From the window of my brown study, Chrysanthemum Park is minted into green and yellow when the sun chooses to be a goldsmith. The trees hum and drone with bumble-bees. Giant oaks roll their lost acorns with gnarled fingers deep inside hollow pockets. Rabbits and hares gambol about busily, in and out of burrows, ears always to the ground; stopping only to wash their hands of dust, pollen, and leisure. Pearly white spiders knit endless trampolines with spruce needles. Green darners float around, their shiny wings iridescent with dreamy languor. Chattering sparrows kick up their heels. Halcyon moments, by the ruffled lake -- and the kingfisher, brilliant, fishes for compliments. Squirrels and chipmunks, self-appointed surveyors scamper up and down pines, birches, larches -- measuring and mapping throughout the hours. Then they squat down, twirling their moustaches, spending their time of day solving complicated sums in the shade of the mushrooms. Amnesiac misers with their hoards of nuts and berries, their chatter crackles into the slow lazy static on the vacant radio in the still summer afternoon . . . Srinjay Chakravarti
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