Play audio for button (1)

"...hey, this is my cool, sexy voice, oooooo don't i sound like a pedophile's dream? yeah baby yeah, i put the grr in swinger (giggle) ok i'm like retarded (giggle)..."

Play audio for button (2)

".....oh my goodness, i cannot make a stupid message on here without giggling, ug! it sounds awful, i don't even know why people talk to me, um this is super rad, ok, bye bye...."

Play audio for button (3)

"...hey, i'm a trendy freshman, i'm sittin' here with my lava lamp going, and my glow in the dark stars everywhere, and my inflatable chair, and i'm just so freakin' cool, yeah..."

Play audio for button (4)

"....step off homies, and if we die, before the battle's through, tell your mom, tell your dad, we were super rad..."

Play audio for button (5)

"...ok, like, i don't know what to like say or like, but um yeah, like i just thought you all should like hear like hear me say like a lot, cause um, cause its just like cool and stuff, yeah..."

Play audio for button (7)

"....ewwwww, like grody to the max, gag me with a spoon..."

Play audio for button (8)

"....Pissy loves me, i have proof, if you want it just ask..."

Play audio for button (9)

"....(giggle) i can't believe i'm playing with this, this is so retarded, i should be asleep now, but its so fun! yeah..."

Play audio for button (10)

" yeah, like, i don't know what to say, and like, i don't know why i'm still doing this, i should be asleep, but i'm still awake, and i'm on the phone, and i'm doing stupid little messages on pagetalk..."

Play audio for button (11)

"...i have audible breaths when i talk, that's slightly disturbing to me, is it disturbing to you? do you care? i care..."

Play audio for button (12)

"...ok, like, this is it for now, i can't think of anything else, and i've said that on like six buttons that i can't think of anything else, and i'm like really retarded (giggle) and i like need sleep (giggle) all of a sudden i'm all peppy, what's up with that? oh well, that's me..."

Play audio for button (13)

"....did you really listen to all of these?....sad..."

i inflicted casualties with my voice

Pikachu Liberation Organization

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