12/2/01 - We don't know how it happened but the band is now nominated for "BEST
HARDCORE/METAL band in Buffalo New York" by 91.3 WBNY FM radio out of Buff. State
College!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Think that's enough ! marks....NO FUCKIN WAY! But,
seriously, however we were nominated THANK YOU FUCKIN SO MUCH!!!! Plus, HUGE
respect to our fans for making every mother fuckin show an INSANE time! From
those of you from our first those who are new commers...and those of you
who are awaiting the demonic shit we bring...THANK YOU AND WE FUCKING LOVE YOU
BEYOND COMPARE!!!!! Please help us achive glory in us being THE best Hardcore/Metal
band up for WBNY's award. Here's the link
The question on the ballot is number 5....PLEASE vote for us! If we win, you can
just expect somthing monumental to happen... *evil laughs* This is the only real
news that we have right now, but, it's HUGE, so PLEASE vote... take kare, WE LOVE 
U ALL!!!!!!!!!

11/28/01 - A spot of good news, Rob from the band Silent Voice might try out for
keyboards. He's bad at all with it, plus he makes a lot of REALLY good guitar
riffs and shit. We'll see what happens with everything.

11/18/01 - Well today Zack Cerisani quit BOSS TRIBAL. The break up wasn't in
angst or anything, he just felt jerked around from the possition that he was in
(where we were Mark wasn't extremly comftorble with him on bass and wanted to
try out another kid... however mark felt more use to Zack a little bit, but
hey...that's the end of that so, no drama). We still love Zack tho, he's still
the man. We're gonna be trying out some kids real soon. Along w/ other peeps
for other instruments. 
          Now what the band decided in the meeting: We are gonna be came to an
agreement for a lot of shit, and we decided that we will not play any shows untill
we feel like it. We want to use our recording time, and bust a demo out before
we play. HOWEVER, if there's a national show that we're asked to be on, we'll 
play....but other than that, we're waiting to kick sum shit. More news to come!
Lata skay-tah'z....stay psycotic and shit.

11/14/01 - Yo kidz, nothin huge, but get this.... THE BOSS TRIBAL WEB PAGE has now
reached OVER 35,000 HITS ON THE WEB PAGE!!! That's pretty much it for now. Take care!

11/13/01 - What's up people! First off we gotta aplogize for not being able
to update the web page right away over the past 2 weeks. We JUST got a new 
computor system. Now, for the newz... First off, the band is taking a break from
doing shows untill they feel they wish to play out again. The band feels the
break is much needed... but most of all, we want to practice. Hopefully 
this break won't be like forever... but we still need to have a final meeting to
decide what is going on.
           We have expanded our fans it seems into lower regions, such as 
Tennesee and shit. A kid who seen the Tuffalo fest show moved there and wants to
help spread the word on us.....Sooooooooooooooooo KICK ASS!!! We also hooked up
with more bands, and met a lot of new friends from Mark's little road trip excursion
over the latest weekend with the AWESOME band, KID GORGEOUS! Gotta love em!

10/30/01 - Ok we got newz for u all. First off, Deathfest wasn't to bad. The
band thinks they could have played a way better set, but hey fuck it. They opened
up with Engine Asylum like always...sept the song got mad emprovised for a piece
cuz Tim couldn't hear guitars and shit in the monitors... gayness! The band
then played Boomshaka which went ok, then Jepetto which was not to bad either
to a certain degree. The Art Of Drunken Master went ok too. Finally Drink! Fuck!
Kill! Destroy! ended it all, which was not to bad, the kids in the crowd were
all chanting it w/ us and shit....we love u fuckin nutcases! After it was all done,
the crowd wanted 1 more, so we gave em our version of Goldfinger's Skiers Must
Perish...the floor was filler w/ spin kicks and windmills. Gotta love that eh!
Thanx to all the bands that played and for people checkin out new music!
          In other news, this is what might happen for the bass situation; 
we're gonna try out this 1 kid. If he don't cut it, we're keeping Zack for
bass. Shit's lookin good so far. We're gonna try other people for the extra shit
after too.
          Finally we have some bad news, we are cancelling the date of the 
Slyvenstra Hymen show. The band wishes we could play it but it's impossible
now. We apologize to anyone who wanted to see us, the bands, and the promoter.
It looks like every odd was against us. More shows to the future shall come.
That's all the news for now...stay tuned!

10/21/01 - What up kidz! Lots of newz!!! First off we do have to report that
Zack Cerisani will most likly not be in the band after the next 2 shows. He 
has definitly helped us when we needed it and that is so appreciated the is no
other ways to say it. We are going to be testing out a bassist shorty after, along
w/ a sax player, precusionist, and try and get the other shit we need. If
somthing happens, who knows what is in store for the future for the bassist 
situation for Zack. 
          As for other shit going down, DEATHFEST 2001 is upon us all, and
it's lookin fuckin kick ass. Also BOSS TRIBAL is to open up for Slyvanstra 
Hymen (of GWAR) and her girlie freak show, along with DOG FASHION DISCO. 
But...the BIG surprise is, ex-guitarist Brian "THE MAN" Manly is gonna be
PLAYING WITH BOSS TRIBAL THESE 2 SHOWS!!! He was asked to play Hymen's show
cuz Ian might not be able to, and Brian will fill in for him. However he is ALSO
playing DEATHFEST 2001! It's gonna be AMAZING!
         Finally, we got the pics up from our Hamberg show at THE LANDMARK. 
Check wm out, some r REALLY fuckin brutal. BIG fuck yeah to Tucker for them.
If anyone ever has pics to send, do it up! We're gonna have merch very soon
too! I think that's about it for right now, but yo we'll have details for u on
shit soon... (and hopefully not taking a month to post...hehe).

9/27/01 - What up people! We played a surprise show in Hamburg, at the Landmark.
We made it a true surprise by not telling ANYONE that we were playin. IT WAS FUCKIN
AWESOME! All the kids went balistic!!! We started the show off with ENGINE ASYLUM,
where Mark grabbed the first person he seen and screamed that demonic shit in thier
face...soooooo brutal. The crowd got up and pumelled each other after that. The next
song was JEPETTO, LOTS of brutality and fists a' flyin' just fuckin AMAZING. Next
was I WISH I WAS A LEZBIAN which was a good little release...and hey, we even did a
blast beats version, hehe. THE ART OF DRUNKEN MASTER was next, so very awesome,
especially the end of the song you could just feel the power just surging through
the whole room where the crowd was floor punching and just ripping each other
apart. Ian and Zack went all over the place with thier instruments, and Tim jumped
and smashed his drums at the final chorus. It was totally unbelievable.
The band then played a cover of Golfinger's SMP, it was a total blast!
Finally the
band played DRINK! FUCK! KILL! DESTROY! It was so insanly good, there was bodys just
flying EVERYWHERE. Pat helps damn good with those back ups...EVERYONE dog piled on
MADD DOGG and shit iwas fuckin WILD! 1 of the BEST times the band has ever had
playing a gig. As for other news the band will get a LOT of merch out and they are
soon gonna be playing outside NY. GET READY FOR THE WORLD TAKE OVER...BOSS

