2/24/99 - Well the band has been eager to play in May and is preparing  but the 1 prob is that
they still need a fast drummer. Joe of Blinkin' Machine was maybe going to help them and MADD 
DOGG has taken that into great consideration. HOPEFULLY someone close will be a good enough 
They hope someone'z got the skillz(and ballz).
The band has also made a great alcohalic concocon they kall BITCH IN A BOTTLE...They kall it
thier "BLACK TOOTH GRIN" so to speak (BTG is the drink from PANTERA). It's made out of hard 
liqior, pop, and Mrs. Butterworth maple syrup! It RULES! Also in addition to this. MADD DOGG
was drinkin just the Mrs. Butterworth at a Nobody's Hero practice and Johny Hero of the band
started making this tune called "Mark Drinks Maple Syrup". It's hilarious. They are thinking 
of using it too. Who knows what'll happen with that.
More news to come later!

2/23/99 - A few things really. Practice has been kinda slow but the band individually has been 
kinda busy. Some new song ideas have came into play and also more preperation of trying to get 
ready for the show in May (trying to get a drummer that is REALLY good basically). The band is
getting more stuff done in the song area as in terms of writing lyrics and stuff. A song idea 
called Johny Bravo is being written and also another idea titled DRINK, FUCK, KILL, DESTROY.
MADD DOGG sez "I was just pissed and wanted to just take somthin' out, so I said, what the hell,
and just ended up getting this idea for this song." Amother song idea called Point Your Finger 
is also being worked on. Some more covers are also being done.
          The show at Alden New York, the band is going to help other bands set up and stuff. 
They have handed out flyers to MANY people to help support the scene. 
More updates soon.

          The band has put up the lyrics to thier song "Lord Oversex" which is thier most vulgar,
obscene, vile, and demeaning song they have made so far...and the most popular amongst the fans!
Other songs are going to be put up so stay tuned to the web page. The band also has a mirror site
you can cheak out on the main's shorter than the 1 u normally have to punch in. More
shit to come, and remember....Boss Tribal loves you (and sisters).

2/15/99 - There's a new pic up and it's off MADD DOGG and the band's old drummer (now in the band
FATHOM), The "Destructive" Joe Pfieffer. Joe remember had to quit the band because he didn't even 
play with Fathom much and because of other reasons like school. He and the band are still friends,
and hopefully if Boss Tribal can get a new drummer in May for the show at school, Boss Tribal will
have Joe doing some crazy shit with lounge signing!!!  Joe is also the nephew of the
world renound "Dangerous" Derren Pfieffer of Goldfinger. FATHOM and BOSS TRIBAL are to play in May
together at Schoola-Palooza...if they do, it'll be 1 great show. More details on that later.

2/13/99 - So what's the buzz with Boss Tribal? Well, a few things. First off they are getting 
some more equipment (scratcher needles, ect.). Also CEREAL KILLA' has learned 2 new songs by
the metal band Slayer. he picked up South Of Heaven and Raining Blood. He hopes the band kan 
try to pick up on this fast so they can do covers of it. Also they are making 2 more songs (look
in song section). Also info on the CDs is being confirmed. They won't have any of the samplers
out yet, BUT if they get a drummer by the time of thier show in May, they can make a LIVE CD!
Cheak the shedual for updated info on play dates. Another pic has been added as well. There will
be more pics to come once the films are developed. Come back for more info soon!!!

2/2/99 - The band has thought up a new song called Hearthrob. It will be put to use soon. Also
Cereal Killa' is getting the new bass this week...oh what fun it shall be. Also Madd Dogg and
Lucid have been working on some songs. Madd Dogg has picked the songs 2 songs already and soon
will know them all.

1/31/99 - Good news for the band, they have recieved a few calls for a drummer which will be
good to cheak out soon. There will also be a 4th Mini-CD because they thought the more the 
better so they have 1 more commin' (more info in the songs section). Also Cereal Killa' will
be getting the new bass this week. He just turned 17 so he got LOTS of $$$. HAPPY BIRTHDAY

1/26/99 - Boss Tribal is trying out Colt Wilson (cuzzin of Pat Wilson of Weezer) for a 
drummer. MADD DOGG asked him and he is very up to it however MADD DOGG wants to just try him
out first. More details on this will come soon.
          Also....Boss Tribal has it's first show booked. It is set for a thing kalled Schoola
Palooza which is a bunch of ameture bands that the students have from their school. Zach 
Cerisani came up to MADD DOGG and wanted to know if they would be ready for it. MADD DOGG said
to put them down but he can't count on anything definit because of the drummer situation. More
to come soon.

