"To My Grandson"

To My Grandson...

Someday, when you have grown 
tall like the oak tree I planted in 
the yard the summer you were born,
I hope you remember the many things
we shared- 
hot chocolate on a cold winter day,
hot dogs with catsup,
popcorn at the movies
hits batted in at your Little League game
so many others, each so special 
and filled with love.

I still remember your solemn face
as you told me how you would miss
me if anything would ever happen to me,
for there was no doubt that you meant 
every word.
No one but a grandmother who has raised
a little boy could ever know all the love
and trust that went into those words.
No one but me could ever love you 
back so much.


copyright April 2000
Judith Anne Labriola

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