9/16/01 - Before we even start this news update we give our deepest regaurds to
the friends, familys, and victims of the disgusting acts of terrorism that have
plagued the USA. NYC and DC has a lot of friends from the BT Crew, we care very much.
Keep the fight, we will help any way we can so if you need anything, please mail the
band! Mark has started a campaigne called BANDS NOT BOMBS which is to help get bands
and fans together to reach out to people and make them able to handle bad situations
together without even being told what has to be done, wheather it be a disaster, or
just to help the homeless.
          Now as for the news, sad news, Will Glazier "DJ SCRAMBLED EGGS", has quit
the band. He will play his last show for DEATHFEST. He will be kickin it with his band
CHERRY BING. Who knows what the future holds for him and BOSS TRIBAL, but hey, no one
knows. We love Will in whatever he does, he's the man. In some other news we are 
just basically being asked to fuckin play everywhere, it's kool but we're lookin 
for more members...we'll see what's up. That's all for the moment... PEACE!

8/29/01 - First and formost...TUFFALO FEST FUCKING KICKED ASS!!!! we played for
a LOT of new faces. It was an AWESOME set. They opened w/ Engine Asylum, which
after the song was done, the crowd kept getting into it more and more as they played.
They opened "a can of whoop ass" for a good start for the Tuffalo show. The song
JEPETTO was next, which also went VERY well. We did I WISH I WAS A LEZBIAN like
400 times as usual. It was kickin...the band's personal highlight was playing the
new song THE ART OF DRUNKEN MASTER. Kids REALLY dug it, it was a sweet ass
time playing that song for the first time. Finally we closed with a decent end of
everyone's favorite "break everything" song, DRINK! FUCK! KILL! DESTROY! However,
nothing got trashed which was ok, but every kid in the house had our full attention,
and it seemed like everyone was into us. Thanks to all who came, and to all who first
time seen us. BIG thanks to Rat Boy for hookin us up...YER THE MAN DUDE! As for
other things, we got to play w/ our friends WRONG THE OPRESSOR (who kicked!), THE
CONTROL (AMAZING!), BROTHERS KEEPER (thier set was sooooo kick ass), EVERY TIME I DIE
(the finest evil in Buffalo), ASHERAH (so good, so very good!) and new friends
7 ANGELS 7 PLAGUES who tore up the house, THE HOPE CONSPIRACY who were totally
incredible, 12 TRIBES who rocked the cazbah 100x over, and re-unioned PRAYER FOR
CLEANSING who were gods among musicians that night. There were TONS more incredible
bands that night at showplace. We give them all props, and mad love for rockin the
shit w/ us!
           Now for another spot of news, Zach Cerisani is now OFFICIALLY in
the band. We're kallin his ass "GOD-HAND", cuz he kan fix anything he touches, if it's
a guitar or bass. We're gonna try out a kid named Tony for guitar as well too. 
Hopefully he'll bring more evil ass shit. Finally the band would like to inform that
we are not gonna be playing any shows except DEATHFEST which is October 27th.
The reason for this is that the band is working up on thier sound to make them even
better than before. Things look very promising for thier future. That's all for

8/19/01 - Hey peeps, we have 879579487594 fuckin things to tell you. First off,
we gotta give mad big props to everyone who went to warped tour and rocked the
fuckin house! The band thinks that they sucked extremly bad, but you know what,
you made the show unbelievably amazing for us...WE FUCKING LOVE YOU!!!Zach
Cerisani (ex-Fathom / Bully Rag) was our fill in bassist for the show (not Chris
from Deplore like it was suppose to). To recap on the mayhem of Warped
Tour for those of u who need it and what not, We had built a gigantic snatch, 
which was held up a little during the first song (ENGINE ASYLUM), and we busted
out with a 6 ft inflatable penis. The band played BOOMSHAKA then JEPETTO,
which went pretty decent. The tent shifted slightly due to all the crazy 
ass moshing in the pits...soooooooo fuckin good! The finally was ungodly
crazy. Packages of hamberger meat were in the audience which soon became
gernades of an extremly unruly crowd. God how that fuckin shit flung EVERYWHERE!
DRINK! FUCK! KILL! DESTROY! of coarse was the last song to bring the mayhem.
The stage was literally attacked by mobs of crazy kids who jumped up and down
on the stage, causing the boards themselves to dip down and then reverb
back upwards. It was a miricle the stage did not colape from the bedlam.
After it was all done, the Warped Tour staff was EXTEMLY furious. Kevin
Lyman the creater of Warped Tour was there SCREAMING at Madd Dogg and all this
shit, and they told the band to clean up the stage and ect. which they did.
Mr. Lyman was even cleaning up the band's mess, that's how bad it was... (if
ANYONE has a pic of him doing that PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE get it to us! We will
pay you!!!). The band caused $1230 worth of damage to the stage... HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
Kevin Lyman pretty much almost had the band arested and shit. It was so fuckin
wicked! We payed them the $$$ so basically shit's all peachy keen. And just
to note anyone, we don't got no hard feelings towards any of the warped
staff or Kevin Lyman. He's a good kid...hehe, he just had a hard taste of
BT in a bitter manner. As for the bands that played after us, especially
our good buds in DINKUS 9, we're sorry if we held shit up for u playin 
there or pissed u off. Oh yeah, 1 more spot of good news... this show was seen
by Henry Rollins' bass player who fuckin LOVED us. Big thanx to Ardy and Donnie
from SFX for throwin us on Warped as well. U kidz r the bizomb!
      Now to sizzle yer tits w/ more show sheeeeeeit, we're playin' Tuffalo 
Fest which is holding a whole shitload of bands. We are the first to go on
bright and early as fuck. We get to play the final show of PRAYER FOR CLEANSING,
a god like band. Amazing other nationals such as BROTHERS KEEPER, 7 ANGELS 7
amazing bands! This is sadly to report Zong's final show with BOSS TRIBAL.
He says he is more into mellower music, and wants to take a break from music
in general for a while. Who knows, maybe he'll wanna do shit, but in the
meantime, we'll keep our eyes out for anyone w/ sum skills. It sux, but. gotta
deal. DJ SCRAMBLED EGGS also wants to take a break, he wants to concentrate
on his athletic shit at the moment. If he does well he could get a scolarship,
he should be able to do a few things though, it'll be tough sometimes,
but shit
will be ok.
      The band will undergo a 2 month hold in winter as well. Mark will 
possibly be in Salt Lake City, Utah doing steel work for the Olympics. 
If he does he kan pretty much earn over $2000 a week doing that shit. U hear 
that?... I think we hear "$CHA$-$CHING$!!!"
      Finally, the band needs to find a few good peeps. Besides now pretty much
a keyboardist, we also need a guitarist who knows how to play death metal really
well, yet also punk, ska, hip hop, hardcore, ect. Anyone who is knowledgable
would help a lot. We also need sumone who is willing to experiment for in a
horn section... that means trumpet, trombone, and sax. We also need a 2nd precusion
player as well...someone who kan do HAND DRUMS such as Dejembe, congos,
bongos, ect. Right now we are also trying out Steve "STEVE-O" Weaver for trombone,
and Greg Pobanz (ex-Cabalyst / Dead To The World) for bass. Zach however we
are not un-holding as an option for bass though. Jay Shandra (ex-Nemesis
Enforcer) will be tried out for bass. We will come to many decisions comming up.
We'll see what will happen soon. TA TA KIDZ!

