8/27/00 - CHAOS AT SHOWPLACE THEATOR!!! The band wants to thank all who kame out to the show...holy
fuckin lord shit was insane! Boomshaka kicked it off and shit was damn crazy, kids were slammin each
other all over the place. Next came Atomic Boy which had 1 of the best sickest fuckin circle pits
EVER for a showplace show! Next came Psyco, My Girlfriend's Cat's Butt Stinks, I Wish I Was A Lezbian,
and then Emo Is For Pussies which Phat Mess came out in a BIG fuckin tutu and butterfly wings, and
holy fuckin shit during the song for the soft part there was like lighters and shit gettin waved in
the air. After that song the winged out (and totally butchered) Pantera's Great Southern Trend Kill
which EVERYONE was goin ape shit for in the pit...HOLY FUCKIN CHRIST WAS IT BRUTAL! During 1 of the
songs some kids brought in a shopping cart from somewhere outside and ended up kicking it and beating
it as REALLY fuckin awe...that's all we really gotta say...we were just in awe! Somtime
after some song we took out letuce heads which ended up a-flyin' shreaded lettuce being whipped in a
big food fight type was INSANE! Engine Asylum caused very much pit camotion as destruction
tore up from that song...last but not least, the oncore song chanted for the band over and over, 
DRINK! FUCK! KILL! DESTROY! soon as this started playing, people were literally clawing thier 
way onto the stage and fuckin just all hell broke loose on stage. So many kids were fuckin rippin up
there that it was to much to control, some kid even got onto the drum riser and took his pants off,
time and we were fuckin pumped to have everyone come out, we love ya, like we do every show that 
shall come in the future. Thanx for being there and lettin us rock ya like Amedeous. A final bit of
news as well...we have found a new 2nd guitarist, his name is Ian Peacock and he'll soon rip shit up

8/22/00 - HELLZ YEAH FOR PORNSTAR!!! He's a mother fuckin trooper and a half. He is gonna be fine,
he's a little fucked in the hip and leg, but he will be ok soon. However sadly he kan't go to the
first BT show :( which MEGA sux dick, but we r rooting his ass for a full recovery, and we dedicate
the whole set to the man known as Clayton Westberg! We love ya buddy! Get better!
          WE MIGHT HAVE A NEW 2ND GUITARIST!!! His name is Ian Peacock, from South Buffalo. He won't
be till after the first show for try outs, but hey, if he duz good...FUCKIN A THAT WILL RULE!!! He's
got a 7-string and kan fuckin nail really good is what we hear, so if he passes the test, then hellz
fuckin yeah we r MEGA rippin shit up then!

8/15/00 - we got some news that is fuckin MEGA sad for us and we dunno what's up w/ it. Clayton got
into a car accident with his mom a few days ago...we just got word on it today. We hear both were
in critical condition but no details r out yet besides he's not to good right now. Claton we fuckin'
love ya man, please get better! Other than this sad ass news... not much is to report. Take kare,
and long live the fuckin wicked tribe.

8/14/00 - Here's some news for ya! The band for the show MIGHT use Dinkus 9's horn section now due
to the boys in Ten Cent Tip not being able to hit up the horn section. Not just that though...BOSS
TRIBAL might get Pete Jankowski as a 2nd singer. Mostly Pete will help on back ups and few other
things. Mark feels the way Pete duz in music for singing, meaning he's more of a single singer type
band person for shit, but says back ups and shit helped a lot. Pete was at the BT Crew's last 
practice and did damn good, so who knows. Updates on this shit lay-tah!

8/11/00 - More show dates posted up for later on...we'll be playin around all over the fuckin place
soon. Keep watch! Also we're gonna try and have the T-shirts on sale at the concert too, we hope we
kan strike this deal so we kan bust sum booootay. C ya soon!

