7/1/99 - The band is trying to practice more and more amidst the precausions of vacation and all the crap that is going
on. Amidst the stuff, the anti-racial hate song DON'T CALL ME MELVIN!!! has been fully written and another called REMEMBER
THE ALAMO is being written. more on these songs in the SONGS / ALBUMS/ PROJECTS SECTION. Some more links in the Other Stuff
category have been added as well. More news will soon come!

6/28/99 - BARN BASTID Brian Kreyer is leaving for Spain. He will be gone the whole summer so the band is looking for a
trombone player more than ever. HOPEFULLY someone will be found. Brian will still be in the band because first off he is
a whoop ass kid and 2nd more sound is always a plus. He will be missed and when he returns he will jump right into the
band stuff.
          MADD DOGG'z partys are almost totally confirmed. 30 BELOW, 1 of BOSS TRIBAL's favorite brethrine bands might
be able to play it! 30 BELOW which if you have seen is from Las Vegas New Mexico. John Strum of 30 BELOW said that they 
are going to try to hit a tour and definitly try to hit the East Coast...if so they wanna do MADD DOGG's grad party...
so far the partys r lookin INSANLY good...more to come on this soon!

party thier asses off this summer! AWWW YEAH! So what does this mean for BOSS TRIBAL? A LOT OF SHIT WILL GET DONE!!!
Plus since MADD DOGG has graduated, MADD DOGG will throw his 2 WICKED grad partys which will include 9 bands at each!
BOS TRIBAL will most likly play the 2nd party as well. MADD DOGG wants to try to get a hold of GODHEAD and see if they
wanna play the party as well...more details on this will be given on this.
          The band also has a new song which is written to fight racial prejudice and hate...the song will open many
eyes through the way it is done, more about the song is in the SONGS, ALBUMS, AND PROJECTS section. MADD DOGG and
NEWT also talked to the lead vocalist of PUYA and ALL of BIOHAZARD. BIOHAZARD is being kept in contact very close and
is going to be e-mailed frequently for updates on certain things. MADD DOGG hopes that sumtime in the future (heh,
which will maybe be far), that they kan release a comp w/ BIOHAZARD. More info on lots of stuff shall come. Also
John Strum of the VERY wicked 30 BELOW is trying to be contacted...this is another step for THE BRETHRINE. John who
is a GREAT friend to MADD DOGG will be contacted and will be corresponded with...possibly some songs and stuff could
result with this...who knows.

6/22/99 - ALL THE LYRICS FOR PARTY IN THE WOMB ARE FINALLY DONE!!!!! The song COROSION was finally completed and put
up completing this crazy ass album! Since exams made the band's time shitty for practing, the oportunity for writting
was open and used VERY well. Now that all the lyrics are done, the music is going to set in more heavily. This week
completes exams and if all goes well, if MADD DOGG kan graduate, he will have not 1 but 2 insane graduation parties
where at each there will be 9 bands playing. MORE NEWS SHALL COME SOON!

6/17/99 - It's exam time...AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! GOD SAVE US ALL!!!!! Well anyways in the midst of this hell, BOSS TRIBAL
has some news that is phat in the ass! THEY GOT A SAX PLAYER!!! That's right! His name is Brian Gardener and he's
a West Seneca NY bastid who is 1 crazy fucker. He was found by e-mailing MADD DOGG from the band's post saying they 
were looking for a trombone player and a sax player. NOW THE BAND HAS 8 PEOPLE...1 MORE AND THIER ALL SET! 
Hell yeah!!! Also the songs WELCOME TO THE PARTY and CORROSION should be comming up on the lyrics page soon. For
even kooler news, DAN-YELL, a wicked punker chick from North Tonowanda NY is gonna bust sum vocals on the song PSYCO
CHICK! This girl is a gorgeous show stopper and is really talented, so all u punk boys who wanna drool, here's yer
chance to catch a grade A punk vixen in the act! The countdown is ticking and it looks like it's gonna be a BOSS
TRIBAL summer so get out the kegs and party down!!!

