4/28/99 - Jerry the new Dj is m,ost likly going to be kalled either 1 of 3 namez...DJ Skiddlez, DJ
Ruthless, or DJ Sparkles. His profile has been put up and is VERY close to being finished. Practice
this week will be slow due to school and work, and stuff like thast but will pick up next week.
An audio section has been put up but the only wavs available r the 1's through e-mail....if u want
1... e-mail MADD DOGG.

4/27/99 - Boss Tribal has got a new DJ!!!!! Jerry Sullivan, who is MADD DOGG's freind was asked to
be in the band after he found out he use to do some DJ-ing in some years prior. DJ Sparkles is what
might be his nickname, Jerry's had it for a LONG time so who knows. his profile will be up shortly
(cuz MADD DOGG needs ta ask him the questions and shit first). "He's 1 crazy muther and is gonna 
kick ass!". Jerry at first said "I'm probobly gonna suck so if I do then get someone else" ,and then
soon after yelled throught the day he and MADD DOGG were at the mall "I'M IN A BAND!!!" and jumped
around going CRAZY with the Dogg lord.
          The CD LIVE FROM NORKA will not be released, however a Live CD WILL be released somtime
but not sure when. The band wants to take it's time with this but wants to get some type of thing
out there before CD Sampler Dropkickin' Babies is gonna be reorded. The CD that will be recorded 
will have some mor vulgar tracks on it since it's not going to be at Akron school like intended.
This will be posted soon on a definit set list like how LIVE FROM NORKA had 1.
          The bennefit show for Josh Burgess and the others is going to maybe take place in later 
July. As you know they plan to try to get Cannibal Corpse up here for the show. There will be 26 
bands...each band is being asked if they definitly kan, plus a real time/date plus place to play
is going to be determand later on.
         More songs shall be put up tis week as well. Burning Prophecies and possibly 2 misc songs
may soon be posted. Stay tuned and look to the SONGZ, ALBUMZ, PROJECTS section soon. The search for
a new bass player still rages on so if yer good and want the job, e-mail at

4/23/99 - Bassist Neil "MOTORHEAD" Pafk is no longer in the band. Neil worked on his car too much
and his work shedual got in the way. Not much dedication came from him however he did give some
damn good ideas. MADD DOGG says, "It sux to lose Neil. It was a decision I didn't wanna do but
I talked to Derek and Shawn and they said do whatever."
          GAZOO is also being thought about kicking out. He has not practiced his trombone in 
weeks and he is thinking he will do lead vocals when that job is MADD DOGG's. His situation unlike
MOTORHEAD's is iffy. MADD DOGG sez, "I really DON'T want to get rid of Brian, he was down with the
band since day 1. He's like my best freind, however he hasn't done anything cuz of work, track, and
I just don't think he wants a part of it anymore. I really hope cuz he duz do stuff but he needs to
practice his trombone. if he kan't I want him to do SOMTHING, but he is NOT lead vocals."
          For a brighter side there is a song being written kalled MY KINDA BITCH. Each member says
things and it's kinda bad like LORD OVERSEX and is REALLY funny. More about it is in the song 

4/18/99 - ENGINE ASYLUM IS FINISHED! Late at night MADD DOGG finally completed the lyrics. The
song is kan see the lyrics in the LYRIC section of the page.
          BOSS TRIBAL is getting ready for thier CD show and also for Aldenfest '99. Also the
benefit show will contain TONS of bands...The list will be confirmed somtime after they receive
a reply from Cannibal Corpse...ALL the bands will rule! Also 2 more songs have been gotten ideas
for, 1 being a good show opener song. The Cosmic Gear section has also been redone, merchandise
comming soon. Also more bands for the benefit show are being included...they are going to make
the benefit an all our rockin insane show.