7/31/01 - How peeps what up?! Well so u know, Chris from Deplore will be doing the
phat bass lines for Warped Tour. Very very kool. Another thing is that Alex
Sancouci, who was out guitar player, we are gettin rid of. The reason is because
he doesn't get a hold of us, and if we kan practice he kan't really. The other
reason as well is he's good at what he does, but just maybe not good for us, if
we see him, we hope he does well...just time to move on pretyy much. However, the
kick ass Jay Shandra is quite possibly gonna be joining us to hit the gi-tah. He 
said he liked what he seen, soooo, hopefully he will. 
         We have some sad news to report... WE'RE OUT OF BUTTONS!!! Don't fret
kiddies, we're gettin more ASAP, and we're trying to kick shirts ASAP. Ian's
friend's dad has a shirt shop, maybe he kan get us shirts by this week before
Warped? Would be nice eh? We're gettin all the shit we need to get done for
props and ect. too. Not only that, but get ready to see the new song preformed
which is kalled THE ART OF DRUNKEN MASTER! It's like a big band swing mixed with
punk, fast metal, and an old skool hardcore breakdown accompanied with a 
shread of blast beats too...LOL, sooooooooooooo good. That's all for now! Sayonara!

7/26/01 - The band is crackin hard to get ready for warped tour. The bass situation
is it looks like ex-bassist Eric Stahavich (now in AMOUNT TO NOTHING) will be playin
for warped. If for some reason he can't, Chris Stoldsman of the band DEPLORE is on
back up. It's looking very well. Now for sum fuckin KILLER news, THE BAND HAS A 
NEW TROMBONE PLAYER!!! Steve "STEVE-O" Weaver is our boner! He's a great boner
and has the best bone to play with. Everyone will love to see Steve play with
his bone! Aight so that's that. More news for u VERY soon!

7/4/01 - Really kool fuckin news! WE SHALL HAVE OUR BUTTONS TOMARROW!!!
So we kan throw shit to all u krazy ass kids! We're workin on shirts and stickers
as well. Plus we have been informed that the promoter for Buffalo's Warped Tour,
also wants to try and get us onto Edgefest. If we get on Edgefest...this means
we are playing 3 festivals in August!!!!! OH HELLZ YEAH!!! Get ready for a LOT of
BT mayhem! Also, things are almost finalized on the other new members...we
will get a newsletter out once we have them.
         Last week, The Unreliables had thier recording for thier demo CD. It 
turned out really sweet! MADD DOGG did some backing gang vocals for thier song
JUST. Finally, Mark met up with the guys in PUYA on the 3rd. The band and him drank
some booze, chilled, talked about lots of shit, and then, they checked out
the song SICK from BOSS TRIBAL's little basement recorded guidline CD. PUYA 
FUCKING LIKED IT! Especially Antonio, he really liked it a LOT. mark has a good
feeling on a lot of things for the direction the band is going. The other members
are feeling the same way from how good things are happening. Hopefully, the
band will get a good break and we will kick the fuckin shit outta the festivals and
shows we're gonna play. We'll travel soon if we kan as well. More news will come!

6/22/01 - Yo we're gettin buttons and shirts made REALLY fuckin soon. Shit is
looking extremly good for it right we have now been added to the
kikc ass line up of TUFFALO FEST!!! This fuckin kix ass, 40 bands, 2 days, and
a lot of madness that will be unleashed on the fuckin city of Buffalo!
Hardcore / Metalcore at it's most definite finest, along with some different type crazy
fuck bands like Brother Keeper. Soooooooooooooo good, get pumped for that shit!
Well more news to come soon! PEACE!

6/19/01 - Aight shit's kickin very good. We have all the scoops down for yer
asses. First off, We need to say this, WE NEED A HORN SECTION! We need a 
trombone player and a sax player. If we get a sax player, Will is gonna jump
to position on trumpet (which we need to do bad). If we don't get the section, then
what'll happen is will does turntables for Warped Tour. If we kan get the trombone
and sax though....please help kick the sheeeit.

6/16/01 - Ok peeps here's the low down. At the moment in heat of the goodness of
Warped Tour and such, much is being sought out. First off, The 2nd guitarist
the band was going to have, hasn't done his part, so, by this Alex has moved
his possition from Saxaphone to guitar. Alex is INCREDIBLE at guitar, so we're
pretty damn well set on that now. However this once again leaves us w/ no horn
section which is fuckin GAYNESS UP THE ANUS. We're checkin on that though...
the kids in kick ass band SILENT VOICE know a few peeps, so we'll see. As for
the bass situation 1 of 3 things will happen... 1) either we will get this kid
named Dan or this kid named Matt (who use to be the bassist of the band Feng
Shui)... 2) Our ex-bassist, the man who needs no introduction, but we'll give,
him one anyways, the amazing, stupendus, boner-fied, Chris "JESUS" Kelly, might
actually possibly rejoin the BTC... or 3) If all is crap and we're desperate,
Our good brutha' (and also current ex-bassist), Eric "Kid Zombiee" Stahavich,
will help out. Now finally there is a last bit of confusion on the final chapter
of this godforsaken news brief. At the time being, we are very unsure about what
is going on for the band's DJ, Will Glazier (DJ SCRAMBLED EGGS). Supposidly
he does not want to be in the band anymore, and hates doing DJ-ing and ect.
If this is true, we'll be finding out soon. If for some reason he does leave,
we think we do have a back up kid, however, we want will in the band, DJ possition
or not... he could do trumpet, which would help for skills in his other band,
plus kick w/ us still. Like we said, we'll see what's up. That's all for the time
being then, peace for now, SEE YA!

6/1/01 - KILLER FUCKIN NEWS! BOSS TRIBAL has now aquired Pat Vaugne (precussion)
and Alex Sancouci (sax) for the band. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck yeah! Things are
definitly on the up and high rise with good gobs of greasy fat chicken 
refried goobers of talent in the band. The band now only lacks the skills of
a bassist, 2nd guitarist, trumpet player, trombone player, and 2nd precusionist.
It looks howeevr VERY promising for all those possitions seeing we have a good
amount of people to try out. More news on this to soon roll in!
         In other news, Mark is going to take part in a song with the AMAZING band
EVIL MAJICK. More news on this will soon come in as well. Will also has joined
the ranks in helping the killer band CHERRY BING. Will however is doing trumpet
for the band, not turntables. More news to come very VERY soon, plus expect a
newsletter to pop in yer mailbox later on this month! LATER KIDZ!