6/12/99 - BOSS TRIBAL HAS A NEW BASSIST! "NEWT" Newton Egresary joined the BOSS TRIBAL team last night. MADD DOGG
met him at the GODSMACK concert where they met by a wicked coincidence and then chilled and moshed all over the
place. "I can just remember at the end of the show, we were outside chillin' waiting for GODSMACK so we could meet
thier asses," says Mark He went to another side to meet 1 of the other members while I met Timmy, I heard a bouncer
there bitchin' at him, and oh man did he talk back to them...IT WAS FREEKIN HILARIOUS! He turned to me and was old people suck. The dude heard it and was bitchin', and then I was like...excuse me, where I come from
there's no fighting because (then I change to my Satanic voice) I BRING THE VIOLENCE!!!...Everyone stopped and Timmy
of GODSMACK who was now signing other autographs turned around and was like...whoa...shit. IT KICKED ASS!
         From the show as well, the Tribe has aquired the new comming band APARTMENT 26 who is touring with DRAIN
S.T.H. (who is trying to be contacted), and GODSMACK. The band agreed they would help BOSS TRIBAL out and what a
good advantage this has for the band to have knowing all these bigger bands like GODHEAD and ect. MORE NEWS TO COME

6/10/99 - Sound clips of Derek, Mark, and Shawn are going to be put on the page soon! The 3 morons did $k@tEr
Br@iN and recorded some of it onto a tape along with sum screwing around. The audio section is being tried to put
up these clips but since html codes aren't anyone's specialty e-mail and ICQ transfer of the files looks like the
next step for it. So why only 3 guys? Well here's the reason. Jerry had work, Mike had to visit his aunt in the
hospital, and Brian had review class that was manditory by his school. The clips however aren't bad. Derek, Shawn,
and Mark did pretty good. MADD DOGG did bass since they don't have any bass player yet...but oh well.
         Bumper stickers and shirts will be in soon as well. Anyone who wants these items go put yer name, adress,
and item requested. More and more will be made soon and get them quick while supplies r here now.

6/7/99 - WICKED NEWS FOR BT FANS!!!! The BOSS TRIBAL crew has a new Trombone player!!!! Brian "BARN BASTID"
Kreher who is the new member was met through G.O.D. the enforcer. After much trying to contact, and going crazy
for that matter, Brian was contacted and he went for the job right away! now only 1 more trombone player is
needed, along with a bass player and sax player as well. If anyone who's anyone ever heard of the Krehers....
they r CRAZY!!! Since his familly owns a big chicken/egg farm which many stores go ape shit over cuz the
chicken's eggs for some reason are such good quality (grade A chicken ass maybe?), he gets eggs that he kan chuck
all over the crowd....YUMMY!!!!
        Also 4 more songs have been put up on the page! Another song written by PORNSTAR and MADD DOGG kalled
JUVINILE, also the long awaited MELONCOLLY, and also the very fun and awaited drinking song GETTIN' LOADED.
More info in the SONGS section. 

5/31/99 - Bad news Tribal fans...Ben Cossit who was to be bassist isn't able to be the band's bassist...why?
Well the reason is gonna make u laugh. His mom don't want him to because the band says SHIT and FUCK and other
cusses within some of the lyrics and because the band is so heavy oriented and stuff. "Too bad, Ben woulda been
kick ass too" says MADD DOGG. However they might have found a trombone player who is G.O.D.'s friend, his name
is Kreyer...and anyone who knows the Kreyers, they know that they r wicked psycos. Andrew Boagie of the old
band Toy Menace has 2 sax players that might help as well...cross yer fingers. New equipment has been bought as
well...a new mic and a turntable have been bought and will soon be put to work. Like said before, more stuff
will be done over summer. Especially a lot of gigs.