4/10/99 - The countdown has begun...Aldenfest IF being played....the band has 20 days left to
get ready, they have 26 days left to get ready for thier show at Local Fest / Schoola Palooza
as well...however the band'z DJ Scratcher BIG T is not going to be scratcher anymore. He said
he really don't know how to do the job that good but he'll still help the band out in some ways.
He's most likly going to be a roadie like PORNSTAR is. So this means they need a DJ Scratcher
ASAP! If there is none it'll be ok but they will DEFINITLY need 1 for thier full effect for 
songs. The band will be practicing almost every day due to the show dates.
          G.O.D. THE ENFORCER Shawn Brewer has quit the band...QUIT THE BAND LUCID THAT IS! 
MADD DOGG told him about what Laura Iwitchia, guitaist and leader of the band, did...Shawn just
laughed. Here is the message board guestbook of Laura and LUCID's homepage...if you also wish
to leave a message feel free to...    Shawn by this
OFFICIALLY quit LUCID. MADD DOGG says " is that band fucked".
          $k@teR Br@iN has been FINALLY completed along with the NEW song list for the LIVE CD
show in Akron. More info on this in the SONG, ALBUMZ, AND PROJECTS section. The band has also
aquired more bands to be added to the BOSS TRIBAL BRETHRINE. LUCID will be taken off the page.
          The benefit show is looking even MORE than possible...As you read before BOSS TRIBAL
is trying to hold a benefit show for the victims of a car crash that drastically injered 6 
teenagers...1 who was Josh Burgess, the cuzzin of Cannibal Corpse bassist Alex Webster. MADD
DOGG has taken major action in choosing specific bands for this show...the bands that will play
at the benefit are: O.B.M.O.M. (Our Blesed Machine Of Misery), BOSS TRIBAL, Pier 9 Brawl, @, 
Liquid Violence who was to be on the ticket was going to be contacted by MADD DOGG but the day
MADD DOGG was going to contact them he went to the mall where he met Fred Dombrowski and Al 
Malcawiza of 3 BELOW and  from the impression they made on him, he replaced Liquid Violence for
3 BELOW...MADD DOGG wanted some more very hard metal in the concert and with the attitude they
expressed and what they stand for, MADD DOGG was pleased to get them on the ticket imediatly.

4/6/99 - ENGINE ASYLUM!!!!! Engine Asylum, 1 of the bands heaviest songs, is being redone and
it's sounding better than before. MADD DOGG says, "Engine Asylum like all the other songs we
have were just ideas, some still are. The song was 1 of the 1rst ideas I ever had for this 
band along with 30 Second Sting, Gangsta's Alphabet, Love Triangle, Lord Oversex, and a few 
more. I tuned down my guitar way low (I think almost 2 steps...not sure) and, I started to 
play on the highest frets. I heard somthing I liked a lot so I was like...Ok this is kool...
then I went really heavy with it, I've been listening to a lot of Corpse and 6 Ft. Under and 
Pantera lately, so I think it's kinda making me do heavier shit subliminally...I dunno. I kan't
wait till Derek gets home from Florida kuz he's gonna have a fun time wih the riff. We are 
planning on playing the song the 7th for our LIVE CD and video comp...I hope we'll all be ready,
I think we might." The song is still being toggled with and more results will come later.
         GREAT NEWS! BOSS TRIBAL is going to get some shirt ideas and stuff from "THE BUTT-ROCK
QUEEN" Amanda Goldyn. Amanda who is MADD DOGG's good freind is very talented in art and creating
kool designs. She will be helping the band by making shirt things and also by possibly web page
designs. Mike "FuSiOn" Roth is also most helping on web designs. Also, the band has aquired a 
GREAT freind in the music industry, JSolar. JSolar is an AWESOME hook up girl for bands and
knows the bands Kottonmouth Kings, Insane Clown Posse, Far, 2 Skinny J's, Incubus, Vanilla Ice,
and Dial-7 which MADD DOGG talked to at Vanilla Ice's concert. She lives in Ohio which means the
band kan't just pick up and go but when BOSS TRIBAL will tour she will be easy for contacts. She
is an AWESOME web page designer for the bands as well and is making a 2nd BOSS TRIBAL web page!!!
BOSS TRIBAL gives very much thanks to JSolar and Amanda "THE BUTT-ROCK QUEEN ".
         Here's more digz...April 30th or May 1rst, BOSS TRIBAL will maybe will play at Aldenfest
99' featuring Nobody's Hero, The Budgets, Homefeild Advantage, and Blinkin' Machine. If they play
however GAZOO and SEXUAL CRISCO will sadly not be in attendance. They must go on a school band
trip so they won't be able to make it...This means the band kan't really do thier works fully but
they will try to see what'll happen, IF they kan make the show. May 7th as we all know BOSS 
TRIBAL will also most likly play  at Akron Central High School which is going to be recorded for
thier LIVE CD titled, LIVE FROM NORKA. SEXUAL CRISCO is affraid he will not be able to play becuz
he is not sure if he'll be ready. MADD DOGG said he's not sure if all the band will be ready 
either so he should do it anyways...Either way, they will most likly play the show.
         Josh Burgess, the cuzzin of CANNIBAL CORPSE bassist Alex Webster has been hospitalized
along with Darren Cummero of ENTITY, and 4 other passengers, from a car crash that happened 2
days ago. MADD DOGG has talked to JERID of PIER 9 BRAWL and wants to set up a benifit show in
May to help the victims of the crash. However not do they only want to play there, MADD DOGG is
going to try to get CANNIBAL CORPSE themselves to play the show! In a few days MADD DOGG will
send the band a letter telling them of the tragedyand hopes they will listen to his plea for a
show for Josh and the others. If they can't play BOSS TRIBAL shall STILL do the show. It would
be most likly near the end of May...the only problem now is WHERE to play. More details soon!