5/22/01 - Well we have some exceptional news for you... IT IS OFFICIAL! 
been added to the local stage... this is the first step in touring Warped Tour in
years to come...AND THAT SHALL HAPPEN! Aside from looks like everything
is going acording to plan! Also we have more pics up from our show from "GET IN
THE PIT 2001". Check em out...they kick ass. More news soon to come!

5/6/01 - Well it's been a REAL long time since this was updated... sorry about
that, too much shit goin down. Well anyways here's news. We're trying out some
bassists and guitarists REALLY soon, then sum extra type people (horns, ect).
Things for the most part are looking up and Tim has brought sum definite hope
into the band and shows much promise for what we kan do. He's picking up songs fast,
and we seem to be covering a lot of good areas we need to touch up in songs. Lots of
free flowing ideas are arising and we're gonna definitly be rocking out very soon.
        Will at the moment is going to compete in a DJ spin off tornament in
the future at a Guitar Center in Tondawanda NY against many DJs (the other DJ's r
probobly like ravers or sumthin, so he'll be going up against a lot of *makes 
noise* ~~~mmm-tsss, mmm-tsss mmm-tsss <---shitty techno beat). If you wanna see
him get his ass kicked in the tornament, we'll keep u updated. Other than that 
we're probobly gonna tour randomly in summer. Shit will be rockin. Sit tight! 

4/8/01 - WE HAVE A NEW DRUMMER!!!!! Drummer Tim Shrock is now in BOSS TRIBAL and
things r gonna get god damn INSANE with him. Tim is pretty much what the band
really needs in a drummer and god damn we hope he stays w/ us. Things are lookin
pretty good, all we need is a guitarist and bassist to fill those voids. THEN,
soon we shall try the extra peeps for precusion and horns. More newz 2 come!!!

4/4/01 - It looks like there's gonna be sum good try outs comming up for the band.
They are gonna be trying out sum drummers, guitarists, bassists, precusionists,
AND horn section! Oh fuck yes! It seems like everything is going well according to
plan so far. The band would like to apologize for sum site sections not being 
updated and stuff. Plus for all the confusion and shit of members and ect. A news
letter definning EVERYTHING will be busted out shortly.
         Now for some AMAZING news as well. It looks like BOSS TRIBAL is not just
known locally in Buffalo. Yes the band has sent thier MP3s to a lot of people
over Napster, but people who have actually seen us from other places as well. It
looks like we now somehow have fans in Toronto Canada and Rochester NY... the
part that is amazing is...WE HAVEN'T PLAYED THERE YET!!! It's been VERY amazing!
Well anyways to close this off...we wanna say thanx for the support, we're gonna
rock out VERY soon!

3/31/01 - Well here's some news for you people that might be unexpected,
but definitly VERY good. it looks like there's a possibility that the BT crew is
going to record soon! YEAH U HEARD ME! Some of the old members of the band (Eric
and Brian), were asked to see if they were up to record the BT demo which they
had won recording time for in December of year 2000 at a Battle Of The Bands.
The only thing they need to do is get an OK from John... KEEP YER FINGERS 
FUCKIN CROSSED! If this happens the band will pump out a good handful of tunes
for all of ya. STAY TUNED FOR DETAILS!

3/28/01 - Hey all! Things on the BT home front are looking ok so far, we're checkin
out new members really soon. The only thing we need is to test out sum drummers.
If anyone is a drummer who knows what the fuck is up... PLEASE test out. We have
sum people to test out for bass, guitar, and precusion drums...we need a drummer
to rebuild the core part, then we kan hit in the extra pieces. Anyone who's a horn
player to, PLEASE try out as well.
          In the mean time Mark is trying to get out his lable SickboY 
ProductionZ / SickboY RecordZ, and sign up a LOT of bands. Later on will be a 
compilation CD which will be in stores if it kan be provided well by distribution.
He has hooked up a lot of distribution and shit for booking and ect. Basically, he
has done EVERYTHING so far except get radio ads, and store shit. he might also be
able to help get some bands in low budget movies for cameos, plus get them low
budget music videos. That would be sweet eh? Also Zong and Will are doing sum sort
of telent type thing for thier skool with music shit.
          Finally, the web page updates have been slow...sorry about that peeps.
However we're gonna have some more new pics up real soon, plus we're gonna try and
hit sum shit up in a video section because we do have sum video clips from the last
TELL US CUZ WE NEED A VIDEO COPY OF IT! We will have way more updates soon to come.

3/12/01 - WHAT UP PEOPLE! First of all we wanna thank you for comming out and 
showing your support to all the bands that played "GET IN THE PIT 2001". It
looked like all the bands aquired a LOT of new fans. Deepest apologies for
our sound that night, due to the sound guy who was a TOTAL moron. For those who 
didn't attend this is what happened. The band took the stage, and during sound
the bass was not going through the system at all. The sound guy said it was our
equipment when it wasn't, it was his shit. Well we had to bitch to get him to
fix it and it STILL didn't work. Also he told our DJ that he couldn't run him through
with his shit either...kan u say what the fuck? It ended up being Mark, Eric,
AND Will doing vocals... Ian and Brian did guitar, and john hit drums of coarse, Zong
on keyboard as usual. Well during the show everyone could kinda see the crap
and frustration the band was goin through, which really sucked cuz we were so rushed
and shit. However as much as the band feels they sucked, the audience was AMAZINGLY
fuckin rowdy and REALLY kicked the crap out of each other! Engine rowdyed everone
in the haa' REAL fierce, then came boomshaka, which pissed the band off cuz no bass,
Atomic Boy was next and was ok kinda, then came Jepetto which possibly had the
ultimate freekin pit...Mark went down there and said "hey lets play a little game, how
about we see how many of u shit talkers kan punch me in the face compared to me,
punchin you in the fuckin mouth." IT GOT CRAZY!!! The band ended as usual with 
DRINK! FUCK! KILL! DESTORY! and it went pretty damn good. Ian did some guitar 
playing while crowd riding, Eric and will did sum flips into the crowd, Mark
crowd surfed and shit and went into sum was extremly nuts! Eric got a
cuncusion while doing a flip and shit though...he'll be ok. Thanx to all who came
once was fuckin CRAZY playin there. Next time it'll be 100%
more insane we garentee.
          Now here's the news u pretty much wanted to hear. WHO WILL BE IN BT TO
REAPLACE THE MEMBERS WHO ARE LEAVING?!?!?! Well we're still working on that, but
we do have a few kids almost definitly in. We think that these people will make us
REALLY damn strong. Thank you John, Eric and Brian...u made this band fuckin real
killer...WE LOVE U GUYS!!! As for now, ther'll be more info on new members and
shit. Good news shall come!
          Here's some more good news, Mark recently has been working on getting
his lable out (SickboY ProductionZ). He intends to bust out a compilation
CD of a LOT of bands around the area, plus a few out of state, plus 2 or 3 national
bands (asking permision from thier lable of coarse). This will be out later on after
BT records in the future. As for show shit...that Run DMC thing we'll find out by
next week! Keep yer fingerz crossed!