8/2/00 - First we got a mistake we said last week. We didn't meet up w/ Primer like we were supose
to even though it was up on the page here before we went to see em. They weren't in Rochester cuz
they had like a day off or sumthin. No biggie, we're giving them the tape tonight though! We're 
also giving a tape to Ignite and to Glassjaw.
         Show shit's lookin good still too, the preasure of the show is being a pain in the ass,
just cuz of perfecting everything. A few more things gotta be done, and they still need a few more
props (but they have like VERY little $). Oh well, no biggie, more newz 2 come later.

7/28/00 - Well things at the moment are lookin good for the show. Also there shall be T-Shirts 
possibly ready for all u psycotic fucks ta get yer grubby little fingers on. Also a spot of News,
Mark is to meet Primer 55 in Rochester to hand em a rough copy of a shitty demo tape. Hopefully
it'll be pretty kickin to em. Other than that, nothing else is going on.

7/22/00 - Well we got a whole shitload of news right now. First off...u probobly heard the news
goin around, and yeah, we're very sad to say (VERY SAD), Derek has left the band. It was kind of
a mutual kick out break up thing sorta. More or less, he wanted to go, he just had no "feel for
the music anymore cuz other things were more important". Well...we're gonna miss that fucker, 
A LOT. Now comes a quest for a new guitarist... someone who kan kick fuckin ass and is 1 psycotic
homicidal beeeeeich.
          Here's some fuckin WHOOP ASS news though. Mark went to go and see the band's buds KITTIE
beat the fuck outta Rochester. They did of coarse, along with Primmer 55, Revielle, and headliner
Godsmack. Mark gave Kittie a tape to check out, like was kick ass. But what's even
more nuts is this, the band hooked up with a band who was chillin with all the bands (they didn't
play they were just guests), kalled NMSO4, who is actually gonna air on Farmclub sometime REAL 
soon. The band was kool as mutha fuckin hell! Them and BT r hookin up a kan a whoop ass from coast
to coast, helping each other around. ON TOP OF THAT, CHECK THIS!!! The guys from PRIMMER 55 
remembered Mark big time (remember Mark rapped with them at Runwayz at thier 10 person show).
PRIMMER 55 said they want a demo tape BAD, and u know what, NO FUCKIN PROBLEM! Aug 2nd is the day
we kan fork it over to em cuz we'll see them and SOULFLY

7/17/00 - Yo peeps some kickin news. Since we got no horn section for the show...the great 
fuckin boys in the band 10 CENT TIP are gonna fill the spots we need so dearly. Don't disclose
this means we now have horn players, we are actually gonna try out that kid Dave cuz he wants to
go and check us out....soooooo, it looks good on that end. We give MAD fuckin props to TCT cuz
holy piss, that saves us for shit goin down. Remember kiddies, we're still lookin for a horn 
section and another precusionist, so hey, if u got the skills, hit the fuck up w/ us. As for the
Derek situation, he's got till Tuesday to tell us what's up...hopefully the CEREAL KILLA' will
stay in the wicked crew like he always has. More of shit lata'!

7/14/00 - In the midst of all the good news of the band, somthin bad is happening and the band 
is not sure what will happen but, Derek "CEREAL KILLA'" Knop, might leave or be booted out of
the band. Derek says that he's not serious anymore and he has other comitments and bullshit.
However, if anything does happen, the band is STILL gonna play the show, and they'll try 
someone out later. As of right now it's Derek's call of, he kan know where his balls are and
practice and whoop ass on stage w/ the band, or be just another band member that coulda been.
We're pretty frustrated but hey, that's the bizness. We'll see what happenes within a few days
time. Also, for the show, we have word that since we got no horn section at the moment, 10 Cent
Tip's horn players got time and kan probobly help us for the show. We'll update more on shit