THAT'S RIGHT BABY! THE BUDGETS who are 1 BOSS TRIBAL's best band buds, is going to be on Warped Tour as
a part of a local band showcase with a few other bands. Mark is going to be doing a song with all the Budget
boys but not sure which 1...however there is also a slight possibillity that BOSS TRIBAL could have a guest
apperance on stage w/ THE BUDGETS if they kan get the song BREAK SHIT! done in time which seems VERY possible.
          TONS of band news for your pleasures and informativeness for today. First of all, MADD DOGG
escaped narrowly with his life from a devistating car crash which totally destroyed his car. Luckily both
people in the accident came out of it semi ok. Lets just say the woman who hit him, hit the car so hard that
her liscense plate is still Mark's car. no charges are accused due to it being a system failure in the car
driven by MADD DOGG.
          This week more equipment is being bought. New turntables are being bought this weekend and now
also more mics plus a whole new drum set for G.O.D. THE ENFORCER. Tim Shrock from the once great PIER 9
BRAWL is willing to sell his drum set for $1100, jumping at the chance, MADD DOGG said he'd take it. Tim's
set has 2 bass drums, 4 toms, a snare, floor tom, high hat, and about 4 cymbols (crashe and splashes). 
With this set Shawn kan combind some of his old drums and cymbols with it and go freekin insane. More
mics will be bought as well.
          The song BURNING PROPHECIES is done and up in the lyrics section. The band is going to get the
rest of the songs on the page soon. They want to hopefully get recording for the audio section done but
also want cheak out Ben Cossit who wants to play bass for them. Hopefully this Sunday it kan happen. The
band is still trying to get trombone players and a sax as well for thier quest for a 9 piece.
          MADD DOGG made a big splash at the Aldenfest concert featuring WHAT'S UP CHUCK?, THE BUDDY
REVEELS, and the always wicked NOBODY'S HERO and THE BUDGETS. MADD DOGG dog's mic which he brought for
the bands to use got lost within Scotty Hero's car while the chord was busted inside the place. There
were contests that the bands did to try to out do each other and they were awesome. MADD DOGG won the
push-up contest and the striping contest. It was a riot. "The coolest thing was when THE BUDDY REVEELS had
someone go in the middle of the room and get spit on for like 3 CDs, a T-shirt, and stickers...I hawked a
HUGE 1 down his neck, it was AWESOME! (laughs)". MADD DOGG missed his prom for the show due to then not
Alowing him to go because of his crappy grades. Cereal Killa' and SEXUAL CRISCO however said it was a pretty
good prom but he didn't pimp any chix...oh well. Derek is going into sectionals for Track and possibly good luck u evil bastid! DJ Ruthless is going to the Southpaw HCW concert and is going to bust
a few heads as well.

5/23/99 - Recently attending 2 wicked concerts (HEADSTONES and MOTORHEAD), MADD DOGG has talked to a few
more local bands. MOLLY'S LIPS, PAINSTAKE, and the locally well known EVIL RUFUS KAY he is going to help
with thier promotion, like all the other bands off the page. MADD DOGG Mark Miller also talked to HATEBREED
and DROPKICK MURPHIES (who opened up for MOTORHEAD) and asked them some questions on what they think will 
happen on the Warped Tour. MANHANDLE, a brethrine band who opened for EVIL RUFUS KAY and HEADSTONES, played
an AWESOME set as well. 
          Along with the project of STILL becomming a 9 piece band, new equipment is going to be bought.
Shawn G.O.D. THE ENFORECER Brewer says "I hate my drums, I just HATE them". He has the standard drum set
of a bass, 2 toms, a floor tom, high hat, ride, crash, and snare. The band plans to get Shawn another bass
drum, 2nd snare, 2 or 3 more toms, 2 roto toms, 3 more cymbols, and a hell of a lot of ammo for his gun.
Also they plan on getting about 7 more mics and a lot of mic stands just in case places won't have enough
(and also let them break). Plus the band is getting new turntables VERY soon.
          2 new songs are in the works...1 is an untitled song made by BOSS TRIBAL'S ROADIE!!! The other
is kalled COROSION and is still being written...more info in the SONG, ALBUMS, AND PROJECTS section.
5/20/99 - 3 NEW SONGS ARE DONE! BLOOD ON THE MOON, an UNTITLED song, and the song featuring BOSS TRIBAL's
buds THE BUDGETS which is entitled BREAK SHIT!, have all been put up on the LYRICS page. 2 new logos for
the page also have been made up. They are still trying to reshrink the old skull pic and the other new
logo. Bumper stickers are also soon being made along w/ more shirts.
          MADD DOGG ha been helping get THE BUDGETS shows for thier tour. THE BUDGETS are going to take
MADD DOGG with them to Albany for a show sponsored by OiBoy Productions. As you may know, OiBoy 
Productions are in close relations with BOSS TRIBAL. MADD DOGG says, "If BOSS TRIBAL ever was to be
signed onto a lable or promoter....OiBoy is the ONLY one we would go to."
          Ben "RAMPAGE" Cossit is going to be tested out soon for the band. He is looking foreward to 
jam which is a good sign. Everyone cross your fingers cuz the boy sounds talented. Also new equipment
is being bought soon as well. They are first getting new turntables, more drums for Shawn's set, and
then some more mics and pedals....things are getting ready to move smoothly this summer.