4/3/99 - Over the past 4 days TONS of stuff has been happening! The first thing and also the
best...BOSS TRIBAL HAS A 7TH MEMBER IN THE BAND! Mike "SEXUAL CRISCO" Slagor, an exclusivly
awesome trumpet player, was asked to be in the band by MADD DOGG. CRISCO before entering was
to do some trumpet with a few songs like A VIBRATOR NOW'S HER BEST FREIND, BAR BAND / BAR
GIGGIN', and a few others. MADD DOGG said he found places to put GAZOO in songs where before
he didn't realize where he could put him, so he asked CRISCO if he wanted to join, Mike accepted
without hesitation. The first thing he said to MADD DOGG the next day was "I can't beleive I'm 
in Boss Tribal," and then he laughed like a mother. 
         MADD DOGG has been KICKED OUT of Lucid! The reason for this is due to Jerid of Pier 9
Brawl who was also helping out Lucid. Jerid left about a month ago but MADD DOGG still wanted to
help out. MADD DOGG was playing a joke on this girl who was the leader of the band's best freind.
Lucid's leader Laura Iwatchiw was very pissed by this. The joke MADD DOGG played was harmless, 
all he said was "You can be Jerid's freind" and the girl was spazing which MADD DOGG thought was
funny. The girl didn't like Jerid much and stuff. Laura jumped in and said "Stop trying to hook 
up Jerid with her". MADD DOGG said he wasn't at all, it was only a joke. Laura spazed out 
thinking it wasn't getting the message through her brain. "He's a psycopathic suicidal stoner!"
is all she kept saying along with other stuff that was just unbelievable wrong. Laura bitched 
and MADD DOGG couldn't set her strait about the issue. Laura once was Jerid's freind and now 
hates him because of things he had done a LONG time ago which also she mixed in with her own
beleifs. She kicked out MADD DOGG for sticking up for Jerid. "It's like a fuckin' soap opera 
man! The reason jerid left is because he had his obligations in Pier 9 Brawl...also he kinda
thought Lucid's music sucked anyways. As for me I'd help them out but we're on REALLY rough 
terms. I'm just pissed she stabbed us in the back and all that, I'll still help em out though
but ONLY if she wants me to. Thier music kinda did suck anyways and that's the major reason I
wanted to help them out."
          Well it's vacation time and some of the members have taken off. BIG T and CEREAL 
KILLA have flown to the Florida Keys. the others are working and doing lots of crap. They will
practice with what they kan and will try to get ready for a show that is possibly schedualed 
for April 29th at the Alden Legion in Alden New York. Hopefully they kan be ready. Also they
want to practice VERY much for thier show at Akron Central School May 7th, which will also be
recorded onto a CD and video taped to be sold as a set. The band is almost done making a 
definite set list and also the video will be a pretty good recording because Brandon Chase who
is doing lots of the technical work will be handling the camera along with Brian "HOOTIE" 
Hootiman. They hope the CD and video will give a great resolution for people to enjoy. MADD
DOGG plans to send these CDs to a few bands they know including the crazy band Dial-7 which is
becoming more popular and known every day. 
          New songs have been added along with some lyrics to them on the web page...there are
now 16 songs on the LYRICS secxtion. "I am striving to get lots of things done,everyone is 
comming up with good ideas such as, we are doing Cake's covered version of I WILL SURVIVE, which
GAZOO and SEXUAL CRISCO asked to do," explains MADD DOGG. "I wanna get sounds of us up there and
stuff too within a week or 2." 
          Also as we all know BOSS TRIBAL wants to help the band scene in thier area by helping
tons of bands. Well the band has found another band who shares the same dream as them. The band
is named Limited Identity and are from Corfu New York which is close to them. They came up with
the idea of a double disk complimation of 30 local bands or more doing 2 songs each...MADD DOGG 
jumped at the chance and commended the band for this idea. Both bands plan to get as many bands
they know of in the area to be down with the idea. Hopfully they all will. OiBoy Mike, 1 of MADD 
DOGG's friends near Albany (about an hour from it) is help signing bands and wants BOSS TRIBAL
to do some shows. MADD DOGG said of coarse. OiBoy Mike said to him "I am trying to get a 
complimation of all the bands I think rule and would be a kool influence to the music scene. I
wanted to know if you guys wanted to be on it." MADD DOGG also jumped at this oportunity for the
band to whoop some tunes out.
         A few more songs have been added including a brand spankin new 1. The songs S.R.M.M.K.,
50,000 Miles, and She Makes Me Wanna... have been put up in the LYRICS section. MORE NEWS ABOUT

