Pass the Buck Catalogue!

Okay, this is what we got. All prices include postage within the U.S. If you live somewhere else, please kick in a couple extra dollars for postage. ALWAYS SEND WELL CONCEALD CASH! Cash is easier for us, but if you can't please sned a check made out to "Louisa Solomon". Sorry-NO E-MAIL orders. If you have any questions, feel free to write us or E-Mail us. For a full, un-internet-censored, beautiful catlogue that includes games, pictures and lots of fun, please send a couple of stamps to us. Again, the address is: Pass the Buck! P.O.Box 3983 Ithaca, Ny 14852 USA

The Goods:

EP Devon/Eleanor W.-"Candy Coated Teeth" $4 A new essential for bedroom-recording, tellin-it-like-it-is nerd girls. You may have caught both Devon and Eleanor on TANG Vol. 3 with their rad acoustic stylings, but of course you need more! The similarities between these two girls' seemingly different music styles will blow you away. They are both quick with the words and snappy with the melodies, think personal but with SNAP and sometimes sad, but with ATTITUDE. This isn't Mary Lou Lord-its new territory. Check these girls out on the acoustic comp as well.

EP Lucky Tiger-4 Songs $3 SOLD OUT

Lucky Tiger-the official rockumentary $10 SOLD OUT

EP Lucky Tiger-"Decieve, Inveigle, Obfuscate" $3 For the history. This is Lucky Tiger's old lineup. A 15-minute EP, with six songs. Weird, melodic punk from three teenage nerd girls. Personal, political, and all that good stuff.

7” record Lucky Tiger/The Pill split $3 The Pill is already gone. Yes they did break my fucking heart. They were going for the future like it was never gonna come, ya know? They rocked so slick, how could it last ? Catch these three undercover delinquent tunes from Lolita on the bass + backup vocals and Teen Heartbreak on the drum/organ innovation and lead vocals, and hope they release whatever else they got kicking around cuz we need the beats. So if good bands die super young, why is Lucky Tiger still around? The rare exception I suppose...they just keep getting better, reinventing themselves to be more accurate. Now they got the 2 singer thing goin’ with Louisa and Emily to give you the chills, and the guitars...they just went somewhere I didn’t know you could go. And all of a sudden Tara’s drumming like there’s no tomorrow, and maybe there’s not so listen up now. These are two of my favorite bands and they both rock out, in different compelling ways.

EP Nicole-"Don't Bother" $3 SOLD OUT

EP Nicole-"Six Hours" $3 Second EP of bedroom-quarentined-Nerd-Girl songs. Personal and cring-worthy. Last song is a special cover with a special secret super star appearance.

LP Nicole-"5 4 3 2 1" $4 This is Nicole's first full-length comin' atcha. Recorded on a 4-track-not a tape recorder for the first time. (WE IN HI-FI NOW, BABY!) Lotsa songs-real good. More bedroom punk, but its different cuz its better(says nicole). MUST HAVE!

EP Nicole-"Glass Box Full of Secrets/The Mystery Girl-"Meta-Punk" split $3 Come demolish the punk rock, “women in rock”, sensitive “fierce folkies”, “the return of the singer-songwriter” and other useless myths with Nicole and The Mystery Girl. Nicole writes those 4 tracked acoustic things and the mystery girl embraces innovation with both acoustic and electric tunes, sharp and pointed, yes they do cut.Neither sounds all that much like anything else going at the moment.

EP The Roommates-"Slickfactor" $3 The first Roommates recording EVER on PTB! The first, the classic. Contains hitz about the mystery of Boba Fett's popularity, Sweet Valley High, and them wacky Punx killin' them cops, etc. Mad covers. This is all about crappy, 80s keyboards and badly amped Jr.Pro guitars beltin' out some insanity. Highly seizure-worthy.

EP The Roommates-"I Like The Lizards" $3 Oh, here they come, gettin' the sound together. They have hit their stride, and want you to come along for the ride. Features: Ode To Muntz, It Ain't Tha BSC, and #1 Roboqueen.

EP The Roommates-"Distant" $3 This is the moment they became super stars. This is a concept album revolving around everyone's favorite baby-sitters:THA BSC. Yes, that's right. Every single song is about the Baby-Sitters Club. Topics addressed include:Who's Got More Style, Stacey or Claud?, what are the hot-t-t bands in Stonybrook, who's the hot-t-test of the hot-t-ties?, and when the world mourned the BSC's loss of Stacey to THE BAD GIRLS. A necessity for any fan of the Roommates OR the BSC.

