11/10/99 - LOTS of great news! First off Happy B-day to Dave (camera man/roadie) and Chris (bassist). U guys get to eat cake and shit
like that (lucky bastards). Also, John Strumm is DEFINITLY comming down to see the crew and jam. Most likly he will stay as well (which
seems like the intention), more good news to come soon about this!
           MADD DOGG ON THE RADIO!!!! Every Monday from 6:00 AM to 9:00 AM you can hear Mark on the radio show on Buffalo NY's 91.3 WBNY
radio station. The station is a college radio station that is popular in the area and Mark provides info on upcomming concerts, concert
reviews, plus he helps tell info on upcomming bands and other great things. He aquired this by his friend Kevin (of the IMPORTS) being 1
of the DJs. Mark Mutka of LIMITED IDENTIY also help out with being a special guest. LISTEN IN BUFFALO! 

11/8/99 - AMAZING GROUND BREAKING NEWS! 2 GLORIOUS THINGS HAVE HAPPENED FOR BOSS TRIBAL! First, quite possibly (and most hoppingly) the
band has found thier perfect drummer. The drummer surprisingly is John Strumm, former drummer of the insane band 30 BELOW! If you heard
before, John and guitarist Troy Sorell wanted moved from New Mexico to either Wisconsin or Buffalo for the oportunitys in music. They 
chose to continue 30 BELOW so they moved to Michigan (where thier new bassist was from). They thought about moving to Buffalo for BOSS
TRIBAL but just did the 30 BELOW thing instead. However it seems now there has been a problem in 30 BELOW and John is not sure where to
go with his band stuff. WELL GUESS WHAT...John asked Mark if the band needed a new drummer and is possibly comming down within the next
week or week after to jam. Most likly it seems possible that John will join the BOSS TRIBAL crew and pump the phat tunes! Keep your
fingers crossed kiddies!
          ALSO, an amazing connection has been made! The band PUYA has been currently touring with TYPE O NEGATIVE all over. Mark who
came to see Puya a few months back with BIOHAZARD, had met up with Puya once again and talked to them. He mainly talked to thier drummer
Eduardo Paniagua who talked to Mark a long time. They both exchanged ideas and things. However the ultimate thing was... EDUARDO GAVE
MUSIC WORLD!!!!!  When the band is ready it shall be done. Get ready u crazy fanatic psycopaths...we'z takin ova soon!!!         

11/5/99 - A lot of top secret writting is goin down. The details will keep conserved so u just gotta wait beeeeeich. Also the songs
for Derek and Mark's solo album RUDE BOY'Z PARADE is almost done. Lots of things are starting to happen and the recording of the MP3s
will start probobly in the week to come. Also an idea of project to get a club/showplace ran by musicians in Buffalo is comming up due
to a thorn in the bands of Buffalo's side almost "boycotting" or annoyed with Buffalo NY's Showplace Theator and promoters of ESI
(Entertainment Services International. Stay tuned for more and more shit!

11/1/99 - WE HAVE PASSED THE 10,000 HIT MARK!!! The web counter has proclaimed over 10,000 hits for the web page. THANKS FOR ALL WHO
HAVE STUCK WITH US AND SUPPORTED! Now for more news...The revision of all the lyrics is finally complete. Also the FINAL arrangement
of songs has come in to play. A few new songs rearanging the album such as MY GIRLFRIEND'S CAT'S BUTT STINKS. More on this in the
SONGZ, ALBUMZ, PROJECTS section. The web site is also being rendered and putting more and more things in it like the new guestbook,
plus soon to come more tabs and links and stuff...and like we said, SOUNDS! Soon to come when we get the MP3s there will be clips.
More to come soon!

10/30/99 - Some kool news...Madd Dogg's b-day! happy b-day home slice! Plus the web page is aproching a huge number in it's multiple
visits...ALMOST 10,000!!! watch that baby go! More news to come later (sorry it was short today).

10/25/99 - AWESOME NEWS! All the writting for the PARTY IN THE WOMB CD is now finished. "It was a long dragging but finally got done,"
says Mark. "I had a few cases of writters block but in other times I spit out a lot of different lyrix. Some of the songs got back to
my primitive ideas of the band style which made me write way more and even better. Also our creative aspect goes into play as well with
ideas from our song SICK and other songs." The BUFFALO COMPILATION CD which the band is creating to bost the fan base in Buffalo and
expose band talent is looking even closer to be done...moreon this on the SONGZ, LYRICS, AND PROJECTS page.