7/12/00 - Yo people! The show comming up is definitly going to happen...however it's not gonna
be a 6 band show, it's gonna be a 4 band show (for the moment anyways). MADD DOGG to this show 
however feels a little sceptical, not on being ready cuz he knows they will, but they need more
equipment and they needhorns to complaete the sound they want... Latly what has been going on is
Will has been doing the DJ-ing and doing better than his trumpet work, so he is sticking to DJ 
shit instead of trumpet, which isn't a problem cuz we needed that bad. He has asked his friend 
Dave (who I guess is first chair trumpet in his skool), to join the band, and he don't mind at
all but has to see if he really has time...damn sure hope so. Now some bad news...Brian Newberry,
who we love a LOT, is gonna be kicked out. We love the kid and wanna keep him as a close band 
homie, but he kan't come much cuz his summer skool since we practice late (parents suck). It's 
not his fault, he's a good kid, we still love em. Oh we're lookin for a precusion dude
PLAYER! If anyone kan help out, (PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE!), help us out! Lata!

7/10/00 - EL ANUNCIO DE LA CENTURA ES AQUI!!!!! Yo mutha fucka's we got sum damn kickin shit
for ya, somthin ya all been festering over for like fuckin ages. Ladies and gentalman, BOSS
TRIBAL is going to play some shows DAMN soon! August 27th is a date they are thinking about
hitting up, and then in late september they r definitly doing a CD release party show for thier
boys BLOODLUNG. More on that shit in the SHOW section.
          BT is gonna be meetin up with a lot of professional bands commin up, including thier
kick ass girlz from Canadia, KITTIE and later on, Max Cavolero and his boyz in Soulfly. The
band is gonna try to make some kick ass tapes for them SOON. More on what's commin up later.

7/5/00 - Want sum fireworks...we'll give u some damn fireworks, UP YOUR POOP HOLE! The real 
fireworks isn't outside though...but how much progress has come from 2 weeks of NOTHING cuz of
crap, to an AMAZING weekend for the band! First off we have some INCREDIBLE news. This shocked
the fuck outta the band that this happened...a FAN (who so happens to be in the band Mizer), 
has hooked BT up to AND is making a BOSS TRIBAL FAN PAGE!!! U FUCKIN HEARD RIGHT!!! 
The web page isn't up yet but will be soon, the adress is and will probobly be
fuckin INCREDIBLE. We gotta give MEGA big props to Dave Barnes (the kid who did it)...thanx man,
u don't know how much we fuckin love yer ass for this! 
         In more news, the band is now has a new keyboardist!!! His name is Steve Bruza, a killer
Clarence brutha they kall SIN. He is a gentalman and fine young lad...who will destroy u all!!!
Get ready for carnage cuz BT iz WHOOPIN!
         Over the weekend it was pure fucking INSANITY. BT crew members in attendance came to see
a hell of a spectical of sum shows. Friday night was kickin w/ a preformance of THE IMPORTS, 
IDLE HANDS (from California), BLANE, MEXICAN CESSION, and the one and only BUDGETS! The Budgets
just for MADD DOGG played the song WHY DO MEN HAVE NIPPLES?! Where MADD DOGG jumped up on stage 
and kicked it, not only with the Budget crew, but all star veteran and ex-budget member...the 1
and only Donny Walker (oh mad props...just mad fuckin props to that bastard cuz he fuckin KIX!!!).
The show was insane with kids just screaming thier balls off "I DON'T KNOW?!". Oh how fun!
         Finally...the ultimate. If u missed Saturday's show of scene new commers NEMESIS ENFORCER,
DEPLORE, SHORT OF BREATH, and DROPGOD. Dropgod invited Mark to sing PIG IN BONDAGE with the band
and holy fuck, SHIT WAS RIPPIN!!! The crowd was fuckin goin ape shit! The Dropgod crew was savage
as fuck and Mark with his evil ass demonic vocals completed the recipie for hell that night. Just
fucking amazing...that's all that can be said. Later on Short Of Breath was joined on stage by
Steve from DISPLACED, Aaron of BLOODLUNG, and Mark, to do the song THE VOICE IN THE WIRE. That
made 7 fuckin insane bastards DESTROYING the crowd! The place was utter chaos, and the coolest 
moment was the jump off the drum riser by like 6 of the crazy fuckers! The weekend was the bizomb!
The preformance of Saturday was caught on video tape as well which is gonna be copied and passed
around kinda like an underground thing's more or less Mike of Short Of Breath's idea
but a DAMN good 1! Soon BT is gonna have shows of thier own...DAMN soon too, so u are warned