3/9/01 - Ok people here's the word...Brian Manly, Eric Stahavich, and John Kuwik
are all leaving after March 10th. It sux...HOWEVER, the good news is that we are
checkin on our replacments and that is lookin WAY fuckin kick ass! More details
will be commin up soon. In the meantime BT's shit for Fredfest will be looked at.
If for some reason they do get the shit, then we will see what will go down for
the concert for being ready or anything. Time will looks good.

3/6/01 - Aight all u crazy b-atchez, we just wanna let u know what the hell iz
goin down in the hood. Well first off for the member situation we'll pretty much
probobly find out what's gonna happen AFTER March 10th. The only thing that we
kan pretty much give off besides that is we're having our shit analized by 
the people at Fredonia for the Fredfest. The only worry in the mind is that the
recordings given are hard to hear, and that honestly worrys the us becuz we know
that we would have no trouble if we had good recordings. More on this shit will come
hopefully good news will come out. Peace for now!

2/25/01 - Hey people what up? Well here's sum more news on what the hell is going
down. As u know Brian is definitly jettin, well now Eric said he is most likly 
leaving as well. John however it is not positive in what the fuck is gonna happen
on his part. There are a lot of people looking to see what is going down, and there
are a lot of people alredy looking to hit up onto Brian's position. More on this
will be soon. 
          Here's some good news...the band is going to see if they are going to
play Fredonia Fest April 27th and 28th which will include Taproot, Slaves On Dope,
Mindless Self indulgence, and many others. Also BOSS TRIBAL is playing the 
festival HOMEGROWN which is in middleport...outdoor festivalz kick ass!!! They
are gonna try and clench Warped Tour and Edgefest as well this year... we'll
see what's gonna go down.

2/13/01 - Well to keep ya up on the shit w/ BT, we still don't know what's gonna
happen. Eric and John now actually might leave as well with Brian (which would
definitly be gay). Whatever happens, happens...we'll see soon. What's fucked up though
is BT has a lot of great offers for shit. Hopefully things r gonna go smooth...the band
has offers for a LOT of guitarists to take Brian's spot. We'll see what goes down.

1/31/01 - D-Day has come now and the verdict is in folks. We had a huge band talk.
What is going on is this. Brian "THE MAN" Manly has left the band. We love the kid to
death, and he will be missed, but he's gonna do some other things. As for the rest of
the band it is NOT, repeat, NOT broken up. The band however is going to be put on
hold. We feel that we have not done the first step as a band and really gotten
to know each other yet on a personal level and expand our ideas that way. Like we
may jam and shit together but we never chill much, so it's kinda tough to
really expand on ideas and grow from not knowing each other and shit. We wanna be
the best band we kan be, so this break will help. It will also develope the
ideas we want for this band and give a higher understanding to what we want. As 
for recording and shit, well we'll talk about that soon. We're gonna play out the
rest of the shows we have for now, and in the mean time just take a break. Do not
fret, in the future we'll be ok. Keep posted for news and shit to come. peace!

1/28/01 - Hey people what up? A lot has gone on in the past days and shit. You have
probobly heard some rumors on the band of possibly breaking up and what not, well
here's sum justification on this so u know what's up. The rumors are slightly true,
however what the future holds we're not certain. Brian (THE MAN) Manly has
some conflicting ideas, we all do. We're trying to sort them out but we don't know,
what outcome might result. Most likly things will be ok in sum way, we're just
gonna comprimise a lot and get out sum angst and feelings like every band has to
do now and again. Don't worry to much, we're gonna be kickin sum shows commin up
and who knows what'll be in store for us. Cuz we're tryin to hit on Warped Tour,
Edgefest, and possibly our own tour as well. We'll update u on more shit, don't
worry. Peace out for now!

1/18/01 - Sorry to report but it looks like we are gonna cancel our show in
Owego NY. There are a few reasons for it, which fuckin sux, but hey, we did gain
some ground by becomming friends with a a few people and 1 band out there. So in the
meantime, we're gonna do sum shit, perfect and make new shit...PEACE!

1/14/01 - 1 week away from our first ever BIG out of town show...5 hours away!!!
Yo if u need directions just mail us, we'll help ya out! We don't have much
otherwise to report except that we have some new pix up on the page, and from out new
digital camera, we kan get a LOT of pics! We also wanna tell u we are most likly going
to record during March (spring break), so fuck yeah to that. Right now we have 7 MP3s
on Napster...get them from 1 of us, especially the song Jepetto cuz that song was
converted the best. More news and shows to come!!! peace!          

1/5/01 - HAPPY FUCKIN LATE NEW YEARS!!! A LOT has happened over this past while. We're
checking on recording time and stuff too. Also, the band has so far tried out Pat 
Vaugne for precusion drums, he will probobly need a few more trys to see if he is a
definite, hopefully he will be. We'll see in the future, and that looks good.
        We do have some bad news...the Nothingface show is CANCELLED. Nothingface's 
bassist quit a few days ago and thier replacement bassist will not be able to be 
ready in time. So this means no opening for the national, maybe in the future, 
we'll see i guess. Our first out of town show is comming up... BEWARE OSWEGO, YOU
ARE GOING TO BE INFESTED W/ THE TRIBE! Go and support us if u kan... it's only 3 and
a half hours away....COME ON DO IT!!! Well, anyways, that's all for now, peace!

12/24/00 - Merry X-mas u psycotic bastids!!! We have some sad news and some very kick
fuckin ass news. The sad news is, Nate "ASSPIE" Eaton left the band, his last show was
the battle of the bands we just played. Farewell to the kid, he fuckin rules, and
we love him a TON! He just didn't really wanna play precusion anymore, it lost
his interest. Oh matter. Here's the good news tho... The band WILL try out
a new precusion kid named Pat Vaugne, plus will try out the sax kid Keith Kamholz
pretty soon. As for the 2 shows over the weekend... The Continental show was
wasn't great but a few songs like Engine Asylum, Jepetto, DRINK! FUCK! KILL! 
DESTROY!... that rocked. Over half the reason the band wasn't that good was because
of the sound there. The monitors don't work well at all. However the battle of the bands
at the Funhouse we fucking ruled! WE WON THE BATTLE OF THE BANDS...oh
hellz fuckin yeah!
We were tight, destructive, and holy fuck did our fans go ape shit! THERE WAS A GIRL
WHO HAD DRIVEN OVER 8 HOURS TO SEE US PLAY!!! If u kan say we were pumped for that 1,
oh u have NO idea. That girl seriously kix ass! The shit we pulled off was just god
damn awesome. We could only play 4 songs cuz we had basically no time, but oh man,
shit was HAVOC there. Engine Asylum ripped the piss out of everyone. During Atomic Boy,
MADD DOGG put on his snowboard and was in the crowd, surfing them!!! IT WAS FUCKING
INSANITY....OUR FANS FUCKING ROCK SO MUCH!!!! After that we played our new song SICK,
where EVERYONE was in awe. The most chaos however hapened during DRINK! FUCK! KILL!
DESTROY! There was an ENORMUS mosh pit...the kids clapped to the sound of the beat, 
and it was hilarious cuz DJ SCRAMBLED EGGS and MADD DOGG beat the crap out of each
other with a metalic beer sign that was like a cookie sheet. It sliced the crap
out of Will's hands...LOL, that sucked, but whatever. It was Zong's first show as well
in the band. GOD HOW THAT KID ROCKS!!! Well that's all for now, untill next time!