10/19/99 - BOSS TRIBAL MP3? Looks that way! But how can the band do it without a drummer? Well what it seems to be is BOSS TRIBAL's
great friends in FIGURE are going to help out. Will Haghus, the drummer of FIGURE, is going to be a temporary drummer for BOSS TRIBAL
so they kan record a few MP3s. The MP3s that the band will most likly record are PSYCO, $k@tEr Br@iN, and ENGINE ASYLUM. More info
should come along soon on this. All that kan be said for the moment is they are writting to complete an album line up w/ this time
thier stuff to thier satisfaction.  

10/13/99 - There's been a LOT of stuff going on lately in the band. First off, Ryan Fike and Josh Klien are no longer in it. The
reason in because the others in the band think that thier style is just not what they wanted. Another reason is because they were 
suppose to do a 2 song kamikazii show in Alden NY Oct 30th and they couldn't. HOWEVER Ryan has been replaced by Orion's Bill Webb.
Bill is a great guitarist and bassist plus has all the equipment for recording the band has ever needed. His style is also more space
like giving this wicked edge feel. Ricky Kohl of Nobody's Hero was going to possibly be drummer however he didn't show up for the
practices...oh well. The band is need of a drummer, a DJ, a precusionist, 2 trombones, 2 trumpets, keyboardist, and a sax player.
The band's friends Pete Tiedt and Mark Tiedt might also join the band. Pete on Precusion and Mark on sax, Pete says he knows a trumpet
player and Bill sez he duz too...we'll see what komes soon.  

9/28/99 - Scene supported compilation? That's damn skippy, Mark has had an idea to take 25 bands from his scene in (Buffalo NY area),
and make a compilation CD which will be handed out free at shows. The CD is to get more people involved in the band scene and see all
the killer talent out there. Bands like Dropgod, Dinkus 9, The Budgets, Manhandle, and more will be on the CD including BOSS TRIBAL.
more on this in the SONGS, ALBUMS, AND PROJECTS section. 

9/27/99 - A closer swing towards the completion to the new writtings for the album have been comming ever so closer. If u remember the
band didn't like some of the lyrics and songs that was turned out. New scribblings have been underway and a new song has been writtin.
A title still needed but is still being thought about. more news on the song in the song section.
          The band is looking on to go record like they said soon. Mark is planning to get a 16-track 8 channel mixer instead of just
waiting for IGOR (a band bud they know) to get his 36 track recorder 18 channel mixer. This will help the band get shit done faster
and better. This will also get beter quality shit for people for MP3s...Derek has also got a portable MP3 converter sop the transfers
from CDs too MP3 or the reverse will be easier. More news shall come soon.

9/24/99 - Some underground news is happening in Boss Tribal...more on it shall arise soon, other than that, all that can be told is
they are trying to still record. More on this shall come very soon. The webpage itself is undergoing some changes and being rearanged
a little more, stay tuned for wild things to come!

9/18/99 - AWESOME NEWS! The band has finally found a new DJ! Dave "DJ PHAETASM" Crawford was asked by Mark to join and he said "Hell
yeah!" to the idea. Dave knows how to make his own vynals for scratching which means the band can do all sorts of good sampling and 
scratching! More news on recording and ect will come soon!

9/14/99 - The band recorded the song Engine Asylum very good, however the recording itself turned to be what was not to thier liking
(static and shit in the recording ain't kool). So the band once again shall give it another go probobly this weekend once again.
          There is a LOT of underground news from the band that has been kept for a while and will soon be unleashed. The main news is
the band is undergoing a LOT of changes in it's line up. "Well this was a secret but it looks like it won't happen anyways," says Mark.
"What we planned to do is have our boys from John and Troy New Mexico's wickedest band 30 BELOW, come here and bust with us. We are as
of now not sure what is going to happen although we all are going to record somthing very soon. We're basically seeing what we are
going to do about all of our members. U will always have my fat ass bitchin the mic so no worry there. Derek is stayin good. Chris is
stayin good too. Shawn is ok I guess but I wanna see what's going on w/ him, his album is done too to produce and sell. Josh and Ryan
seem to be kool for stuff however we're not sure if they r definitly right for what we want to do cuz they are on the lighter side in
likeolder styled rock where we're a little more insane...we'll see what's happening. It seems we might have a new DJ but we're not
absolute. Plus, we might merge with a band kalled Headrush and become bigger and newly membered. I am gonna make a lot of decisions on
this one. Chris who mostly helps with decisions will help out but I need time to think on what's gonna happen on certain aspects and
member stuff." A lot more news shall come from this soon. 
          In the meantime, there is a local punk project combind with many different members. The project is a band kalled BREAKIN'
SHIT! The band has Don and Steve from THE BUDGETS, Jerid Donavan from the old PIER 9 BRAWL, and MADD DOGG from BOSS TRIBAL (duh). The
project needs a crazy punked out drummer and was looking to get Scott Ginter of Nobody's Hero but he turned down the offer. More shall
come soon about this as well!