1/24/99 - No real news except for the band is getting a new base. It is a Fender P model
base, a 4 stringer. They want to get a 6 stringer later on. From thier wide range of certain
pedals, they will make lots of different sounds off it. They even use guitar and base pedals
for microphones for certain sounds.

1/22/99 - The band has been working on some stuff here and there. They hope to get more
pics on the page up soon as well. Also MADD DOGG is going to help play bass for a band
called LUCID until they get another bass player. He says, "I talked to Laura Iwitcha, the
guitarist of the band. She said they needed help to do some songs and a few other things.
I thought it would be a pretty good oportunity for me to go and practice some more bass
skills and in the mean hit on the 3 girls in the ba....errr...HELP THEM OUT. (Laughs)
But seriously, this will be pretty kool and shit ta help them out."
          Also the band has decided to do somthing before releasing the PARTY IN THE WOMB
CD. As you were told a long time ago the band wanted to start to make this CD but couldn't
yet, and they wanted to release a sampler CD called TRIBAL SAMPLE. Well what they have
agreed on is to make not 1 but 3 Tribal sample CDs. More in the song/album section.

1/18/99 - Another pic has been put up. It's a pic of MADD DOGG "Making a statement" and 
holding his 1 guitar. He wants to repaint the guitar a nice girlie pink....Just kidding!
He wants it either the same color but a little darker and he is going to put stickers all
over it. MADD DOGG personally didn't really like the pic because he said it doesn't really
look like him and it makes his head look fat. He's got his ever so trusty skull ring on too.
More pics are suppose to come soon. More lyrics shall also be up soon.
          There has been a technical screw up by tripod somehow. This page had 3496 visits
from people, but somthing has happened where it got all erased and now is deminished to 
single digits. All the band says is that they won't cry over it because the guestbook has
a lot of people in it. 
          MADD DOGG has come in contact with a very kool helper of a fellow brethrine band 
helper. From the band Once And For All, he has been talking to a bookie helper that can get
them shows in South New Jeresy. It looks like things are picking up.

1/15/99 - First off, The band has cut and pated and added some new songs and covers to thier
song repituar. Also they made friends with a band called K-OS and MADD DOGG of BOSS TRIBAL
will be featured in a song they are remixing called 119...more info about this in the song 
section. More news to come soon.

1/3/99 - The "Destructive" Joe Pfieffer has left the band!!!! Joe approched MADD DOGG at a 
practice. He explained to him that he did not want to be in the band anymore because of the
way he feels because he is failing some school coarses and he hardly has no time for the band.
He says that he hardly practices that much with Fathom (his other band) either. He wants to 
take a break but said the band should look for other drumers. Joe still says he wants to do
a few projects with the band and if they need anything he'd try to help. The band has already
started on trying to get a new drumer. More details on this shall soon come.
         Now for the GOOD NEWS, MADD DOGG along with Aaron Creep and Tim Schrock of PIER 9 
BRAWL went to a local show in thier nieghboring town of Alden where he went to see thier 
newest Brethrine band NO BODY'S HERO. MADD DOGG thinks that they did an awesome job. The band 
did a nearly perfect cover of Green Day's Christy Road. They met up with the band after and
chilled as other bands played (some crowd surfing and a few nice pits happened). They caught
up with Amanda of PIER 9 BRAWL after as well. MADD DOGG was asked by Aaron earlier if he could
help produce thier album and MADD DOGG said sure thing. 
        Also, Amanda has agreed to be the female vocal for a song the band has been wanting to
create for a while. More on this shall fallow as well.