6/26/00 - Well a little brightness to the bad shitty weeks past. John is healed! YES! HEALED MY 
BRUTHA'S AND SISTA'S! WE HAVE REDEMPTION! (Amen!) Give me a Halelujah! (Halelujah!)....ahem. Also
Mark is gettin over his sickness pretty damn good. Plus he said he thought of some other things
for's all lookin up from this end. More news soon.

6/21/00 - We got a tripple shot of WHAT THE FUCK today ladies and gentalman. First off...still no
reply on how John's hand is from his little incident. 2nd thing is...Mark's condintion is atually
not a sinus infection...IT'S FUCKING MONO! JUST FUCKIN BEAUTIFUL! And some last bit of news, Will
needs to get sergery on his hand due to a ligimant not conecting to the bone in his wrist. MAYBE
next week things will be up to speed...but other than that...NOTHIN!

6/18/00 - Mark's condition has progressivly gotten worse, fuckin Sinus Infection is what it looks 
like. Well hopefully by next week he'll get better from his medication that he's gonna get. As for
John we're not sure yet...he might be ok by the week. What's all with this sicknesses and shit?
Anyways...for a spot of good news, which is actually really good. A kid named Steve could possibly
be our next keyboardist...hopefully he'll hit up w/ em. More shit soon.

6/16/00 - Well John's hand is slowly progressing to getting better kinda thank god, and the torment
of exams and graduation is almost done, making the band be able to hit back on shedual. Mark at the
moment however has what looks like a sinus infection. Kan u say WHAT THE FUCK? I sure kan. If it
ain't 1 thing it's the next. Some good news for u people though, the band thinks that u all been
waiting like patient little addicts, so the band is gonna tell u about 1 of the new songs that is
being worked on. It's a song kalled EL REI. The lyrix will soon be finished and posted here later.
By the way...the next BOSS TRIBAL news letter is on the way! adios!

6/14/00 - Yo people. John's hand seems to be ok kinda, it might take less than a week to heal...
we'll see what's up w/ that. As for some other shit goin down, more songs r being fucked around 
with a few other band members. They aren't practicing heavily or anything till exams r done, which
sux, but hey, oh well. The band is gonna record sum good recordings after though, and from them 
they will put them onto MP3 and boot em onto, plus some other crap like Farmclub or 
whatever. More news on shit to come...keep kool!

6/13/00 - Here's a bit of disturbing news. John was a dumb bitch and busted a fuckin Jack Daniels
bottle on a fuckin pipe by accident, which sliced the fuck out of his index finger. First of all
breaking a Jack Daniels that fuckin sux, there better not have been any fuckin alcohal
in that thing, that shit shouldn't go to waste. The bottle seems to be in critical condition... it
could possibly be it's last hurrah. As for John himself, we'll keep u posted on that fuckhead's
finger. Send him a get well soon card and sum chocolates or sum shit.

6/11/00 - Nothin hardly has been goin down...just mostly writtin stuff since the skool exam shit's
goin down, ah well. The good news is however the band will be in a definite full swing very soon
again. This time off fuckin sux...waiting blows, ah well. Expect to see a lot of good shit come 
within a week to week and a half. 

6/9/00 - Well not a ton has been happening except for the getting of more equipment. Other than
that just a lot of writing and shit. The band has had to ease a bit cuz of final exams and shit
in skool for peeps, but as soon as thier done, the band is goin full throtle. Expect shows pretty
soon after they get reajusted. Thier hoping END of July. Also, MADD DOGG is talking to Ben Tenario
from the old Space Techno band SONIC INVASION out of Menomee Wisconsin. He's tryin to get his ass
here to hit with the band and maybe wanna try out for the band. Who knows, Ben is a killer kid and
said he wants to hit up stuff and visit. Well more news to come soon.

