Here are some other labels to check out. Send a couple of stamps for a catalog/info, or if it’s in a different country than you are, try an IRC if you can’t get aholda the proper stamps:
MINDKILL 6234 Wynmoor Dr., * Cicero, Ny 13039 * USA
Super 8 Underground * P.O. Box 12125* Berkely, CA* 94712*USA
Octopus Head*532 Elmwood Rd.*Pownal, ME *14069* USA
EGO. * 728 N. Union, * Union City, IN 47390 * USA
Mitten Girl * 6255 E. Via de La Yerba * Tucson, AZ 85719 * USA
Pink Tweed * P.O.Box 3843 * Gastonia, NC * 28054-0020 * USA
Right On! * Mark * 710 W. Orlando * Apt. 3-A * Normal IL 61761-1158 * USA
My Room Records * PO Box 264 * Sierra Madre, CA * 91025-0264 * USA
My Mean Mustard/Magpie * PO Box 68568 36OA Bloor St. W. * Toronto, ON * M55 1X1 * Canada
Endearing* PO Box 69009* Winnipeg, MB * R3P 2G9 * Canada
Spazoom*27 Railway St.*Cardiff* CF2 2DE*UK
Delores' Restaurant * 140 Main St.,* Thomaston, ME 04361 * USA
Doll House Tragedy * 1272 East 3rd St. * St. Paul, MN 55106-5707 * USA
Kitty Cat Heart Attack if you wanna write to Sarah, please email her at All mail to her PO box is in grave danger of being thrown out by her parents.
You Throw Like A Girl * 637 Yarnell Rd * Searcy AR 72148 * USA
Slampt * PO Box 54* Heaton, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE6 5YW * UK
Chapter 11 Records* 115 Romaine Ave * Maywood NJ 07607 * USA
LOVEUGLY * Alex, 10903 N. Main St., * Archdale, N.C. 27263 * USA
Pisces cata-zine * 369 So. Doehny Dr. #106 Beverly Hills, CA 90211 * USA Not a recording label, but an awesome collection of all kinds of stuff, from homemade incense to tapes to 90210 napkins. Yeah, for real!
Lady Lazarus * 120 NE State #1488 * Olympia, WA 98501 * USA This is a T-shirt, sticker, and patch catalogue with lotsa pro girl pro queer + 80s appreciation type stuff, plus PTB and TANG shirts and shirts for some other cool bands and labels. A must.