1/1/99 - HAPPY FREEKIN' NEW YEAR!!!! GET DRUNK!!!! Ahem... Boss Tribal is going to be doing
very much in the new year. They have planned to try and get out the sample tape/CD somtime
and help many bands. also Boss Tribal recieved this in thier guestbook...
         Hey, man your the kinda person that inspires people like me to start band! Now I've
got a band of my own Divided Destiny its not that good and we dont make any money but its 
fun and you inspired me to keep working at it! keep making music and I'll always be a fan!
Peace out!
         We are VERY happy to inspire people and to help bands and will keep doing what we
do for the music industry because it's all about music. As we preech, getting popular is
NOT selling out! Thank you to our fans and many appreciated people. ^_^

12/28/98 - The page has gotten a few more wicked bands in the Brethrine section. Also the
web page has got a few more MP3 links and web rings in the stuff section. The band is going
to do a lot more with the other songs....hopefully a sample will be out soon.

12/27/98 - The song lyrics of Bar Band / Bar Giggin' have been put up in the lyric section.
More shall be done soon since X-mas is over. Practice will be usual as well. More info to
come shortly.

12/22/98 - MADD DOGG has reworked the song $k@tEr Br@iN and are pretty excited because they
are starting to pick up the pace a little more since the holiday stuff is almost all taken
care of. Hopefully soon the band will maybe get a CD out like they wanted to before. Details
for that later on.

12/16/98 - Short news but good news none the less...Steve of Boss Tribal has just bought
a digital camera. Now the band will have more pics and of good quality. 

12/14/98 - Well everything looks like it is up and running on the site. The band wants to 
request that if anyone has a good cover song for them to play, e-mail them and if they want,
they will do it (most likely anyways). Also a new song idea is is called Urban
Voodoo. More news shall follow soon.

12/5/98 - The Boss Tribal Brethrine familly keeps growing and growing and growing faster than
Pinnochio's weenie at a strip club. Now there are aproximatly 35 bands in the Tribal Brethrine.
The band would like to say they love you all and give a big thanks to thier fans so far.
          Well it's Christmas time and the band is hoping to get a lot of crap from Santa (they
better!). On another note though MADD DOGG has come up with yet another song idea kalled The 
Witching Hour. Serial Killer Derek saw a problem and said the name might have to change or 
somthing for legal matters due to Insane Clown Posse having a titled track kalled The Witching
Hour. Read more about this in the Song section for the whole scoop on this.

11/29/98 - Boss Tribal has taken care of a bassist...Serial Killer and Madd Dogg will switch
off a lot. If a song calls for 2 guitars then they might hand it over to Gazoo to help but
that will come in time. They have planned a few covers and have switched some songs for the
album. Also a Bio section on how the band came to be and where they are headed is going to be
created on the web page. Also a show date and tour type section is up as well.
More to come soon.

11/15/98 - NEW VOCAL! Finally someone as nuts as the other members have been found. Steve
Morath of Depew New York has joined the team. What about Eric? Madd Dogg says, "Eric is kool
and all but Steve is just plane insane. Plus Eric probobly wouldn't be able to practice as
much as Steve anyways."  Their practice will go right on schedual. 

11/9/98 - Many great things are happening. The band is practicing more, more songs are being
written, and there is quite possibly a new vocalist to the band. Eric Chaffie wants to try out
for this position and actually Boss Tribal thinks that he might have some skill compared to the
last people who tried out. More and even better news is expected very soon.

10/27/98 - Justin Mullane of Uphoric Decay has been converting his attic into a recording
studio. He said that when it is finished, Boss Tribal can use it anytime they want to record
stuff. Lots of work is being done by the band on trying to make and redo songs. Also they 
still need a bassist and vocalist. If anyone wants to or can help be a bassist in the area
mail us at

10/18/98 - New guitarist! Justin and MADD DOGG were talking and Justin decided to stick with 
his other band Uphoric Decay. Justin will do LOTS of projects with us and will support the
band all the way. The replacement for Justin is Darrek Knop who is a great guitarist. Since
Justin is not in the band anymore the Thisbe/Masacre song won't be on the Party In The Womb
CD, however it might be on a combined CD for somthing in the future.Wyeth Jones thier T-Shirt
designer/roadie/Wild Jammer has been creating TONS of great shirts too. Boss Tribal still
needs a bassist as well. If anyone wants to or can help be a bassist in the area...MAIL US!