3/30/99 - Boss Tribal will release a video tape of the concert along with the sale of thier CD
which is going to be titled Live From Norka. "HOOTIE" Brian Hootiman said he could possibly do
video camera for the band's show when it takes place. Band shirts will ALSO be sold thier.
          The song's Hands Of War and Atomic Boy were put up on the web page over the weekend
and Monday night. Hopefully they can get up more songs this week. MADD DOGG thinks the next
songs to go up will be $k@tEr Br@iN, S.R.M.M.K., Burning Prophecies, I Killed The Power 
Rangers, or Engine Asylum. Look for more lyrics up soon!

3/27/99 - First off Boss Tribal has put up thier lyrics for the song Hearthtob on the lyrics
page. The song is pretty kool. Now for the MAJOR story...
          Boss Tribal is in conflict for playing the show at thier school on May 7th which
is sort of like a Battle Of The Bands type thing kalled Local Fest. The problem is due to
Zack Cerisani of the band Bully Rag. Zack set up Local Fest with Willie Jago of the band
Entity (which is has broken up) last year. Well this year Zack set it up himself. MADD DOGG
wanted Boss Tribal to play in the show but wasn't sure they'd be able to just because at the
time, they had no drummer. However, since Boss Tribal has a full band MADD DOGG is not
sceptical. So what's the problem? Well Zack thinks that MADD DOGG doesn't have a drummer or
any songs for thier band. Zack told him that he wants a tape of 3 songs in 6 days or they
can't play. MADD DOGG said that, that was imposible because people have work and stuff.
MADD DOGG said he could get Zack a tape by the week after vacation. Zack agreed to this.
Well another problem that resulted in this was that since the concert is at school they
must follow certain rules. MADD DOGG knows the rules and wouldn't go against them. The rules

1) No swearing in lyrics
2) The crowd can't mosh 
3) No offensive things or gestures
4) No band that is not attend Akron Central School can not play the show.
5) No student with an average below a 65 can play the show.

        Well what MADD DOGG wanted to do is have a major stage production for the concert.
MADD DOGG wanted to drag people up on stage to mosh but he and GAZOO talked about it and 
MADD DOGG decided not to because of liability and insurance reasons. MADD DOGG told Zack 
about how they had lots of crazy shit to do on stage. Zack was totally against almost
everything they were going to do on stage especially how they would promote thier 1rst 
CD sample kalled DROPKICKIN' BABIES. They planed to kick a baby doll into the audiance to
promote the CD...however Zack was distraught by this and said "No! You kan't do that it's
offensive, Dr. Black would NEVER go for that and besides it's a stupid idea. People will
get angry and think that you promote kicking little children."
       MADD DOGG said that it's not to offend anyone because it's just promoting a CD and
because the crowd will love it. He also wanted to have a guest band do a song with them
doing a song...the special guest band is not from thier school though which might be a
problem. MADD DOGG will talk to the teachers that are helping produce this about these
issues. The other bands which are playing are in full support of what BOSS TRIBAL is going
to do on stage, especially the band Pier 9 Brawl. BOSS TRIBAL wants to go all out and play
a wicked show for thier freinds there. They will be selling T-shirts at the show and also
from that show they will be recorded for a LIVE CD which will be titled LIVE FROM NORKA.
The band will also have a video of the show recorded for backstage and is going to give
laminants and stuff. More on this to come later on.
      Also BOSS TRIBAL may play a show at The Alden American legion with The Budgets,
Blinkin' Machine, Nobody's Hero, and Homefeild Advantage. Don of the budgets said to MADD
DOGG that they wanted to play a show with them and wanted to know if they could...more info
on the show will be announced soon!