LP The Roommates-"Good Job, Agent Muntz" $5 If "Distant" was the promise, this is the delivery. 30 minutes of songs about 90210. Many crucial aspects of life in America's fave zip code are addressed, on the mega-hit title track, Casa Walsh!, 3 Scoops(a time for ice cream),...They all died (yr so precious to me) + YES THERE'S MUCH, MUCH MORE! Besides a ton of other crucial jamz, you get the official PTB 90210 drinking game, a pin up, + a beautiful sticker(full color for a limited time!) This is a rock Opera of sorts + you KNOW you want it.

LP The Roommates-"Born in the U.S. of HAY. $4 Kind of a back to basics, back to their roots, churn out the classix kinda thing. THE ROCK N ROLL RECORD. The bizarre and appalling is here, alongside such insta-pop smashes as ALF-One Fun Luvin' Alien, Party in the Supermarket, some super covers, + SO MUCH MORE! All the variety of Slickfactor without the funny aftertaste. I believe that this is THE definitive Roommates album. An absolute classic.

SINGLE The Roommates-"Hey DJ" $2 The brand new sound, the brand new songs, in the obvious RMs format of choice-THE CASSINGLE. One side is an ode to the demons plaguing DJ Tanner's middle school mind, the other describes a beautiful day in Stonybrook, and what the BSCers bought on their trip to the mall.

LP The Roommates-"2 Hot-t-t 2 Handle" $4 Things looked bleak for awhile there. There were the rumors, the official announcement of a hiatus, the teen superstars weren’t talking and had the rock stopped? NO! They got it together + worked it out and now the long-awaited follow up to “Born in the US of HAY” is HERE. It’s the hot-t-test roommates album yet! And that’s saying something. More musically complex with some of the catchiest hooks ever on smokin’ renditions of “play the field”, “(Baby) Drivin’ with you”, and original superpop such as “Steve, Brandon, Dylan”, “Jakedance(take a chance)” and “[(I wanna) fall][in’] in the water trough (with Ted)” Do you sense a theme? MMMHOT-T-T!

EP Louisa Lucky-"Sing A Song" $3 Louisa’s acoustic debut. She sings four pretty songs that will make you cry and appreciate the people that matter to you. “Everyone’s Got a Story To Tell-you just have to find it” (Baby Bebop). Louisa talks about people and stories and memories in a most un-Lucky Tiger-like fashion. Yeah, it’s something different. Sweet and sad and definitely necessary.

EP Various-"Today's Special" $3 Old, old old compilation featuring some early versions and never-to-be-seen-again forgotten faves by Lucky Tiger, The Roommates, Phlegm and the Sonograms, and Destination Moon. Two songs by each band, bubblegum summer fun.

2X LP Various-"Place Yr Bet On Our Sound" $5 This massive comp is our mission statement + allows you to sample what the kids have been cookin' up in bedrooms + basements across the land. This is who's on it: #12 Looks Just Like You, Cindy Lou Who, Maresa, Shimmy Beckers, Phlegm and the sonograms, Sarah, Ghosty Grams, Question, Tellit Slant, Jen, Angelhead, Deaf Opera House, Destination Moon, DPW, Aren, Jarbaby, Nicole, David B. Collins, Silverfish Trio, Irresistable Chores, Robin, Lumber, Jolie, + Lucky Tiger. Comes with our Manifesto + a beautiful sticker. Lovely art courtesy of Katy Jellybean.

LP Various-"Beaver Fever-the Original Motion Picture Soundtrack" $4 Beaver Fever: The Motion Picture Soundtrack The music from the terrifying hit flick that became an instant teen horror classic the moment we got the idea for it. Among the inspired tunes are exclusive gems by The Roommates (FOUR new songs!), Abracadaver, Cassie Z. and the doggg police and, in their recording debut, Lucky Beaver. Uh-huh. You are not gonna hear this stuff anywhere else. You can buy it even if you haven’t seen the film cuz the jams speak for themselves.