10/11/98 - Ups and down, highs and lows. Good things and slightly dragging out things are
happening with Boss Tribal. The band had to put off some practice because Joe had to go out
of town. However the others are doing quite good. Still on the serch for a vocal and bassist
they have been searching all over. Brandon Chase might be thier new vocal. Also the band 
has found a great T-shirt/logo designer to help them, his name is Wyeth Jones. Baby
Shaker guitarist/vocal Bloody Eye Rich is also helping produce the shirts. Some more good
news is that Love Triangle's lyrics are up on the web page. More tabs and links will be

9/20/98 - Boss Tribal might have a new vocal. They are testing out Brandon Chase who
they think might be thier newest member...not sure. Also Boss Tribal might have a new
roadie Clayton Westburg. Clayton says he'll dance around like an idiot on stage like the
dude from the Mighty Mighty Boss Tones too which nobody seems to mind. As for a bassist
Boss Tribal still needs a bassist (and vocal if Brandon doesn't cut it). MAIL US IF YOU
         Boss Tribal is reworking a few of thier songs because they didn't like the
product result. They are making a few more songs as well as trying to make stuff for the
CD sample. Well for some bad news the e-mail servers are down for the newsleter, however
through yahoo they can get some stuff out.

9/6/98 - NEW DRUMMER?!?!?!  Yes Antonio Gieser of BOSS TRIBAL has been kicked out 
because he hasn't practiced in a while. The new drummer is none other than the AWESOME
Joe Pfieffer, nephew of Darren Pfieffer who is the world known drummer of the Ska/Punk
band Goldfinger. It looks like there will be even more havoc on stage with the band now.
         Also at Fall Fest 98 MADD DOGG jamed to the Sugar Hill Gang,Busta Rhymes,and 
Goldfinger. MADD DOGG shook hands with DJ Scratch of Sugar Hill and talked to Darren 
Pfieffer of Goldfinger a LONG time like always. Darren signed MADD DOGG's pic as a
suvinier (the same 1 Chino Moreno of the Deftones signed). 

9/3/98 - MAJOR UPDATE! First off the BOSS TRIBAL SKULL PIT web page has got some more 
pics up including the pic of GAZOO the Trombone/Mixer/Vocal of the band. There are more
tab links, Links for stuff (MP3s, emulators, ect.), and also more bands in the TRIBAL 
         In more news the band is going to be practicing more because MADD DOGG just
bought his car (a red '83 Camero Z-28). JUSTIN has been comming up with MANY delightful
solos for songs that he wants to play as well. GAZOO has been doing some trombone work
as well. MADD DOGG has been making new riffs for songs as well. Also GAZOO and MADD
DOGG have created a song called GANGSTA'S ALPHABET (more in the SONG/ALBUM section).
MADD DOGG and Ben Tenorio (TINHEAD) of SONIC INVASION continue to make more on the song
for SONIC INVASION's new song. More info on this will be released SOON.
         In other news MADD DOGG got a program from a freind on the internet that lets
you program your own RPGs like Final Fantasy. He is going to make a few games and put
them on the net as well as maybe some of his drawings once his scanner gets fixed.
JUSTIN and MADD DOGG also have gotten new band gear. JUSTIN got a shirt made for him
that says in wicked letters I HATE ALTERNATIVE MUSIC (He likes the HARD GRUNGE Alter-
native though). MADD DOGG got some biker gloves,wicked shades,and a specially made 
shirt of a pissed off Pit Bull on the front and on the back of it, it says NOT A BONE
TO PICK WITH. They are looking forward to a  show they wish to play in the future and
when possible thier CD SAMPLE release.

8/9/98 - It is official...Jerid and Seamus are no longer in the band. Jerid and Seamus 
had to go because of work...but still will help out sometimes. Boss Tribal's web page 
(this one) has reveived over 1000 hits! Thank you u maniac fans!!! MADD DOGG also has
been talking to a manager guy in Rochester (a place close to him)...he has worked with
people who help the Mighty Mighty Boss Tones and other bands. Also Boss Tribal has now
been helping a TON of bands...More news shall come soon...If u r a bassist or vocal
who wants the job to fill Jerid and Seamus's spots...then we'll try ya out ^_^

7/27/98 - First of all Boss Tribal is in contovercy in which song they should come out
with for the CD single. It is a 3 way tie between Meloncolly,Love Triangle,and Engine
Asylum which are 3 excellent songs. The rare track Shangrala will still be released as
follows. In more news Boss Tribal may have a great manager who knows someone who knows
a person who works with The Mighty Mighty Boss Tones and other great bands. They are
awaiting the man's e-mail. Boss Tribal will on the band seen sooner than they think now.