5/16/99 - Track season for Akron school is ending so this means Derek CEREAL KILLA Knop kan get back in
the swing of practice...that goes for EVERYONE. Ben Cossit will be tested soon but also Pier 9 Brawl
bassist Jerid Donovan wants a shot at bassist...who knows what may unfold.
          Steakhouse, a band from Tonowanda New York and friends of BOSS TRIBAL, played at the Battle
Of The Bands (a shitty ROR) Friday the 14th. MADD DOGG of Boss Tribal was in attendance and met MANY
awsome bands such as Fireborn, Porno King, Shattered, and Spicket. However the REAL news of this event
was when Steakhouse came on. Steakhouse played a few songs and then were to do the Rage Against the 
Machine song, Bulls on Parade. Originally the plan was to have MADD DOGG throw meat all over the
audience but the manager said the only way they could is if theycleaned the entire place to get the meat
out of there...they didn't feel like doing that, plus not that many people stayed for the show due to it
being so late out in the night. Since the band couldn't have him throw meat, MADD DOGG helped do the
song with the band. It wasn't to bad, but the major problem was u couldn't hear anyone's vocals through
the mics...only barly, however Jerid Lee of Pier 9 Brawl said he kould hear MADD DOGG growl his evil
death growls. MADD DOGG jumped around and went ape shit on much he almost broke a mic stand
by kicking it. "He was fixing it and screaming at the same time...What an ass, (laughs)" Jerid stated.
"He was loud when u heard the growls but not anything else was heard, he was really fun to watch though."
Steakhouse and MADD DOGG sometime r to team up and do a song together like Blinkin Machine and MADD DOGG
and The Budgets and MADD DOGG...more news to come later on.

5/14/99 - It seems as if BOSS TRIBAL is playing the waiting game. The band as you know isn't able to
practice a ton due to school and work, however more things are getting done. The band hasn't practiced
in almost 2 weeks, yet it seems things arer going to pick up. MADD DOGG like said before, has been
corisponding with Ben Cossit who is a very talented bassist and trombone player who has also experience
with keyboards and guitars. Ben said he is trying to talk to his friend who is an AWESOME sax player
which he has first seat to all of the top east coast sax players. The band is working on getting both,
and both sound very promising. Ben says he wants to jam w/ the band first and MADD DOGG says it's all
good. The only prob is that since from before there hasn't been a hell of a lot of practice between
Boss Tribal the past weeks due to new members and just plain crap like work and school, MADD DOGG fears
Ben will not want to join the band. So what does this mean? Well MADD DOGG is going to try to get at
least Shawn and himself together also along with Ben for just a small thing for them to jam, and
hopefully some of the other members kan kome as well. MADD DOGG says "We are in dire need for new 
equipment too...we need about 4 to 6 more mics, new turntables and speakers, possibly more amps, and
they also need to expand G.O.D. THE ENFORCER's drum set...but with that prob comes how will the band
get enough $$$. Now that's a good might help out but they need support for $$$ in
some way. They are gonna definitly build stuff up over time.
          In more news, Blinkin Machine's Joe Barnett is having a problem within his band due to his
"change" and for not practicing...this means the song SPLATBALL will be put on hold for a bit but still
is being written up. It seems the band will do good no matter what happens and that SPLATBALL will
still be a song Blinkin Machine will do. The song is a BM song and maybe be on some sort of recording 
later on but nothing this second...if so it is a BM song but feature's MADD DOGG. 
          The coolest song will be made soon after all new the members of Boss Tribal are found...ladies
Budget talked to MADD DOGG and he said they r DEFINITLY down with the idea for a Budgets/Boss tribal 
song. More on this soon!

5/12/99 - It looks as if BOSS TRIBAL may have a new bass player! Ben Cossit who has played Bass for
8 years, trombone for 8 years, and keyboards even longer than both bass and trombone. The band hopes
to achieve Ben for the band because with his experience behind bass and horns, the band will be beter
than before. Ben can also play guitar so this multitalented individual will seem VERY useful if they
can get him. "The dude seems awesome and I think he might take a shot at it. He seems like someone 
who would definitly fit the description of what we're looking for. Since Ben is multitalented as 
well it's also a plus (especially the trombone part)." 
          Andy Boagey of Toy Menace talked to MADD DOGG as well and said that he did have 2 sax 
players numbers...both were in Toy Menace. Andy said he will talk to both tomarrow to see about BOSS
TRIBAL and if they want in, they will be contacted. They are hoping for a sax player and Boagey might
be able to snag 1 of them. Ideas have now been flowing about members...if Ben joins and plays 
trombone, duz the band really want 2 more trombones, or will Ben just stick to bass?...the answer...2
trombone still. The band since it switches up instruments will be ok for stuff, if 1 of the 2 second
trombone plyers can't do much else, then they kan sing and bust rhymes...It's looking VERY good so
far and if the sax player and Ben join....that will leave the band searching for 2 more members.
         A new logo is going to be added soon to the page replacing the old BOSS TRIBAL SKULL PIT
pic which is REALLY crappy. MADD DOGG has been scetching it and thinks it's better than the last 1
as duz CEREAL KILLA'. A new message board has been added to the page as well and it's seems like a
very useful tool. More news to come soon!

