Wisdom to rock me on my heels, spoken by a child with far seeing eyes who did not even know how much she said with so few words. And so I consider a life that speaks plainly of itself, breathing, sharing, exposing and yet the gordian knot of the spirit within remains untouched, not known, perhaps never knowable. Soflty spoken hints that echo to the ear, wry truth offered by a soul too long viewing a fun house mirror and thinking this was real. But even if my eyes have seen an updated image of skin, what i feel is a boy with a buzz cut running full out across a grass field who wanted to shout the truth of himself to an eye watering summer sky who wrapped himself in a coccoon of someday and waits there, eyes bright with wishes promises and the blaze of every shooting star deep inside the man that is, awaiting the one he will someday be.
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