7/21/98 - There is going to be a delay in the releasing of the Boss Tribal CD, Party
In The Womb. The reason is due to the band not being ready for the release....but the
band WILL release soon a 2 song single with trck 1 either being their song Meloncolly,
or Love Triangle, and the other song is a rap type song which will NOT be on the Party
In The Womb CD making this CD single somewhat a collectors item song thing. The band is
going to be booking shows soon but only when ready...more info later on. ALSO Boss Tribal
has met many bands which are now in the TRIBAL BRETHRINE. Shirts and ect. are almost near
completion for murchendice sales. That's the news for now... things are looking up!

7/13/98 - Boss Tribal's tape realease may be schedualed for an August or September
release! In addition to the good news there are 4 songs practically done and 5 more
that will be VERY soon! Jerid Donavan said he will stay with Boss Tribal to be a
bassist for a little while and Justin has joined another band but also will stay
with Boss Tribal.The newest song that is being made is a KoRn/Pantera like song kalled
Burned Prophecy (that's what they think they'll kall it). As for shows the might play
at a few partys....not sure what's gonna happen but things are DEFINITLY looking good!

6/30/98 - It's getting to be party time and Boss Tribal is picking up more and more
speed.The Gigglestick band project is being pit on hold for a while since Aaron Bebee
has created a Gothic shockrock punk like band called the Hatebreeders. Boss Tribal is
now in the process of making a LOT of songs. Guitar work has been done and practice is
going acording to schedual and all is good so far. Boss Tribal might be playing a lot of
shows in August and hopefully they can even get a tape on the market or's
looking up quite well.

6/23/98 - Boss Tribal is doing somthing a little different...they are kind of splitting 
into 2 bands. The 1 band is like a Punk/Funk band what is thinking of being called 
Gigglestick. The other band is the origanal Boss tribal. Why have they made 2 bands?...
well it's like this...bassist jerid Donavan of Boss Tribal is in another band called
Green Root which was his origanal band. He might go back to that band so Boss Tribal
was looking for another bassist. They got Aaron Bebee of 1 of the best new Buffolo 
metal bands who was going to do some bass work did not want to do the Metal like stuff
that much...Justin of Boss Tribal didn't want to do some Punkish Madd Dogg,
the "leader" decided to have 2 bands. 
          In Gigglestick there will be (Ace Funk)Aaron Beebe, Madd Dogg, and new member
Brian Koszuda (The Great Gazoo)...they are thinking of getting Fathom's dummer Joe 
Pheiffer (nephew of the Darren Pfieffer,drummer of Goldfinger) for drums, and for a singer
Seamus Meyher of Boss Tribal might do vocals.
          Boss Tribal is going to have the same old people,Jerid (until they get a
replacement,Justin,Baby Van Dam,Madd Dogg,and Seamus Meyher. Also Gazoo (Brian Koszuda
will do the horn work. Also guitarist Neil Pafke is being taken into consideration for 
a guitarist. Since Boss Tribal might need a new bassist they might get Bloody Eye Rich's
(guitarist/vocal of Baby Shaker) coussin and work from there.

6/12/98 - BOSS TRIBAL IS NOW A FULL BAND!!! Justin Mullane of Turbo Blue is going to be
Boss Tribal's 2nd (and mostly lead) guitarist. Justin encorperates his metal/blues style
music and will be hands make this band the BEST band EVER created. The whole band will
practice whenever they can until final exams are done...then after that in summer, they
will work on songs as much as possible. guitarist/vocal Madd Dogg has about 6 guitar
peices and Justin has brought a song to them he calls Massacre. More news shall be posted
VERY soon.

6/8/98 - GREAT NEWS!!!! Boss Tribal has a Bass player and a new vocalist! Bassist Jerid
Donavan and vocalist Shamus Meyher are now a part of the band that will soon be a great
sensation. ALSO Brian Koszuda might be playing Trombone for the group...Brian said that
he is learning Trombone and over summer he will be good.Brian is also an expert at mixing
so Boss Tribal is thinking of this opportunity very much.
        ALSO Boss Tribal has  3 riff peice songs now that will have beets and bass to them
VERY soon since they have the man power for the bass and now an extra voice to make it even
easier. And FINALLY...Boss Tribal would like also tp say they have a mailing list...WHICH 
HAS 166 PEOPLE ON IT SO FAR!!! Sign up today and become a Tribal Warrior!