EP Various-"TANG volume 1" $4 Let the Teenage Nerd Girl alliance commence.This is the first in a series of EPs featuring self-identified Teenage Nerd Girls. This one is a split between Louisa and Nicole, yr PTB founders. Nicole's side is 2 new city-inspired songs and 1 new recording of an especially nerdy early tune. On side B, Louisa joins the acoustic punk tea party for the first time, with two pretty, personal songs about friendship and stuff like that. Well worth it. Comes with a little zine chronicalling Nicole and Louisa's nerddom.

EP Various-"TANG volume 2" $4 The second installment in the TANG series features the musical stylings of The Seaside Apartments, Lickety Split, and Spinning Jenny, plus the spoken word genius of miss Jolie. Besides Nicole and Louisa's nerdy rantings, the zine this time around includes pieces by Ocean, Jolie, Devon, and Tara. "we are nerds, we are slick, we are slick nerds"

EP Various-"TANG Volume 3" $4 This is the Tangiest of all Tangs perhaps. Volume three comes out with a bang! Side one is the rock side, with nerds of the east coast-The Instant Hits and nerds of the West Coast-The yucky charms playing catchy poppy guitar/drum music in true TANG style. Side two is the acoustic side with newcomers that will positively blow you away. Devon, (who submitted to the TANG 2 zine) sings a heart-breakingly gorgeous song about a someone and a Scared of the Dark song that will make you want to give her a hug. Eleanor W. is a nerd girl superhero and that’s about all you need to know. Comes with a zine with stuff by all the bands.

Stuff On Other People's labels that we distro: everything is $4 unless noted otherwise

Cindy Lou Who-"Hey Fuck-O" Super fun girl punk comin' atcha from this sadly defunct mega-band. Ten get up and groove hits by slickster cool zine girls. ya know you want it. They got the beat, yeah!

Cupcake-"1, 2 + 3" 3 part pop opera from the U.K. Bedroom girl punk, creative pop song division, it's innovation kids! I'm digging it so much... (Spazoom)

Digging For Lizards-"One Take Art" Think: The Ghosty Grams go jazz. This is pure mayhem and I love it. Eleanor and the boys propduce one of those rare self-indulgent albums that you can’t get enough of! It reminds me of Huggy Bear some days and on others... Jason sings like Johnny Vail from the Knock Ups’ and Eugene from DPW’s kid. No joke. (Octopus Head)

The Disgruntled Postal Workers-"Youth 101" Can anything kick any more ass? Addictive, high energy, coed punkfuckingrock with amazing boy vox and excellent lyrics. Definite favorite around these parts, wait, you mean you don't have this yet? (Mindkill)

The Diviner Imposter-"Vagrants" This highly innovative electronic and sometimes acoustic gem of a tape, features original and very creative tunes about such things as them pesky indie boys, and stupid parties. Seriously interesting musical stylings and CATCHY CATCHY CATCHY! From Canada. I think you'd like it. (4-Track in My Backpack)

The Ghosty Grams-"A Very Ghosty(fill in the blank)" For a couple of minutes, one lonely januarty evening, Nicole had the revelation that the ghosty Grams were the best band on the planet. Minimalistic drum, bass and Rapman songs about people you don't know. Fun stuff about high school, Nickelodeon, and other worthy topics. Lots O Bonus Trax. (Heroes For Today) r.i.p.

The Ghosty Grams-"Who Cares About The Beat When Our Beat Just Blows?" Excellent follow-up to their first inst-classic. Guest appearances by Lil' Andy and Sarah Gion, who will seem like superstars to you after you have listened to this enough. Seth's 9-year-old cousin Jody guest stars on about half of the trax. And one of them's even a love ballad! What the hell else do you want?! (Kitty Cat Heart Attack/Mittengirl/Heroes For Today)

The Instant Hits THIS COSTS $3 Yes! this is like my favorite thing right now! A little ep from one of New York's best bands that should be heard more than they are cuz they're so good. Named after a Slits song, Jenine and Danielle doing the Drums + Guitar + Vocals + occasional well-placed handclaps, and so so catchy and good. My favorite song is "False Connection". Super slick, just what you need.

