The Cabin in the Woods/a.k.a The Knowby Cabin(The Evil Dead, Evil Dead II and flashback sequence in Army of Darkness): Owned by Professor Raymond Knowby, this is the place where everything starts. Located in some woods near the Tenessee border, this cabin results to be the graveyard for all of those who dare to play with unknown things.

Linda(The Evil Dead): I think this Linda(there are three, you know, one per movie) is prettiest of them all!! Played by Betsy Baker(This is her one and only movie), this beautiful girl stole my heart. Just like Ash, I suffered when I knew her destiny. This was the first time I dropped a tear for a horror movie character....y'know, I fell in love with this girl!

Linda-2(Evil Dead II): Alright. Denise Bixler plays this one. Some people thought she was Linnea Quigley, but... I don't know. The very good thing about this Linda is that she gets more acting in the movie...after dying. The biting head is a must-see!!

Professor Knowby's Ghost(Evil Dead II): Raymond Knowby dissappeared shortly after his wife Henrietta became a deadite with the face of Ted Raimi(whoops!).Anyway, this brief-acting ghost knows the solution for the end(but not "THE" end!)of the nightmare.