Drawings Of Rumiko Takahashi's INUYASHA
Lyn Daniel
And Links To Inuyasha
1. Inuyasha Watercolor. 114K
2. Inuyasha, pinned to a tree by a magical arrow. 43K
3. Shippou, a kitsune, with Inuyasha and Kagome.
4. Kagome yelling "Osuwari!" ("Sit!") to Inuyasha. b&w ink. 80K
5. Inuyasha, responding to Kagome's command! 163K
6. Inuyasha, wondering what is around his neck. 67K
7. Inuyasha and Kagome. 30K
8. Kagome and Kaede. b&w ink. 121K
Links To Inuyasha
Chris Rijk's Inuyasha page---scans, translation, cultural information, everything!
Peter Verrey's The Inuyasha Clubhouse---pictures, reviews, news, and more!
Sasuga Japanese Bookstore. Purchase the manga. $6.50 + $4 first book, 50 cents second book shipping costs.
Ryoga and P-chan asleep.
Comments? E-mail me: ldaniel@mail.coin.missouri.edu
Inuyasha is copyrighted by Rumiko Takahashi, author/artist; Shogakukan in Japan;
and Viz Communications, Inc. in North America.
Background by JPayne. http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/6603/mybac.htm