9/9/99 - So far the band is just waiting till they record for thier MP3s which should be shedualed the date of 9/11/99. The 4-track
should be enough for now however the band definitly knows that a 4 track recording will not be enough for the total quality they want
to have. The MP3 will most likely be put on the OFFICIAL BOSS TRIBAL web page but they are trying to hit the sounds up on this page
here. They think they might also put the song onto for people to hear as well. They are definitly gonna get at least 1
song but are striving for 2 or if possible a 3rd. The MP3s will clear a lot of contoversy too.
         More pics have been put upon the web page too. They are from THE OFFICIAL BOSS TRIBAL web page which Chris has been
maintaining very well. The pics off the page have been taken down and transfered to this page...more shall come too. More stuff is
comming soon.
         In bigger news as well, a special project between a few bands is taking place. It was first brought between Mark and Donnie
Budget (THE BUDGETS). The project is a screw around type project with 2 vocals, a DJ, drummer, guitarist, and bassist...not to hit 
anything big, but just for fun. Don and Mark are gonna do vocals...possibly Mark on 2nd guitar, DJ hype (JO-E Zabhudda), possibly
the 1 and only Scott Ginter of Nobody's Hero, Jerid Donavan (of the old Pier 9 Brawl) for bass, and guitars are not certain...more
info on the project is comming soon.

9/1/99 - The band is busting out the recordings for next week in hope to MP3 some of thier material. However since they only have a
4-track and a rergular stereo recorder to work off of, the band is not sure what will come out of it. The 4 track they think will 
just be a very very sampled thing of just the main sounds of drums, vocals, guitar, and bass. If they do it off the regular recorder
they they might have a less quality than they would hope for but more of the instruments. Next Saturday should be the date of the
recording though. IGOR the band's tech recorder is getting the major equipment December.
         The band is still hitting for the expansion into extra sounds of an experimental area. They are still looking for a DJ,
a great horn section, and a precusionist. If anyone wants it come on up. Other than that nothing is happening. 

8/24/99 - LONG time no'z the newz folks. First off, the big ass party that was held in Alden was unexpectidly (and
VERY dramaticly) canceled. The bands who could be contacted were told of the cancelation but some showed to the site of the concert.
The place was cancelled due to a storm that the area had the day before which (supposidly) got itripped open by the wind and the
water just totalled all the circuitry and all the area was flooded. Boss Tribal thinks that Aaron, the guy who owns it, left the
door open on accident thinking there would be no storm. Lets just say all the bands were a tad (REALLY) pissed off. The band 20 Oz.
Nothing came up from thier hometown in Washington DC and couldn't believe what happened. however in spite of the shit that happened,
20 Oz. Nothing made some good scene connections with thier new found friends 3 Below. Expect something good to happen soon!
         Lots of underground stuff id going to happen with the band including some test recording. IGOR is gonna help bust the rucus
and hit some phat shit royal. The band is looking pretty Cryptaker sez he wants to try to become even more experimental
with some precussionist instruments (like bongo type things).

8/19/99 - 2 more days away and things are almost perfect....however 2 cogs have been thrown into the wheel for the show. 1 Jerry
"DJ RUTHLESS" Sullivan has quit the band due to him not having time cuz of work...and also Shawn has broken his hand (yet kan STILL
play the show...KICK ASS!!!). Things have now slowed down, flyers r being made and possibly Blane and dropgod might hit that list 
as well. On the good side of news...Pat "IGOR" Robluski has decided to help out w/ recording shit. He plans to snag the company a
whole shitload of equipment and mixing shit. The show upcomming is going to fuckin whoop warned kidies.

