A dos-like shell for Usgard

Current version: v0.8

Download it!

Important Notice:

Usgdos is horribly out of date; I haven't worked on it in nearly a year. It probably hasn't been updated for Usgard 1.0 even. I also lost the source for v0.9 and the "UN*X like" version, but I think Ima might still have them somewhere.

Email me if you want me to continue work on usgdos, because I've got other things to do with my time, like an art/lit group, and my own webpage.


This started off as just another odd idea bouncing around inside my head, "what if someone created a dos-like asm shell for the '85?" Well, Usgard was the answer; an asm shell with the capability for multiple interfaces. As soon as I got Usgard, I started reading through all the docs, and decided that it would be do-able, and after countless late-nights and hours of hard work, here it is... Usgdos. Since version 0.6, Austin Butler has been helping me with ideas on how to improve Usgdos. His suggestions have resulted in some major improvements and optimizations. Thanks Austin.

Using Usgdos:

When you first run Usgdos you will see "C:>" on the screen with a flashing cursor to the right of it. To display a list of the valid Usgard and ZShell programs on your calculator, type in "D". The list will pause at the end of each screenful of names to allow you to read all of them. Press enter to continue to the next screenful. To clear everything on the screen, type in "C" at the command prompt. To turn the calculator off, type in "O" at the command prompt. To view a string (or program) with qview, just type the variable's name at the command prompt, and qview will display it. To delete a variable on your calculator, type in "R" and enter the name of the variable to be deleted at the prompt.

USGDOS: info

Size:v0.8 - 532 bytes
Supported commands:
D displays list of valid programs
C clears the screen
O turns the calculator off
R deletes a variable on the calculator
Libraries needed:
usgdlibfor string input

Bug reports/ suggestions/ comments/ questions:

If you want to help with Usgdos, email me.

Revision history:

Get the latest version of Usgdos at https://members.tripod.com/~Llama_/zips/usgdos.zip
v0.8Completely redid the interface, it's mostly menutext now. Added a delete command. Removed MEM command, free memory is now shown in the upper right corner of the screen.
v0.7Optimized DIR command, eliminated "ghost cursors", checks to see if a variable exists before running qview, one letter commands. Only 407 bytes!!!
v0.67Added MEM command. DIR also displays free ram. 60 bytes larger than v0.6
v0.65Updated for Usgard v0.95b. Changed title string. Smaller than v0.6. Released on efnet.
v0.6Added qview support. Otherwise, same as v0.5. Released on efnet.
v0.5It works, but is lacking some features, a "DEL" command, and a Usgdos library. First publically released version. Released on irc, efnet channel #usgard, and emailed to Andreas Ess.

Future plans:

Pseudo-directory support (like explorer: programs and strings), additional UN*X-like shell (same code as Usgdos, different names for the commands, and different prompt). Batch files/ autoexec. Improve the dir command to show descriptions and/or size & type.

About the author:

Feel free to skip this part, I woln't be insulted. Now, you may be asking, who created this wonderful (or not) program. Well, I'm a 17 year-old male, living on the east coast of the U.S.A. and yes, this is my first released program for the ti-85. I withdrew from high school end of last school year, and am a fulltime student at Simon's Rock. I got my first ti-85 around January '97 and I got the graphlink. I already knew about ZShell then, and that's why I chose the ti-85. Since then, I taught myself asm with the help of text files from ticalc.org, and the ZShell School. I have written (but not released) an etch-a-sketch program, and a contrast changer; if you want either, just email me.


ticalc.orgfor being the *best* ti site out there
the ZShell Schoolfor the asm lessons
the ZShell Development teamfor ZShell of course (when's 4.5 coming out?)
Andreas Ess, Austin Butler, Sam Davies & Mel Tsaifor Usgard, the *best* ti-85 asm shell yet

Special Thanks:

Austin Butlerfor help with qview support (good luck with Rolodex)
everyone on #usgardespecially those who tried out the beta versions of usgdos, mainly Ima.

This document © 1998 by Kyle Smith
Usgdos © 1998 by Kyle Smith
Usgard © 1997 by Andreas Ess, Austin Butler, Sam Davies & Mel Tsai

All copyrighted names are the properties of their respective owners