5/9/99 - GOOD NEWS! MADD DOGG is talking to George Regie who is trying to start his own local band.
George met MADD DOGG at a MUSTARD PLUG concert. George said he has 3 really good bassists he's 
cheaking out and said whichever 1's he's not keeping he said to MADD DOGG he should take them. It
seems the chances r looking good for this. ALSO, MADD DOGG is had the idea that they could get TOY
MENACE's old horn section! TOY MENACE was a band from near the Wiliamsville New York area...they 
were a hard driving ska band with a devious horn section. Andy Boagie who is MADD DOGG's friend and
who was also TOY MENACE's trumpet player is going to be asked by MADD DOGG about his old freinds in
TOY MENACE (the trombone players and sax player), and see if they want to play for BOSS TRIBAL. More
on this shall come soon!
         The BOSS TRIBAL web page has a new Message Board for all to leave comments on. The message
board will have many topics on all sorts of issues, some music related, some not, and others just
for chatting kinda. A new logo is also in progress.

5/8/99 - Yay more bullcrap! Until summer hits, it seems as if things will be pretty slow for BOSS 
TRIBAL due to school and work. The main thing is CEREAL KILLA', has to work long hours on the
practice days except on certain days...however Shawn who goes away for 3 days a week might not be
able to practice on the days Derek kan practice either. Until summer things are looking slow, but
POSSIBLY they kan work somthing out for a certain day (most likly mondays). The good news is though,
even though they kan't practice for a full practice, they kan at least somewhat practice and MADD
DOGG and CEREAL KILLA kan practice without the others in making riffs in the mean time. Also this 
will give the band time to "regroup" and find more needed memebers (bass, trombones, sax).
         Here's some ok news though, 4 songs songs should be put up onto the page this week. BLOOD
ON THE MOON, GETTIN' LOADED, LOCK ON, and the new untitled song. Practice with these songs will be
fit in, and more info to how practice and the band is going to do certain things will be explained
in more detail soon. Also maybe the song Blinkin' Machine song SPLATBALL preformed by Blinkin'
Machine and MADD DOGG will be posted soon. The song was origanally made by BOSS TRIBAL's MADD DOGG
and Blinkin' Joe Barnett of Blinkin' Machine. More to come soon...The audio page should have clips
as well by Sunday night or Monday....cheak back later.

