed and distance)
- Use good ball speed in passes
- Accurate shooting up to 15 yards (power and angles)
- Side block tackle, jockey in defense (control the ball carrier)
- Use shoulder charging
- Turn ball under pressure (shielding ball)
- Strong balance over ball while using "playing leg"
- Can trap and deflect bouncing balls using chest, stomach, thighs
- Setup 2nd touch with 1st touch
- Unidirectional heading
- Changes point of attack (switch)
- Has a sense of game speed and can affect it (straight drives, angled dribbles, back passing, etc)
- Acts appropriately in each of the thirds of the field
- Instinctively moves into supportive positions (triangles, pairs)
- Instinctive reaction to change of possession and the transition in possession
- Aggressive on the ball (first to it)
- Understands cover defense
Thirteen and Fourteen Year Olds Checklist
- Instinctive behavior
- Competitive in all challenges (shooting, supporting, hassling in defense, first to ball, etc.)
- Mastered 3 or 4 moves to beat an opponent
- Create space for support (dribble at defender with speed)
- Aware of proximity of support and defenders
- Can swerve the ball
- Accurate chipping
- Shoots under pressure, aggressively and dynamically
- Accurate passing up to 30 yards, correct ball speed, and side of receiver
- Slide tackles
- Fluid turns under pressure
- Use shoulder charging
- Effectively use air and ground balls
- Directional heading
- Power heading
- Verbal and non-verbal communication
- Shepherds attackers wide
- Controls game speed
- Good use of body position to protect ball or affect playing angles
- Understands balanced formations
- Sets offside traps
- Instinctively plays in supporting triangles
- Aggressive on and off the ball (first to it)
- Understands cover defense
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Send email to Secretary.
Littleton Soccer Club
c/o Littleton Park & Recreation
P.O. Box 934
Littleton MA 01460
(978) 486-3120