6/7/98 - Boss Tribal might get Shamus Mayher as a lead vocal. Shamus is the brother of a
guitarist (Pat Meyher) of a band called Dick Thursday (Dashboard Jesus). Shamus is a 
drummer like Antonio but doesn't mind singing.
         Boss Tribal has almost 3 songs complete...1 is thinking to be more of a type of
an instrumental. They have been trying to mix up the element of music like Ska and Metal,
and make somthing strong. More of this info about songs will be released soon.

6/1/98 - Good news...Madd Dogg of the band is close to perfecting the guitar tune and 
he has also started a 2nd song. He says... 
         "The tune I want to make is very fast paced and some people said it was a 
nice start off for it.The direction I want to take this song is like something fast and 
heavy, sort of like a Jimmy's Chicken Shack song but not quite because it has a different 
guittar beat and fast paced blend to it."
         They have been working around fiddling certain things and trying to get some new
sounds.The band wants to get a guitar synthisizer for different sounds. Madd Dogg says...
         "I wish I could make my own pedals because I want to get some guitar FX like a
pissed off dog (like or a killer engine....some new sounds for hard music and
maybe like oblong sounds that like 311 does because it sounds sort off like alien stuff"

5/30/98 - BOSS TRIBAL MIGHT HAVE THEIR FIRST SONG READY SOON!!! Vocalist/guitar player 
Madd Dogg is working on 1 song that is like a good metal/alternative song that's kinda a 
little like Offspring in a way (making it a little punkish as well).The band will mix this
song up and make it perfected.Drums r gonna be easy for it and bass will be as well when
the instruments r gonna be actually put in.Vocals might be hard but not to hard...the song
is fast paced and strong.It's not titled yet since it's only currently a tune but it's VERY
good.The band needs the bass player and other members for help on the song of coarse since
they are still looking so if you know ANYONE in the Buffolo area...E-MAIL ME!!!
       If you want a wav of what the song sounds like give me your e-mail.The song remember
is not perfected yet and of coarse will be longer...but this will give the medium of the

5/30/98 - The band might actually have a chance to grow.Boss Tribal has received some fan
mail type stuff about advice and stuff such as singer idea and all that.Thank you for the 
advice and ideas.Now for more info on the band.They do not have the bassist or guitarist
yet,BUT possibly might get a 2nd vocal.From the local band of Phat Screech they possibly
might get DJ Ward who is pretty good.More info on this will be released soon and if DJ
desides to come and be a part of the Tribe,who knows.Also the Guitarist of a great band
called Baby Shaker is helping Boss Tribal will help get them gigs and other stuff.The
band seems to be on it's way.Well that's news and remember,send fan mail and advice,and
they still need members for the band so if anyone if from the Buffolo area or near it,

5/25/98 - Stuff has been posted up looking for more band members and stuff,but still
contact the band cuz they still want yer help.MADD DOGG has got a new pedal (32FX Meat
Box) and is working on more guitar stuff since he kan't sing right now.He is still 
jamming in Alien Slide (The other band he's in) and thinks with the pedal he will tear
some booty up.Boss Tribal should get rolling more and more over the next weeks,and 
especially over the summer.Well that's the news...If u know anyone who wants to help for
the band........MAIL ME!!!!!!!!

5/16/98 - Well this officailly opens the Boss Tribal web page.The lead vocal the band 
(which use to be Boss Tribal) has taken the Boss Tribal name with him yet he hasn't left 
the old band.The band is just starting out and as of right now there is a drummer and 
the lead vocal.
          Now that that's over...WE NEED YOR HELP! They are currently looking for a 
guitarist (possibly 2),a Keyboardist/Mixer/Scratcher,a Bassist,and Possibly another 
vocalist (female is fine too).If you are in the Buffolo Area and wanna do some of 
this...E-MAIL ME!!!  They are looking for someone who wants to try many styles and blend 
them.If u are someone who wants to do music like Metallica, White Zombie, Cypris Hill,
Beastie Boys, Reel Big Fish, Weezer, Seplatura, Rage Against The Machine, Offspring,
311, Green Day, Cannibal Corpse, Propogandhi, Weezer, Sublime and Goldfinger...




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