3/24/99 - Boss Tribal has put up ANOTHER song. The song is thier wickedly odd heavy song
PSYCO (more details about the song on the SONGZ, ALBUMZ, AND PROJECTS section). Hopefully
more songs will be put up as well.
          Also the band has got thier recording and mixing equipment from thier old drummer
Antonio Geiser "BABY VAN DAMN". GAZOO the technical wizard of the group is experimenting on
different things with the equipment...good things shall come!
          Finally, MADD DOGG in his public speaking class played a quicker version of the
song $k@tEr Br@iN...The class had only known MADD DOGG was in a band but never heard any real 
songs from him or any of the members. MADD DOGG played the song and the feedback he received
when he played the song people liked it a lot! He says "I played just the riffs quick but hey
they liked it. It was funny cuz I had a cold and my nose was running like crazy, it dripped 
all over when I played...everyone laughed cuz I was like, holy crap did u see that snot 
rocket!", People asked him to play more but he mostly lets the riffs go for Derek...however
he did play the Power Ranger Theme and he mocked out Shawn Mullans's Rock-aby song, the class

3/21/99 - The song DRINK! FUCK! KILL! DESTROY! has finally been put up on the web page! It's
gonna be 1 of thier best tunes and will have everyone going psyco! Hopefully more songs this
week will be put up in the lyrics section. 
          Also the LORDS OF ACID video for the song Pussy has been linked to the web page so
for all you LOA fans. Look in Links to stuff. The video is all 3D animated and is really kool.
It's not pornographic but that's kuz of some rule or somthin that TV sensors (heh...oh well).
More stuff later on peeps.

3/19/99 - Boss Tribal just got a NEW MEMBER!!! The new member is Neil Pafk. Niel is an 
awesome guitarist and is REALLY kool. Madd Dogg talked about getting another person for bass
and guitar because some songs would be hard to play and sing at the same time like certain
covers of Pantera and stuff. Also now they can play full covers of Slayer and other bands
that have 2 guitarists instead of not having the 2nd guitar the other bands have. Madd Dogg
thinks he is AWESOME for the band because he is 1 crazy bastard and boy is he right. Welcome
to your new home Neil!
          Also the band hopes to get at least 2 songs by this weekend, 3 if they possible.
They are not sure which songs but it looks like the songs PSYCO and DRINK FUCK KILL DESTROY!
More song stuff will come later on as well...stay tuned.

3/18/99 - ok here's some ok news. First off no quits or anything like that. The bad news is
G.O.D.'s drums are at school then he needs to go to Rochester during next week. However though
there is good news. 2 songs have been added to the lyrics section. The songs are Fusion's Own
and A Vibrator Now Is Her Best Freind. MADD DOGG says he plans to try to get 2 more songs up by
Friday the 19th. More updates will come soon.

3/15/99 - Some very scary news for BT fans. Turbulance is in the band. THE GREAT GAZOO says
he doesn't want to be in the band anymore!!! MADD DOGG however wants to keep him in because for
1 think he's 1 of his best freinds, 2 he is a damn good mixer and also needed for trombone and
vocals. The reasons for him saying this is because MADD DOGG talks about how the band keeps
progressing but the band never practices or when they say they will they never do. He is a
little right but not totally...the band duz practice but the only 2 who are really practicing
are MADD DOGG and CEREAL KILLA. They still need to get a hold of Shawn too. Also he said that
at Schoola Palooza in May that they would make total asses out of themselves compared to the
other bands. MADD DOGG says they wouldn't because they'll get in some good practice and won't
push anything, and besides everyone is mostly looking forward to seeing them play most over
the others and watching them go fuckin crazy on stage. This situation will be updated soon...
just hope he stays. 
          Good news though, the band will post up more lyrics by this week...keep close watch.
They also added some new covers and made the definite set list for all the Mini-CD Sampler

3/11/99 - Good news! As of so far, BIG T Steve Morath will still be in the band. hopefully
he will be able to do a lot more soon. However, MADD DOGG still needs to talk to G.O.D. The
Enforcer to see if he really wants to stay and if he has time, hopefully he will. If all
goes well MADD DOGG wants to play a show at Alden or some place before the May concert.
He doesn't think they will be able to but if he kan get the band ready, they'll strive for
that...and on the ticket he would want The Budgets, Blinkin' Machine, Nobody's Hero, and Pier
9 Brawl. There will be more news about this soon.