8/11/99 - 10 days until the destruction of MADD DOGG's 2nd grad party! Everything so far is going acording to plan and BOSS TRIBAL
is getting more and more ready by the day. The show like said will be a practice show of 3 or 4 songs plus a possible cover. The 
band plans to hit on about 2:00 PM...however the band's horn section will not be able to make it for practice before the concert
yet the horn players could possibly show up to the party later on. 
          Now for some better news. The band as you know has established thier record lable (SICKBOY RECORDS) and thier web page
for it will be up by the 18th. Not only that but the band will start recording singed bands soon into the future when they get 
even more equipment, most stuff already is a 4 track with 2 overlay channels and a computor tape to CD burner. Shawn's solo album
is gonna be finished by the 18th as well opening the page and making his CD ready to sell. More on the company itself will be
released soon along with a mailing list of upcomming events and singed bands, plus news and other info. The band for recording not
only has the equipment to start off however...they have achieved thier own recording studio through thier friends Aaron and Dave
which own the place they record at (which is also a nightclub and a showplace for concerts.
         Finally, the band also has some AWESOME breaking news. OiBoy Mike from coresponding lable OiBoy Productions has once
again been the ultimate hook up man once more. Mike messaged Mark online and said he could book a show for the band next summer in
Wildwood New Jersey...but the mega kicker is...THE SHOW IS WITH RANCID!!!! Dropkick Murphies are also a possible band to play with
at this show and hopefully this WILL DEFINITLY take place for them as well.

8/6/99 - BOSS TRIBAL isn't just from New York anymore! 2 new band members have been added! BOSS TRIBAL's great friends (and also
1 of thier first) The Al-Katones, have come to lend some help. Matt "WONDER BREAD" Moore and Chris "AMMO" Amidon from the outer
reaches of Jerid Pennsylvania (Near Allegheny) have joined the band and are treking up to practice to bust sum shit up. Thier 
travel time to get to practice will take almost 2 hours by kar. Kan u say MEGA dedication! Thank god for such kick ass musicians!
         Also a new untitled song has replaced Meloncolly...this song will be put to the test soon. More info on the albums shall
come along with the progress and samples of NEWT's solo album...stay tuned!!!

8/4/99 - THE SECRETS ARE OUT! NEWT's solo album EvilMajick is soon to be completed in a short time frame along with BOSS TRIBAL
in the studio to soon record the LP of Dropkickin' Babies! MADD DOGG, DJ RUTHLESS, and CEREAL KILLA' plan to make a hellish rap
album featuring some brutal rap artists as well...look in the SONGS, ALBUMS, AND MORE section on all the stuff for song titles,
news, and ect. for these albums!
         Another thing is MADD DOGG's grad party for the 21rst has an awesome location...this will also be BOSS TRIBAL's first
real LIVE show. The concert is gonna be insane with 14 bands including Killshot, Transparent, 3 Below, Washington DC's 20 Oz.
Nothing, and MANY MANY more bands of distruction. ANYTHING kan happen.

8/3/99 - "THE BEAVER" Matt Pelkey has quit the band....the reason is that he ahas no time for anything. He regrets to do it but
he kan't play, at least not for now. People are saying don't use horns w/the band's music but no one understands that horns are
as vital as a drummer and other instruments...the band needs now a trombone player and 2 trumpet players...we shall see what
happens. More news to come as well.

7/30/99 - Drummer Shawn Brewer has now been kicked out off BOSS TRIBAL, however he is still in New Jersey so doesn't know yet.
It seems cruel that this has been done like this but MADD DOGG made the final decision. They all still like Shawn very much but
he is never around...They have though picked up Josh "G.O.D. (Greatly Overrated Drummer)" Klien as the new drummer. MADD DOGG's
friend "VOLTRON" Ryan Fike has also joined as a tryout to see how the band would be w/ 2 guitarists. Talking to Transparent's
vocalist MADD DOGG was given the advice to invest in electronic drums mixed w/ acustic drums for a humungus range of drum sounds.
Much experimenting will be done...good things shall come!
          The band also has thier record lable name is kalled, SICKBOY PRODUCTIONS / SICKBOY RECORDS, the recordings
and ect for the lable they have made will take place later on....first they are experimenting first on stuff and down packing all
the music. Expect DROPKICKIN' BABIES out this fall! New pics have also been added too! Even more will be this weekend as well...
stay tuned!!!!

