Michael Pollick was born in Ohio in 1964, but has called Alabama his home for the past 15 years. His interest in poetry began at the age of 16, when his English teacher submitted his work to several anthologies and magazines.
Nearly twenty years later, his work has appeared in such magazines and journals as the Iconoclast, the Midwest Poetry Review, Elk River Review, HART, and the Vermillion Literary Project. His poem Pinaud's Tonic is included in a peace anthology entitled Will Work for Peace, edited by New York poet Brett Axel and featuring a virtual who's who of today's working poets, including Lyn Lifshin, Donald Hall, Martin Espada and Marge Pie Michael is happily married to his wife Amy, a news assistant for the local paper. He enjoys reading and critiquing poetry, so feel free to contact him at michaelpollick@hotmail.com
I want to congratulate him on all his achievements, and also for his fine contribution to Euphoria, with his winning poem "Make believe Ballroom, and also for his new Website, called "Collateral Damage" which promotes his new CD, and tells you how to obtain one!
and when all that remains of our dimestore dances are scuffs on aching linoleum, I shall consider you carefully, and know that we were gods once. this was how the Rockefellers played it, all hot and close enough to the bones; we blew eight to the bar, eight to the bar, on blistered rugs and buckling storeroom floors. and you were all fierce reds and polished whites, clapping and surging with the pulses of Dorsey, whirling and crackling with the promises of Miller, turning and wailing with the heat of the vacuums. Today, I played the Dorsey once more, and as the needle danced back and forth on only a paper moon only a paper moon only a paper moon, I heard the creaking of the storeroom boards, and for one dying moment you and I were spooning, in the dust of our makebelieve ballroom. -- copyright 2000 Michael Pollick
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