Sandiego Evenings, Serene...

a thousand miles from yesterday
recurrent dreams of tomorrow

Serenity did I meet you
within the elevated contours of Miramar lake
had I known your name then
as I recall your voluminous breath now
embraced in tranquil pose
upon a stolid rock overlooking
the California landscape, breathtaken

peering wondrously
into the brushstroked sky
sunkiss orange hues
intermingling with lavendar 
with the naturalness of friendship

hot air balloons borne upon the gentle breezes
as if ascending to embrace possibility
if only for a breath of a fleeting evening

Serenity was it you which filled me
inhaling the San Diego serene evenings

a thousand miles from yesterday
recurrent dreams of tomorrow

sometimes I close my eyes
in hope to recall your breath
and once again float within
your intoxicating horizons
for I never truly long
to forget you

~Ron Casison

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