6/3/00 - Well not much has really gone down, however a few kool things. 1 thing right now, is
that, BOSS TRIBAL is possibly recording a 4-way split CD type comp with the bands Bloodlung, 
Deplore, and Short Of Breath. The release date is not sure of, but the plans are almost a
definite. if it does happen (most likly will) it seems the thing should be recorded LATE July or
August. As for the Glassjaw show and exchanging the tape...sadly there was none. Why? THEY
CANCELLED! However rumor has it that they r touring with Deftones who r commin here REALLY soon. is a MEGA fuckin long shot but it's being worked on. Right now the band is talking
about shit for shows. The band is gonna try to make a tape for a contest to get on Warped to play
on the ERNIE BALL stage...wanna hear an even harder long ya go, BT is gonna try to
play with thier friends KITTIE, and the all mighty STATIC-X! How?...well MADD DOGG is the 
promoter for Runwayz (a place here in Buffalo's outskirts), and he's gonna see what he kan do to
get BT on the show. Doubt it will happen but hey who knows.

5/21/00 - Over the weekend shit was pretty hectic. The only real major things that happened was
that MADD DOGG sang with Primmer 55 at a show that hardly ANYONE came out to see do to the 
promotion being so low key. Still however...a KILLER show. Mark just kicked sum of PSYCO and
into a freestyle spit. Pretty fuckin wicked. Clayton just laughed his ass off pretty much.
          The following day, thier boys Dropgod played a set at The Basement Bar and Nate, Erik,
AJ, Brian, and Will were all screamin to Mikey Woods to have Mark do back ups for thier final 
song, PIG IN BONDAGE. The crowd was fuckin hype, and a lot of people were like "awww yeah". It
was a kick ass night. That's all for now I guess.

5/19/00 - We got some fucked up news for u peeps tonight so sit tight for this 1. The band has
came to the conclusion, Jerid Donovan, is booted out of the band. The reason of this is cuz he
"has no time for the band at this moment", or so he says. He told Mark a while back he needed
time off for work and to pay off his fine and community service for his court shit...well the
days he had off and could have practiced, he went skateboarding. The band didn't mind till they
really needed him, and now he says he needs time, yer ditches them when he could be doing work.
Well the band said fuck that, and within an hours worth of time checked out a bassist named 
Erik Stahavich. Nate, our fuckin kick ass techie, got us this connection. Erik who we tried 
out is... let me put it this way... BETTER THAN FUCKIN LES CLAYPOOL!!!!! The kid is fucking
AMAZING! On top of that he learned 2 song IMMEDIATLY within the shitty short practice they 
had. EVERYTHING is still on shedual!
         Future plans so far??? Well June 1rst is the Glassjaw show. The band wants to get 4
to 5 songs down on a pretty presentable tape to the band. Glassjaw is a new upcomming band 
that is simply off the fuckin hook! Also, the band now has been lookin at what they kan do
for show shit. Mark says he wants to strive for a show around July 30th but is affraid to give
a release date of when the band will have thier show because they need to have EVERYTHING 
perfected, plus they STILL need to find a DJ, keyboardist, extra precusionist, AND the horn
section pieces of a trombone and sax. The quest for such is hard but looking up. For DJ they
are gonna try to test Joe Fambo... hopefully he kan scratch fuckin like DJ Kilmore or sum
shit... ah well. More news to hit soon. C ya peeps.

5/11/00 - Some good news in between this little period of silence. We have now a GREAT version
of DRINK! FUCK! KILL! DESTROY! the band kan use for guidlines of any sort (as in places to put
in bass, precusion, horns, ect). If ya want a copy AOL IM or ICQ Mark for a copy. Engine
Asylum should be next up for it. PSYCO possibly too. If things keep going good maybe we'll book
a show in LATE July but not sure... we don't wanna get ahead of ourselves and fuck ANYTHING up.

