
Broi was born I guess it would be 45 years ago, if you go by the manga. On the day he was born, so was Gokou. Broli and Gokou would spend the very early years of there life in the same hospital, in beds right next to each other. Broli was born with a power level of 10,000 while Gokou was only at the power level of 5. Broli's power level was strong, even for a mature Saiyan. Gokou soon traumatized Broli by crying non stop for 24 hours. This would affect the way everything Broli does for the rest of his life. Make him insane if you will. The incredible power of Broli meant trouble for the King Vegita, and in his view, the entire Saiyan race. This caused the King to order Broli's execution. Paragas protested, saying that Broli could be used as a valuable weapon, and because of this, Paragas was also executed. After the bodies were disposed of, and everyone thought all was well, Broli's incredible power brought them both back to life, or kept them on the edge of existence. Paragas and Broli soon found a new planet to call their own. This would soon be the first battleground of the Sayins from Earth against the Legendary Super Saiyan Broli. To sum it up, after Broli kills Paragas for using him, he goes after Gokou because the only thought in his mind is to kill him. This would prove to be his own destruction in movie 8, 10, and finally he was killed off for good in movie 11.

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