12/18/00 - WE'RE OPENING FOR NOTHINGFACE!!! We have been kalled upon to open for the band
NOTHINGFACE, and we're gonna explode the whole fucking place. A few days after that we're
gonna take a trip to Oswego and play as well, making it our first real far trip away
from home. However we're gonna get hooked up for other places as wel like Cleavland and
such for in the VERY near future. Also expect to see more members for the BT crew join
VERY soon! There's a lot of info commin up, and we're gonna see what is gonna happen soon.

12/8/00 - WE HAVE A KEYBOARDIST! If you remember, the BT Crew was gonna try out this 1 kid
for keyboards. Well the great DJ SCRAMBLED EGGS got an offer from a kid at his school. The
kid has been playing a long time, his name's Zong Gu. He REALLY kix ass, and he learns
pretty quick. He also knows a kid that might do 2nd precusion for the band. His profile still
needs a little working on but soon shall be complete. It looks like we're 1 step closer to
becoming what we are tryin to achieve. Not only have we got a keyboardist, but we
now have offers as well... FOR HORN PLAYERS! We are checking a kid named out that plays 
sax named Keith Kamholz. He seems pumped for it, so are we. Also we're gettin offers 
for trumpet and trombone too. Finally, 1 last thing for people tryin out. We're gonna try a
kid out named Pat Vaugne who duz precusion drums and shit. We're gonna see what's up in
the VERY near future.

11/30/00 - New news on the whole Roadrunner situation. Kan u say this shit is maga wack as fuck?
I knew you could. This is the newest little detail for ya. It seems Chris Ring had no idea
if this is a prank or not. There are a few details that go into this fucked up little thing, but
Chris Ring who was thought to be the kid that made the Roadrunner's shit false, actually is
looking into the situation at the moment. Mark is pretty happy Chris wasn't playin a trick, but
this leaves the question now. What IS up? Is Roadrunner really looking at them, and
Glassjaw really did say they wanna help em, or is there more of a somthing else. More to come

11/29/00 - ROADRUNNER'S OFFER WAS A FARCE!!! The whole time the band was preparing for the
actual shit for Roadrunner, it was a whole joke on the band. Chris Ring (from the Budgets),
who I may add is Mark's boss at work, plays tricks on Mark constantly. Chris did
get them the Glassjaw show, however he conjered up a plan to make Mark (and the band) to get
a few laughs in for himself. Well u wanna know what. WE AIN'T TAKIN SHIT! As far as what the
future holds for the BT boys is uncertain, and Mark at the moment feels pretty much owed for
this mockery. So the band is gonna get thier way from this... you'll soon find out what though.
More to come soon!

11/26/00 - The band might have now finally found thier sax player! This kid named Keith is
gonna try out for us, and what whoops ass the most is HE'S DAMN GOOD! So we'll keep u all posted
on that note. As for other shit, Glassjaw's gonna be contacted soon, so Roadrunner better open
fuckin wide cuz the BT wang is about to make a splash. Last but not least, ASSPIE is helping
out a local punk band with thier drumming untill they get sumone in there. It's all about the keep whoopin ass and support each other! Peace u crazy tribal bastid'z!

11/22/00 - The band is almost done with all the crap for thier press kit for Roadrunner Records,
the only thing is they are trying to make it absolutly perfect. They have been snowed in for the
holiday weekend at the moment, but the weekend itself should pretty much be ok. Hopefully, the
band can get the songs they wanted done and perfected... we just wanna see all u crazy kids
recieve the best. U all deserve it, and when u kick the crap out of each other in the pits, we
fuckin love u so much more u have no clue. All u people who have been there from our recent
start, and all of u who r just now hopin onto the BT wagon, yo, u r makin all the diference.
We love ya, peace, mad props, and more newz to come latah!

11/20/00 - Yo not much to report except we got a LOT more pics up on the page in ALL the sections!
Other than that we do have a little bit of band news. Thier is a keyboardist going to check us out
at our next gig, hopefully he'll like us and join up. Also there is a kid who is gonna talk to some
horn people as well for us...MAYBE we might actually get SOMTHING for horn section which we need.

11/14/00 - Hey people, not much to report except is we're in the process of writting and perfecting
shit. We're gonna try and have more new pics up, and keep posted up for shows in the future. Also we
would like to pay our respect to Bob of The Jungle Studs who passed away. He was a great guy that will
be missed by the scene. Spirit rise high, your journey has now began.

11/6/00 - Yo people, the band is going to take some time to write and perfect shit since they feel it
is necessary. The BT Crew played 2 shows this weekend, 1 was at Niagra Falls New York at an American
Legion post, and the other was at Downtown Buffalo's Atomic for the Atomic thier benefit show. 
          Niagra Falls is a definite fuckin killer place to play. The kids were off the fuckin hook!
They grow thier bands fuckin evil as sin down was the Short Of Breath CD release party and
oh my god was it kickin. Our boys in the band Asherah ripped fuckin shit up! Jepetto played a decent
set, and Short Of Breath had the crowd fuckin MOVIN! We played a pretty kickin set from what it seemed.
We started off with ENGINE ASYLUM and wow...bodys went flying. BOOMSHAKA was next and what really 
kicked ass was the crowd somewhat into the song started chanting the shit and like we never played
there before! THE KIDS FUCKIN ROCKED!!! After that we did I WISH I WAS A LEZBIAN where we showed the 
crowd tradition of how fast the song kan actually go. After that, we did our ATOMIC BOY song. It was
some damn fun shit with that 1 too cuz the band was flyin all over the fuckin place, gotta love that
punk rock shit! After that we did PSYCO, where during the song Will put on a motorcycle helmet, and
Mark put on a retard crash helmet... Mark pulls out a harmonica and does the trumpet thingy that the
horse races open up with, they both scream "CHARGE!" and run full force at each other and BAM! they
crashed and the crowd loved it! After this song they played thier song JEPETTO which fist were 
definitly flyin'. The band then covered Insane Clown Posse's CHICKEN HUNTIN' which the crowd pretty 
much liked as well. Finally the band closed with DRINK! FUCK! KILL! DESTROY! where the band had kids
in the pit get in a circle and point to the person across from them "cuz that's the person that your
gonna beat thier fuckin ass"! And they did just that! Niagra Falls fuckin rocks!
           As for the Atomic benefit they played the exact same set as Niagra Falls, the crowd didn't
move at all, but the band sure did. The only reason people didn't move is cuz it was kinda a small 
area, but also it was late. The show was definitly rockin, and the Atomic gained a little $ as well.