The Instant Hits second demo THIS COSTS $3 TOO Oh geez, another awesome tape. "what does it mean" is my pick hit for it's sing along chorus. must have,

The Jane Austen All-Purpose Dolls-”Let’s Go Shopping and Talk On The Phone!” Guitar girl and Lenn B. get together to produce one of the most essential DIY efforts of the era. DIY at its finest, if you ask me. Side one is the girls working together to pump out such hits as: “I don’t wanna go to yr party”, which featurs the teen tell-all line “I don’t wanna play spin the bottle, I don’t wanna kiss yr friends, they’re dumb, I don’t wanna got to your party, You’re No FUN!””. Side B each girl takes on some solo songs. Excellent, and from what I hear the band is no more, so get this while you can! (Octopus Head)

Jarbaby-"Play" As heard on "Place yr bet on our sound" and countless walkmans of kids in the know, here's mark doing his acoustic greatness thing. Maybe my favorite of his many tapes, includes the classic "I love a parade"..."I practice all the world's religions, just in case..." So good. (Right On!)

Jarbaby-"Checks and Balances" Did I mention how glad I am to finally be stocking some Jarbaby stuff? You all need to write to Mark's Label Right On! and get everything, but anyway this is my other favorite of his tapes. It features the DIY anthem of sorts "song is yours, world is yours" and so many other excellent selections. Beautiful and heartaching and even hopeful, yeah that's it. (Right On!)

Jolie N-"Superstar" Some of our favorite spoken word around by ego Records founder and all-around cool girl Jolie. features one piece by special guest star Sabrina Gonzalez. (Ego)

Jolie-"Starstruck(punk as fuck)" Ex-frinds, user-boys, and punk stars populate Jolie's awesome new tape. New versions of a couple of now unavailable old pieces and brand new ones as well. DIY spoken word is where its at and this is fucken RAD. WE REALLY LOVE JOLIE's STUFF, and you NEED to hear it. (Ego)

Lickety Split/Pretty Fury split cassette Coming to you from Jolie's EGO label is a tape packed with teen grrrl punch. Double yr fun double the bands. Super punk. You can hear Lickety Split on TANG Volume 2, also catch Pretty Fury's Bikini Kill covers. (Ego)

Phlegm and The Sonograms-"Herz Dein Gemuse" The party of the season! A whole slew of Jem-style songs including the now epic Boot Boy Theme. Katy, Jenny-Kay, and Erica give you all the super-pop you could want. Sparkly cover-FUNFUNFUN! (Mindkill)

The Pill-Let The Pill Take you on a Video Date The ghosty grams are no longer with us, but in their place is the wonderous teen terrorist combo known as THE PILL. You will fall in love. Slicker than the ghostees, with songs like "heartbreak shake" and "steal yr soul" Unlike anything else, creativity goin' on here. My reference points in terms of how the music makes me FEEL are beat happening and the need but who knows what you'll think. You'll be glad you listened tho. (Heroes For Today) rip

Sabrina Gonzalez-"Fallen Star" The teen girl DIY spoken word, done honest, done right. All personal, ya know, relationships...goddamnit Nicole, quit it with the weird references that amuse only ok, sorry, this is a good tape, I mean duh it is, we asked Jolie if we could distro it after all. Support tape deck spoken word. (EGO)

Seaside Apartments/The Scaries/The Bubblegum Conspiracy what you get is three different teen girl pop bands. The seaside Alartments utilize their keyboards to the fullest possible potential with ultra-pop excellence including a FANTASTIC Bratmobile cover. Very 80s-innovation that's sweeping the nation. The Scaries bring keyboard insanity to a new level with their songs about tables and chars falling in love and a dying tape recorder. Finally The Bubblegum conspiracy brings this split on home with marker box drum beats and tails of teen mags. The end. (Kitty Cat Heart Attack)

The Shimmy Beckers-"Barf-O-Matic" AWWW YEAH! "the ultimate in cafeteria core" is right. Sugar high teen punk with more bad attitude than you can shake a stick at. Screamy girl/boy vocals that you'd have to get up pretty early in the morning to beat. (Heroes For Today)

Skinned Teen-"Total Tiger Beat" Oh please. How bad do you want it? Really really really bad??? Damn straight. I wanted it really really bad too. Early recordings by the teen punk luminaries you've been missing- X-tra screamy, one of the screamiest tapes I've ever heard (Spazoom)

