Grand Teton National Park

We went through the Tetons just before going north into Yellowstone. By the way, the name "grand tetons" means large breasts. Assumedly, the first European explorers in the area believed this is what the mountains looked like.

Yellowstone National Park

Yellowstone is filled with thermally active spots, and has lots of geysers, mudpots, and other stuff like that. There are three main areas, or basins, of high geothermal activity in Yellowstone. Seen above are a heated spring, and Old Faithful, the geyser which erupts on a regular basis.

Devil's Tower National Monument

After going past Yellowstone through northern Wyoming, and after visiting the Buffalo Bill Cody museum, we ventured to Devil's Tower in northeastern Wyoming. There was a neat story about a bear creating the tower, but I'll have to check on that. This is me with my brother, Micah, standing in front of it. There were climbers way climbing up the side of the tower, which seemed to look nearly impossible to me.

The Badlands

After leaving Wyoming we went through South Dakota on the way home, and saw Mount Rushmore and the Badlands, which are seen above.