5/7/99 - BOSS TRIBAL has a big announcment...BOSS TRIBAL IS BECOMMING A 9 PIECE BAND! That's right,
9 members! The band talked about it for about 4 days and then decided why'll bring a more
developed sound and will add to the mass destruction they will cause. They as you know are looking
for a new bassist, but to make them a 9 piece they need 2 trombone players and a sax player. They
hope to find them soon!
         There however is some sad news for BOSS TRIBAL... Brian "THE GREAT GAZOO" Koszuta has been
kicked out. MADD DOGG explains the reason, "It was a VERY hard choice for me to make the final
decision to get rid of him because Brian has always been 1 of my best freinds. I asked the rest of
the band and they said do it...he didn't practice and had other stuff. His attitude also changed
from him use to being REALLY crazy and now he's not as livly. I never dragged personal issues into
it or anything but he just kept becomming more down and down or somthing, like not as happy or
somthing. The MAIN reason he was kicked out is because he just didn't practice his trombone. It
was 1 of the hardest decisions to ever make for the band". Thus the band is looking for another
trombone player along with looking for another trombone, bass, and sax player.
        BOSS TRIBAL WILL BE RECORDING FOR THE AUDIO PAGE! This Sunday the band will try to record
with everyone at the practice, DJ Ruthless is still working the tables so we're not sure  how the
scratching will be for the band recording. They will definitly record $k@tEr Br@iN and possibly 
PSYCO. MAYBE if they kan get more song ready they'll record them as well.
        Mike Brown of the band ALMOST HEROES is visiting from Michigan accompanied by 2 freinds of
his, for a rockin good time in New York with MADD DOGG and the others. Mike and his freinds will
meet a lot of the bands around the area as well. Pictures will be taken of Mike and the others while
they are cauzing havoc. Also Mike will jam out with the band here and record some stuff with them 
to go on the audio page...who knows maybe even a mini song or somthin'. MANY GREAT THINGS SHALL COME!
        MADD DOGG and Blinkin' Machine are making are going to make a song together kalled 
SPLATBALL. The song is being written by MADD DOGG and Joey Joe Blinkin' of Blinkin' Machine. The 
lyrics will be posted up on the page soon. Eric Parz of Blinkin' Machine the band so far has seen a
few of the lyrics and loves what is being developed so far...Blinkin' Machine IF they kan fit it in,
might be able to play the song at thier show comming up soon...we'll see what developes soon. More
news on this project soon. 
       More news to come later on for songs and such, especially soon with BOSS TRIBAL soon finishing
the lyrics of BLOOD ON THE MOON, and an untitled new song inspired by thier freinds GODHEAD. ALSO 
updates on the visit of Mike and da' boyz. STAY TUNED FOR MORE SHIZNIT!
5/5/99 - Boss Tribal has now become freinds with a band who is soon going to be the BIGGEST goth
metal band since Marylin Manson. The band is GODHEAD. MADD DOGG went to the GWAR show to see his
freinds in the band 3 BELOW bust stuff up. GODHEAD was the next band on...THEY RULED! Mike Miller,
the guitarist of GODHEAD, jumped down to MADD DOGG and some people he met and said they'd hang out
and shit backstage. MADD DOGG told them about the band and other crap and both bands are going to
be PERFECT freinds. Not only has MADD DOGG befreinded the band, he has asked GODHEAD to play THE
BENEFIT show. It seems like things are going to go VERY well.
         The band is still posting flyers for a new bassist and is also going to make flyers in hope
of getting another trombone player and a saxaphone player. Hopefully they will aquire all 3 SOON.
MADD DOGG is also going to get some shows booked for the band VERY soon (and hopefully thier shows
won't be cancelled due to stupid shit like the prom show).

5/4/99 - MANY MANY MANY thingz a-brewin'. It's been kind quite hectic latly in the BT shedual. The
band had not practiced the week due to SATs, work, and other things. G.O.D. THE ENFORCER preformed
a very good drumming session of espionage for his school's yearly Buffalo concert of mass 
destruction...Shawn says it went very well. Congrats Shawn for your kick ass skillz and spirit.
         Now as for the news goes BOSS TRIBAL has decided to expand yet farther into the reaches of
a new and insane sound. Aside as you all very well know they are searching for a new bassist, the
band would like to announce that they want to expand thier horn section. BOSS TRIBAL as you know
has SEXUAL CRISCO as trumpet and GAZOO for trombone. MADD DOGG has asked the members what they 
thought if they were to get another trombone player and a saxaphone player. The band said hell yeah,
not a bad idea so it was confirmed. GAZOO who is the current trombone player however has not 
practiced trombone in a long time. MADD DOGG says, "I don't know really what to do with him because
when he entered the band he said he was going to do trombone and some vocals, and also he was a great
mixer. he hasn't did much trombone and he says he's lead vocals when that's my job. We do songs 
together like Gangsta's Alphabet where we swicth off, but not much. I really want top keep him
because for 1 thing he's an awesome freind, and also he kan do excellent mixing and stuff, yet his 
attitude toward the band has changed. he isn't crazy like he use to but who knows what'll happen in
summer. If things don't change I might have to do what I don't want to do and get rid of him." 
         New songs are being worked on, and the audio section of the page will shortly have it's 
first full sounding wav file of $k@tEr Br@iN. hopefully ALL the band members kan attend and the
song kan be done in the fullest. There is a possibility PSYCO and I Wish I Was A Lezbian might also
be done in the fullest.
        Mike Brown, the bassist of Almost Heroes is comming to visit BOSS TRIBAL and chill with MADD
DOGG and some of the boyz. Mike will be playing the bass for BOSS TRIBAL when they record for the 
wav of $k@tEr Br@iN. Mike will cross a good number of miles to see them and stay with them over the 
weekend. he will get a taste of a Butter Shot and Bitch In A Bottle if possible, meet people from
such bands as Pier 9 Brawl, and Transparent, and also party like a muther with CEREAL KILLA' and MADD
DOGG across the border in Canada. This is just a steping stone in the great journey of how the bands
of the Tribal Brethrine will come together, and explode the music world as we know it. Ladies and 
gentalmen....history is now in the making!