The Space Kaddettes-"Cooler Kiss Kiddo" fuzzy punkity pop starring frumpies-influenced troubled youths who are deep into the slick punk, ya know? 2 boys and a girl. Comes in a pop corn box and it’s appropriate packaging. Very RG-influenced if ya know what I mean and features appropriate covers yes it does (You Throw Like A Girl)

Various-"A Sleepie Mix" THIS IS A 7" RECORD. My Room Record tucks you in with this lovely sampler sure to sweetin yr dreams as you hum a long into sleep. Make a Wish, Goodnight Moon, Sarcastic Bitch, Acetomenaphen, and complete sentances from the excelleny my room roster make apperences amd convert you to fan status I bet. Evey cut's a winner, sugar with bite, I tell ya (My Room Records)

Various-"Battle of the Bands vol. 1" THIS IS A 7" RECORD. IT COSTS $3 Super-8 brings you it's first release- a crucial 7" featuring the unreleased gem "Nancy Drew" by the much missed skinned teen, followed by three songs from the new wave on young bands to show you where we're headed. Catchy tunes from Angora, the Knock-Ups, and The Rondelles will dry yr tears shed over great bands gone, cuz you'll realize there's lots up ahead. Listen and enjoy. (Super-8 Underground)

Various-"It Came From The 80s" For yr four bux you get both a zine and a tape featuring the childhood memories of such 80s-survivors as The Roommates, The Ghosty Grams, The Shimmy Beckers, Nicole, Jolie, Now We Are Six, and even more! (Kitty Cat Heart Attack)

Various-"My Mind's Killing Me" THIS COSTS $5 The long awaited compilation from the always exquisite Mindkill records is a mix tape masterpiece and mission statement of sorts from Katy and John to you. Comes with a lil mini zine with pages by each band. And who are the bands, you might ask. Well, there's a Lucky Tiger pop confection that WILL NOT be available elsewhere with the new as-kicking lineup and at this point this comp is the ONLY place to hear the current configuration and believe me, you need to hear it. Also the crucial second installment of the "punx killing cops" epic is available here exclusively. On the non-PTB bands front there's new stuff from Phlegm and the sonograms, DPW, Blow it up kitty cats, Bubby Girl, Jarbaby, No Contest...SO much more. (Mindkill)

Various-"The Pink Lemonade Affair" SOLD OUT FOR NOW. THIS COSTS $5 What have we here? When you order this package of goodness you are getting a tape, a zine (not a mini zine either, a full length action packed, also sold seperately [just not by us] zine), and a beautiful poster. This whole thing was orchastrated by Miss Katy Jellybean. The Pink Lemonade Affair is her awesome new zine addressing the need for political rock on stagnancy of a kind within the DIY scene as well as more personal writings, a DPW cute band alert, and a Lucky Tiger centerfold that's a total keeper. She also put together a soundtrack for the zine, half an hour of music from herself, blow it up kitty cats, Eugene K (DPW), and Nicole. All songs are totally exclusive to this must-have endevor. And you get a damn poster thrown in as well! Hello, don't pass this one up! (Mindkill/Pom Pom Squad Productions)

Various-"RIOT" Girl-centric compilation featuring music and spoken word by luminaries such as The Others, The Volenteens, Anna C. Damnit, Sabrina Gonzalez, phlegm and the Sonograms, Meghan Pout, The Post Toasties, Jolie, and a lot more. One-three cuts per performer. Another good way to check out the rad stuff that's going on. (Ego)

Various-"24-Hr. Drive Thru" Rad mostly teen band comp. featuring such legends as The shimmy beckers, The ghosty Grams, Lucky Tiger, Phlegm and The sSOnograms, the Roommates, DPW, Skinned teen, Mocket, The Lefties, Bunnygrunt, the Panties, and a lot more. Excellent D.i.Y. sampler. (Heroes For Today)

Various-"Veronica Lodge audio zine" An hour and a half of listening enjoyment from Jolie. She's adapted her print zine Veronica Lodge to the audio format for thios very special issue. On the Betty Cooper Side, Louisa interviews Nicole about stuff for very long time. And Nicole shares a tune. On the Josie side, Anna C. Dammit does excellent innovative spoken word, and Jolie does too. Check it out. (ego)

ALSO: Give Me What You Got is a zine done by Emily from Lucky Tiger. There may well never be another issue, so if you want #1 or #2, you best be sending us 2 stamps/75 cents asap