5/2/00 - It seems the good luck is pourin on the BT crew lately...hopfully more will come. 
Here's some great news. The band has almost got everything they need now. Nate got a fuckin 14
piece drum set which REALLY kix ass. We're gettin a killer PA very soon too. We're gonna soon
try out that sax player, and keyboardist. AWWWWWWW YEAH! More shit ta come people!

5/1/00 - WE HAVE A TRUMPET PLAYER LAY-DEEZ AND GENITAL MEN!!! Will Glazier or as we kall him 
"SANCHO DE LA BOO-YAH!" we thought was gonna be a DJ for the band but it seems his expertese is
also in trumpet and in bass...VERY FUCKIN VERSITILE! Will is an amazing kid that is a KILLER
musician. He is gonna get the band a trombone player as well...kan u say fooook yeah?! As for
John's court shit...things at the moment r ok, we'll see what is gonna happen very soon with the
whole situation. In the meantime we'll keep u posted...his hand is back to normal kinda too, so
it seems things r looking WAY up! More news to come VERY soon!

4/28/00 - Some updating here for ya peeps...6 days w/out sum news is kinda shitty soooooooo...
First we r awaiting the virdict on John's court case on what the hell's up w/ that. 2nd thing,
we're still awaiting his hand to become perfectly fine to play again...we think he will by this
upcomming week. Some even better news, we have now a contact for yet another DJ to check out PLUS
a trumpet player! Will Glazier (DJ), and Mitch Guntler (trumpet) were asked by MADD DOGG at the
US CRUSH / IGNITE / GOLDFINGER show (WHICH REALLY FUCKIN KICKED!!!), to check out the band and
audition. They sound like sum killer kids so hey, wtf...get em in da shit! It seems like BT is
movin along better than fuckin EVER! Thanx to everyone who fuckin supports us and shit...we're
soooooo fuckin awaiting the time for us to come out, as are you! WE WILL VERY SOON! We got sum
new pics for ya on the page too...keep ya posted on more shit VERY soon! OH HELLZ YEAH!

4/22/00 - We have some more fuckin bad news, yet people, we do have actual good news. First...
John has got a smashed fucking finger, then was ARESTED! What happened? Well, at work, sum big
ass heavy wooden thing fell on his hand and crushed the fuckin middle finger in his 1 hand...he
tried to play with it but it hurt like a bitch. It's supposidly not broken though, which kix
balls. However, John THEN comming home, WAS FUCKING ARESTED! He was caught driving without a
license so he's probobly MEGA fucked. We'll be finding out what's up later..
          2 good things for news however! Sirken from the band Mergitroid has offered to help
BOSS TRIBAL out on keyboard shit. Kan we say fuckin hell yeah! This helps out a lot too very
much! Also, Tim Martin from the great band Creepin In (RIP...that band fuckin KICKED ASS!), has
now been asked to join the BT crew. He is a great sax player and he likes all different styles
and shit...hopefully things will kick booty with shit. WE REALLY FUCKIN HOPE SO KUZ HE KIX ASS!
More to come soon!!!

4/20/00 - We got some bad news for ya peeps...GRRRR!!! Our bassist Skarecrow is going to take
some time off from the band. The reason is due to his job and because of his court appointed
community service for for probation. FUCKIN JUDGES AND THIER SHIT COMMUNITY SERVICE!!! FUCK 
THAT SHIT! Oh well...*sigh*...He is still in the band and still wants to hit it hard, the plan
for practice is just if he duz possibly have free time on off days he kan practice, but more or
less he is goin to recieve copies of tapes of the music so he kan make bass lines to. The band
will get like a few fill in bassists or somthin in the meantime.
         Also, 1 more note of bullshit...The band has came to a decision on somthing that they
decided have talked about for a little while. We are sorry to say but DJ Twiztid has been kicked
out of the band. The reason for this is he needed to get the equipment to play stuff and go to
practice, but the band for a little while had no effort from him. The band is now in need of a
really good DJ. From Mike of Deplore they achieved a # for a kid who is said to be really 
kickin'... hopefully the kid will be really good cuz dammit thier gonna need 1. The kid for
keyboards is gonna try to be tested next week sumtime, hopefully that'll work well too.

