
This page not only contains roumors but facts to any true BSB fan can tell the difference.


Howie is gay.	

Kevin is married and has 2 kids.	

Nick is hanson's long lost brother.	

Brian is a virgin.	

AJ is going bald.	

Howie used to be a girl.	

Kevin used to wax his eyebrows.		

Nick is engaged to a girl named Ger Cha.	

Brian wears a size 10.		

AJ carries condoms in his wallet.		

Howie flunked the third grade.		

Nick is "really wacked out".	

Brian is verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry shy.		

AJ and Nick got in a fist fight and AJ won

Howie lip syncs.

Nick is the tragic result of a sheep and a giraffe.(don't ask)

Brian LOVES zebras!!!!!!!!!	

Howie used to be a girl

Kevin has the biggest feet of the group

AJ is engaged to a girl from Milwaukee who is pregnent with his child

Howie's engaged to her brother

Nick collects beanie babies.

Brian is afraid of heights.

Brian recently broke up with his b**** a** g.f. Leighanne (thanx 2 Joy 4 this one)

Cal and Exeder wake and bake eveey day (inside joke sorry)

Howie has been possessed by an alien that makes him have that awful twitch.

Nick's possesed by Steve McQueen (Hey anything can happen in the wonderful world of roumors)

Billy Joe Bob is standing behing you with a pick axe.

alright time to be serious... nah nooooo the hyperness is taking over my body help!!!!

Lance and Howie bang in the back of Aaron Carter's tour bus.

AJ's 23 not 21 (2 words... oh my)

Kev refused an offer to pose n*de for *laygirl (I'd like to get my hands on that issue, damn Kev why'd you say no?)

Ok my contact info is on the front, anything you wanna say take care of it there.