3/6/99 - Some sort of bad news and some VERY good news. 1rst the BAD news. Questionable band
situation...what the hell does that mean you ask? Well 1rst off Shawn "G.O.D. The Enforcer"
Brewer who is the new drummer was hoped to be a crazy mutha' who had no standards and just
didn't kare about anything...kinda like a Tre' Cool sept way more insane. Well they HOPE he can 
fulfill this because he is really cool...but MADD DOGG talked to Shawn and he said he really 
didn't like the nickname of G.O.D. The Enforcer. The rest of the band loves it and so do the 
band's fans. Also from LUCID's Laura Iwachiw he heard that he might not like the lyrics of thier
or any other song they have with lots of vulgarity or just damn idioticy in it. He's in New Jersey
right now so when he returns he will be asked the questions if he like the lyrics and if he has no
real standards of stupidness or whatever you want to kall it.
         ALSO, BIG T is being also questionable. Yer probobly thinking..."WHAT THE FUCK! Why is
Boss Tribal doing this?". Well BIG T kan never be reached much, even on his pager too. Also his
girlfriend Julie has him most of the time, the band doesn't want to begrudge time away from them 
or anything though. HOPEFULLY somthing can be heard from him and more stuff can be done. More info
about G.O.D. The Enforcer and BIG T soon.
         Now for the VERY GOOD NEWS...There is none...JUST KIDDING! Cereal Killa' and MADD DOGG
got some good ideas for some heavy stuff. ALSO the song idea DRINK FUCK KILL DESTROY! will 
DEFINITLY be used for a song. MADD DOGG sez "I came up with the idea this 1 day when I was 
driving back to my oh so fun (sarcasm...hehehe) town of Akron to drop off Jerid and Aaron of 
Pier 9 Brawl. Well that week and the week before just freekin sucked...I had no kar, money, 
and I did shit I didn't feel like doing but I did it just to be nice and shit. Well I was so 
fuckin' pissed off I had this idea in my head. Well then the other day I laughed at this idea 
and was like, heh, man I was pissed. Well I was walkin home and like subcociously I was thinkin
up shit and just for fun spittin the. lyrics out and then was like DRINK! FUCK! KILL! DESTROY!
I was like...FUCK THAT WAS KOOL! I got home and wrote what I kould think of down laughing like a
little bitch. The next day I showed Cereal Killa' and he LOVED it which freeked my ass out cuz he
always like my shit before but never liked it that much."  The song is probobly going to be 1 of
thier best 1's for the crowd to get into at a gig...not sure but it seems GREAT for it. 
More song news later on!!! KEEP TUNED!!!

3/2/99 - GREAT NEWS!!!!!! Boss Tribal has found a new drummer! The band has aquired the talents
of Shawn Brewer...or as the band kallz him, G.O.D. (Greatly Overated Drumer) or the enforcer.
He is from the band Lucid (the band that MADD DOGG is helping out). He is still in the band and
MADD DOGG still helps out with LUCID as a 2nd guitarist. From Shawn being the new drummer, this
makes it so they can play thier May show.
         Also...HAPPY BIRTHDAY BIG T!!!! Big T turned 18 on last week. He celebrated by going to
the mall with his girlfriend Julie. He met up with MADD DOGG, Aaron Creep and T'Weed of Fetish,
T'Weed's girlfriend, and Lisa this chick from this other band that is near Gasport NY. T got his
ears pierced in 3 spots from Hot Topic for his present kinda. It was awesome.
         In MORE news, GAZOO, CEREAL KILLA', and MADD DOGG went to the local concert where lots 
of thier Tribal Brethrine played at. Fetish, 1 of BOSS TRIBAL's best brother bands played thier
first show...they KICKED ASS. Also MADD DOGG talked to what he thinks is 1 the best local bands
of Western NY, THE BUDGETS. "They were fuckin crazy!!! They r just like us!!!" he sez, "They are
going to be the BEST band to fuck around with!". The mosh pits for the concert kicked ass MEGA.
It was a rockin good time more or less. On a final note...The band is going to practice a hell 
of a lot more and get ready for showz...more to come later on so kome back soon.