10/31/00 - WHAT UP ALL?! There's a lot of shit goin down right now. First on the agenda, DEATHFEST was
an ok show. Creepin In kicked ass, Twilight's Mistress rocked, Grudge fuckin RIPPED, and STEMM closed
fuckin whoopin! However, the BT Crew was kind of upset with themselves because they felt like they 
played a crappy as fuck show. Yet, the crowd was very much into the whole thing, and the band got more
e-mails for the mailing list than they ever did. The band opened up with The Halloween theme music,
into Engine Asylum. Next was Boomshaka which the crowd sung to like mutherfuckers...god we our fanz!
The band did I Wish I Was A Lezbian after that where there were a few chix that vollenteered to come
up on stage and make out during the song...fuckin WICKED shit. After that, the band played Atomic Boy
which was pretty kickin too. After that they had a contest for a T-Shirt...the sickest fuckin thing 
they could think of someone could do to themselves in public. A KID PISSED HIS PANTS FOR A T-SHIRT! 
IT WAS FUCKING AWESOME! The band right after that played PSYCO which had a toilet paper roll war 
during the song, followed by the great INSANE CLOWN POSSE song CHICKEN HUNTIN'! After that the band
did Jepetto, and the crowd favorite DRINK! FUCK! KILL! DESTROY! For thier last song which was an 
oncore they did MARYLIN MANSON's THE BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE where at the end there was chaos. Guitars were
smashed and the band jumped off stage and threw HUGE pumpkins in the crowd, starting a meley of 
pumpkin havoc...FUCKING INSANE! After the show was done however, the band was pissed. They knew they
fucked up a few times, mainly cuz of the sound guy...the fuckin moron turned Will off a few times,
plus our shit for sound in the moniters sucked, AND he was a fuckin PRICK! There is also now a 
conflict because the company that provides the sound is holding the band responsible for a drum mic
being broken... however John sais this, "The guy put the mic on the tom and I said move it over
because I'm gonna hit itwith my drum stick, and the guy just said, DEAL WITH IT!". This is very 
upsetting to the band and a few conflicts of what to do is between this. Things will be set right
soon though.
           On another note, there's gonna be changes for the PARTY IN THE WOMB song line up and other
shit like that. There is some replacments for songs going to be thrown on such as a song kalled THE
AFTERTHOUGHT OF NEVER FALLING UPWARD (which you can now find in the Lyrix section). Plus after the 
show on November 5th, The band is going to be perfecting a lot more songs, and making a lot more as
well. For plans of recording, we'll see what is gonna happen in the future cuz we definitly want a 
demo. As for the Roadrunner thing, we're preparing our shit for them little by little. Tat's all for
now, peace out!

10/24/00 - The band has some bad and good news that has recently happened to the band. Here's the bad
first... The band has kicked out AJ "RHINO" Swinarski. The band has been talking about this a while.
The reasons were not anything bad, it was simply because he just wasn't what the band was looking for.
They needed someone tighter to thier style, more creative, ect. and he did good for what he did...
we're proud of that in him. So now we are seeking a precusionist, keyboardist, trumpet, sax, and
           Now for some good news. Roadrunner records has been contacted along with Glassjaw's peeps!
The Tribe has the info they need to send in shit to get possibly signed to Roadrunner Records! We are
giving BIG fuckin props to the boys in Glassjaw for this! Not only has Glassjaw done that though, they
have talked to the tour manager of Soulfly as well and are talking about a European Tour... YEAH YOU
More info on this soon shall come!

10/18/00 - Put your mutha' fuckin gunz in the air for this 1!!!! Mark just went to see Soulfly, 
Primmer 55, Slaves On Dope, and Downset play in Rochester. Mark knew who Downset was butnever really
heard anything by them till a few weeks prior to this. Well before the show he was passing out flyers
for the Halloween show at Showplace (which we better see everyone at!). Rogelio was handed a flyer by
Mark (who didn't even know who he handed it to). Rogelio said he was in Downset and stuff and the boys
were introduced. After the show Rogelio was talkin to a few fans (and pimpin this 1 hot chick), and so
Mark went up to Rogelio and congratulated him for a kick ass set that Downset played, and then they
started talkin about bands and shit. Rogelio asked what the band was like and Mark of corse couldn't
explain but he told him how songs like Engine Asylum went and shit, Rogelio fuckin LOVED it! ROGELIO

10/17/00 - WE ALMOST GOT FUCKIN ARESTED!!! Boss Tribal would love to extend a grand middle finger to
the Buffalo PD for thier fuckin retardedness. What happened is John's license plate was taken down by
this douchebag and his wife, and they kalled the cops on him... JOHN WAS FUCKIN INNOCENT TOO! Check 
this shit... John was driving to the store to get smokes for AJ. He seen his 2 friends on the side
of the road and they were going there too. Well sum asswipe pulls up in his truck with his fat ass
gutter fuck of a wife and starts talkin shit about where he's parked in the street. John's friends
fuckin went and started talkin shit so things heated, and the 1 kid I guess put his hand on his hip,
and so the dumb bitch in the car yells "He's got a gun!", they took John's plate and the 2 kids went
w/ John who ended up dropping the kids at the store after gettin the cancer sticks for AJ. he came
into the practice room sayin, "Yo bro, I think there's gonna be cops commin here". No sooner did he
say that there was a knock at the door. When he opened it fuckin swarms of piggy bastards were 
infesting the house. It was like a motha'fuckin swat team came in! The cops came down in the practice
room and said "All of you get yer fuckin hands up...which 2 of you were in the fuckin car." After we
said none of us the cops were like, "So ya wanna play games, then yer all goin fuckin in...GET THE
FUCK UPSTAIRS!". They started going through our shit too... WITHOUT A FUCKIN WARRENT! Well John was
in the end hauled away by donut eatin fags. in the cop car John said this rookie bitch was sayin how
he couldn't wait to get him down to the station and beat the piss outta him. Well he was innocent 
like he said to them like 8 million times, and he was outta the station in an hour. When he was back
we were like, "what the fuck". This just proves how fuckin gay a LOT of cops are. We wanna sue the
crap outta them for: No warrent, going through our shit w/ no warrent, tresspassing on private
property, and harassment. hey can u hear that sound... It sounds like... "$ CHA-CHING!!! $". WE 