4/18/00 - WE HAVE A NEW 2ND PRECUSSIONIST! FUCK YEAH! Mark and Brian M's friend AJ who was a
drummer for a few bands back a while ago just recently been chillin with them and wanted to
go and help the band just do a few certain things. Well since he had knowledge of drumming and
beats, Mark said hey, try out and shit. He's in! AWESOME SHIT! Aurther "RHINO" Swinarski is a
crazy ass Cheektowaga kid with an insane attitude! Hopefully Derek is chillin w/ sum hot fuckin
bitches in Florida too. More news to come later on!

4/16/00 - YO PEOPLE! We wanna give mad props to the bands that all played at the show at 
THE FUNHOUSE...IT WAS INSANE! Thanx to all the people that came out too! If u were there and
stayed, MADD DOGG did the song SHE NEVER by the great band LIMITED IDENTITY. Mark thought it
was ok, but wish he could have done better, however it was his first time ever doing that
song, plus he didn't have much time to prepare the days before the show. However if you
stayed to see FIGURE, MADD DOGG jumped up there to do the song SAVIOR, and holy fuckin hell...
THAT WAS INSANE! The FIGURE crew was pumpin fierce and Mark did sum sweet ass jumps where he
supposidly got sum mad air. FUCKIN HELLZ YEAH! Congrats to our boys in DEPLORE for winning
the recording time as well, it was very well deserved for them! 
          The band on it's binge for equipment has picked up 2 AWESOME processors, VERY soon
the band will get the mixer they have been wanting along with sum more drum shit they needed.
The band still is not definite on when they will do shows and shit...but it seems closer and
closer! They want to test out Anthony (this keyboard kid) pretty soon over spring break. If
anyone wants to try out as well then be our guest...we still need trombone, trumpet, sax,
precusion, ect. They are gonna do another better try out type practice with Joe Hooley 
(sax kid), later on as well, if anyone still wants to try out for a possition just e-mail
the band at and will give ya a shout and shit.
         Finally...THE BAND HAS AUDIO SHIT ON THE WEB PAGE NOW! They have an MP3 of DRINK!
FUCK! KILL! DESTROY!, however it doesn't sound as good as the wav version. The band has wavs
of DFKD, PSYCO, ENGINE ASYLUM's solo, and a thing that they just fcked around with at a
practice... a  spontanious thing kalled TRIBAL...VERY INSANE!

4/13/00 - Yo people! We got sum news and it's very shakey. There is a possibility Derek "CEREAL
KILLA" Knop could quite possibly leave the band. This would MEGA suck. He has talked about it
before and now isn't sure what road he'll take. He said "I just need to find out what priorities
I need...I wanna go for media arts and stuff, my motivation to the band hasn't been like it use
to be...I dunno." Derek will most likly stay we think. If he goes, like we said that would suck
cuz he's the best guitarist in Buffalo and would be quite almost imposible to replace due to his
knowledge of all types of music, plus in his skills of on the guitar. He will probobly make the
right choice and stay, that would rule.
          Next, some actual good news, WE GOT MORE SOUND CLIPS AND SHIT! We put up what he have
in the Audio section of what u kan get from us. We now have a clip of PSYCO u kan check out. 
Johny Hero from the band NOBODY'S HERO will soon MP3 some clips and stuff...FUCK YEAH! Then u
kan check sum shit out that ain't on a shitty wav! We'll link those to the site then too!
More news to come soon!