Well, by now I hope you are full and comfortable. You have had a snack, a drink, and a nice relaxing time. Time to pass some relaxing cheer, friendship, love, and well wishes on to your friends! I have enclosed some sites here that have cards, food, musical cards, and BUNCHES of free stuff!! Be sure to check it all out. And if today doesnt hold enough hours..... Come back tomarrow!I hope my new homepage is as enjoyable for you to visit as it as for me to make!! After this page.... be sure to go on to the next and see my family!

1-800-FLOWERS ~> Here is site that is just breat taking....to bad they arent real! :-)
All Occassion Cards ~> the name just about says it!
BeMine Greetings! ~> This one is for the romantic side of you....check it out!
Bear Island ~> This site is made up of ALL teddy bears! Send someone you care about a teddy today!
Mail-a-Meal ~> Send someone a snack, a beverage, or a full course meal....without gaining weight!! :-)
Forever Yours Musical Greeting Cards ~> Add a little spice to your cards or just a touch of forever!
AngelWinks Heavenly Post Card Shoppe ~> Send a little bit of Heaven to someone you care about so they know they are not alone!