10/7/00 - 2 things of news...the 1 is of our continental show, but first, the other is this... the
secret is out, we are at the moment being looked at by Roadrunner Records! Glassjaw's people called
them and said check out this band they are crazy. Roadrunner wants us to send a press package, CD,
and video tape. We kan definitly do the tape and press package, we need to record though. We booked
a date to make a small demo of probobly 4 songs. Hopefully Roadtunner will like the shit, then we 
kan play w/ crazy ass fuckin bands all over the place. 
          The Continental show was a kick ass show, big props to Hallowpoint, we love them boys. The
sound was hard for us on stage but the crowd went spaztic. There was a good amount of crowd that hit
up in there, very fuckin fun. Mark wore this fuckin wierd ass pinstripe suit (which he ended up 
stripping out of into his gothy shit...Edwin once more had his tutu, I bet the Continental staff was
like "WHAT THE FUCK?! Yer retarded!". We opened w/ ENGINE ASYLUM... oh lord, oh lord, shit was CRAZY
on stage... people were jumpin and shit, life was good in the city of Athens, and we kan all eat,
drink, and be merry. After that song we did BOOMSHAKA where the crowd was chanting sum shit w/ us...
fuck yeah, then we did PSYCO where chix in the crowd were dancin fuckin crazy. After that we spiced
it up w/ sum punk rock with the songs I WISH I WAS A LEZBIAN, MY GIRLFRIEND'S CAT'S BUTT STINKS, and
ATOMIC BOY. After that we did the song JEPETTO where there was a lot of havoc happening, fuckin 
SWEET! Finally the last song was DRINK! FUCK! KILL! DESTROY! where we had Tim Shrock of the band 
PIER 9 BRAWL, and Mark's brother come up and do vocals w/ us... it was fuckin WICKED! All around it
was a killer fuckin show!

10/1/00 - THE GLASSJAW SHOW WAS FUCKIN FUN AS HELL!!! The band played a pretty damn good set for a 
half hour. They kicked it off with ENGINE ASYLUM where kids smashed the shit outta each other, then
did BOOMSHAKA, and then into Psyco where there was some hardcore breakdancing goin down. Eric
ended up throwing this fuckin wierd doll that he mutalated into the crowd...very wack, yet fuckin
hilarious cuz the crowd tore it to shit. After that we kicked sum punk rock into the crowds ass for
I WISH I WAS A LEZBIAN and then ATOMIC BOY. Right after this we had a little contest... we had 3 
people from the audience do a stage diving contest for a T-Shirt. The first 1 was beauty, the next
1, the kid like just jumped off and landed on his feet tryin ta be funny or sumthin (probobly a
drunk bastid), then the final person (and winner) of the contest, was BLEED FOR ME's insanly crazy
bassist / singer, Bill Paige, gotta love that crazy kid! After that we brought out our Fred Durst
manican for out song JEPETTO...this is when shit got REALLY nuts. We played the song and during it,
Mark totally knocked the fucker to death. The crowd went nuts andwas tossing the head around. Ian
threw the body into the audience which was ALREADY mutalated from a small wooden bat that Mark took
to the fuckin thing. The crowd ripped the god damn thing to pieces, the head was flying around, 
then beer cans and shit started flying, and then a garbage can was thrown into the mix of stuff.
People went god damn insane. Finally the song people killed each other in... DRINK! FUCK! KILL!
DESTROY!, Mark got into the pit to sing it, and holy fuck there was major rucus goin' down. Bodys
were flyin, the kids horded the mic for to sing the chorus lines, and even more shit went flyin',
Especially when Eric broke his old bass across the stage...that was nuts! It was god damn nuts! 
It was DEFINITLY a fun show, and the what was real kool is Glassjaw, Shadow's Fall, and 
Drowningman liked it too! 
          Another thing on the ajenda is Mark will be singing back ups for SHORT OF BREATH's song
VOICE IN THE WIRE in the studio this upcomming week. Things shall be VERY kick ass for this. Plus
the band kan check up on recording and what not to like price range and all that so hey who knows
how long it will be till a BT demo comes out.
          On a final note...WE GOT OUR FIRST HATE MAIL TODAY!!! FUCK YEAH!!! Check it...!
Hey you big fagget, i hope you die.Your "band" sucks, im sorry to hear 
that you think you guys are good because YOUR NOT!!!! I KNOW you guys 
are horriable,and i think you all suck cock.go suck on a dead rats dick you fuckers

...and our reply...

I love u too baby!
We suck good and we blow hard!
Thanx for spreadin yer cheeks for us!


Ohhhhhhh... hellz yeah. don't u just love it! That is all for right now, but hey this Friday (Oct. 6th
at 11:00) we play the Continental in Downtown Buffalo... we're gonna try and have 2 new songs, and 
maybe a stripper or 2 this time. GIMMIE A HELLZ YEAH IF YER DOWN!!! Peace out till next time!
9/29/00 - 1 more day till the big fuckin show! The band isn't sure if they are gonna release thier new
song or not due to the fact it is not done yet...however whatr happens in practice today we shall see.
The new song is called THE AFTERTHOUGHT OF NEVER FALLING UPWARD. It's a very complex piece a' shit.
Well we'll see what's up with it, for our stage show, we're gonna pull out some more stops :) so be
fuckin ready!

9/21/00 - There is TONS of news going down, sorry we weren't able to get the news updated till today,
mainly cuz of me being a lazy fuck and also from being exhausted...but ANYWAYS. First off we gotta say
PORNSTAR is recooperating VERY well...fuck yeah to that bastid. Next, SUPER SAIYIN WAYNE and PHAT MESS'S
B-day party blowout fuckin rocked! We even had 3 Below's Al and Fred kick it for thier song I
was MEGA fuckin fun! Kids were using Faygo cans as grenades, and super soakers and hell broke loose, or
was that the pinata PHAT MESS destroyed....oh well. Now to INSANE news...
          Get ready to shit...BOSS TRIBAL is playing with GLASSJAW, SHADOW'S FALL, and DROWNINGMAN.
Big thanks to Chris Ring for hookin us up... we asked him for it and he said ok, but what also we heard
is that the Techie drummer roadie guy of Glassjaw was at our show and fuckin went nuts! So he kinda
told Glassjaw about this and they are what we hear, MEGA pumped! Glassjaw is now 9 days's
fuckin INSANE! We were also suppose to go on tour with NMSO4 but they cancelled for a few reasons like
$$$ and show stuff, but we will play with them in the future...possibly like December sumtime.
         Now for very hard news... for one thing, Steve Bruaza "SIN", has been booted out of the band.
We still love the kid to death, but we need a keyboardist w/ more skillz. He was just to much of a
beginer for a year, he'll probobly be whoopin, but we need sumone damn good right now. Also,
(this is very confusing, hard, ect. to know what will happen), Aurther "RHINO" is being questioned
between what we should do with him for the band for precusion shit. What happened is, AJ is good, yet
he only hits like 3 to 4 drums out of his 11 piece precusion set... he didn't come to practice 
yesterday due to kinda feelin shitty... Nate "ASSPIE", took over on his shit makin precusion shit
(he knows all the songs where stops r and shit), and was WAY tighter. Nate hits every drum, is faster,
tighter, ect... HOWEVER what do we tell AJ, cuz we want Nate doing the Glassjaw show, and other shows
after that. They want to keep AJ as a 2nd precusionist but they need more equipment for him to play
the show for Glassjaw. This is hard and VERY confusing like I said. More details will envelope by
tomarrow... hopfully things will go ok... more news later!