7/28/99 - LOTS O' NEWS! First off BOSS TRIBAL has a new roadie and now photographer! Rob VAN DAMN Stienwall has became a wicked
psyco roadie and the ultimate poparrazii bitch, Dave "PECKER" Edwards. PECKER already has some insane storys to tell and has
already TONS of new pics for the band to all they need is a scanner that kan bust sum color. Shawn has taken a 
vacation with his travel Soccer team to kick some ass. Mark is distressed from this however. Shawn always has a lot of stuff he
is doing and they all need to practice. Chris for now will fill in the beats but that's all that kan be said 4 now.
          Supposidly pics from the Warped tour DO have some shots of Mark bustin on stage and if so that will kick sum serious
booty. Also MADD DOGG's party was a total lame ass blow out. Nothing happened due to the bullshit location. Mark was totally
pissed off. Blinkin Machine however got a lot of pics of them taken by Dave. Also Don of the Budgets wants to do a side project
with MADD DOGG, who knows what will happen w/ that shiznit. Also...for the CD 2 tracks will make the final replacements. The
songs are called SHOW YOUR BOOBIES and the other is called SICK. More info on these soon.

7/23/99 - WARPED TOUR!!!!!  Another great year in musical destruction for the many fans of insane music! Pennywise, Dropkick
Murphies, Ice T, Sevendust, Less Than Jake, and many many more including lots of local bands were preforming to thier fullest
potential. The West Seneca All Stars Don, Chris, Steve, Ray, and new-comer Jimmy, of the always unpredictable THE BUDGETS put
on 1 hell of a show. MADD DOGG took stage with THE BUDGETS to do thier song WHY DO MEN HAVE NIPPLES?! The crowd was going ape
shit in the pit when this song took place. Hopefully somebody got some pics of this preformance cuz damn it was a wicked wicked
show. The awesome band of The Imports also tore the hell out of the crowd with some damn nice mosh pits. Tons of the band 
brethrine were there once again including PUNCHCLOCK, NOBODY'S HERO, BLINKIN' MACHINE, DINKUS 9, 10 CENT TIP, and lots of other
bands. DJ RUTHLESS, NEWT, SQUEE-G, and ROB VAN DAMN of BOSS TRIBAL all kame for a little carnage as well. Someday Warped will
feature BOSS TRIBAL...awwwww yeah!
         MADD DOGG's grad partys are on!!! Look in the Shows section for details and call the # for directions cuz it's a boonie
road so get direcions from him. The party is expected to be a wicked killer party, or a mega flop. We shall soon see. A stage is
still needed to be built and stuff. Later peeps!

7/21/99 - It seems the partys are saved!!! The great Joe Burg, an AWESOME friend of MADD DOGG's, thinks he kan save the partys
by having them at his house. All details will be known soon. Flyers r DEFINITLY gonna hit WARPED TOUR...remember...look for MADD
DOGG going ape shit at the concert as well on stage w/ THE BUDGETS! More details to come soon!

7/19/99 - BULLSHIT! BULLSHIT! BULLSHIT! It seems a MEGA problem has occured for MADD DOGG's grad partys. The problem is that
MADD DOGG's mom went fuckin' berserk on him for a reason not really certain except a little into shit from like personal familly
matters and ect. and now...POOF!...NO FUCKING GRAD PARTYS! MADD DOGG is overly pissed off and time is running out for a place to
hold the concert. It was gonna kick ass MEGA too. Only 2 slight chances that it might happen...1) His mom will somehow become
nice again or 2) Someone with a HUGE backyard will let them seems unpossible but the party is STILL hapening unless by
Friday action is taken!

7/16/99 - New pics have been added of NEWT and THE BEAVER for thier profile and stuff. The band does have 1 pic of PORNSTAR, and
like 3 more of MADD DOGG but need a scanner to scan them, (Matt has 1 but hasn't had a chance to snag em yet). The band is gonna
find sum person w/ a camera and snag sum pics to skan so fret not. Also more updates to the page will be made soon. Also, MADD 
DOGG's grad partys r looking like they r going to be a total blowout and totally freekin kick ass!!!! LOTS of killer bands like
Southpaw, Dinkus 9, The Budgets, Nobody's Hero, STEMM, and the DC shit kickers of 20 Oz. Nothing. TONS of bands will play and man
it's gonna rule. BOSS TRIBAL's first concert shall be that day and oh what a killer show it shall be.......AWWWWWWWW YEAH!

7/14/99 - THE BAND IS NOW KICKIN'! The stress of corespondence between beats/riffs/music writting style is actually flowing well.
It seems that at the last practice that the band has not just made better riffs but almost perfected 2 songs in the time they 
had. The 1rst gig the band is going to have is going to be Augist 24th at MADD DOGG's grad party! G.O.D. the enforcer said "If
we can just hit practice just like what we did here, we'll be VERY ready". The BT crew hopes to do at least 4 songs and 1 cover
but who knows the surprises in store. The sad news however....Mike SEXUAL CRISCO Slagor has quit the band. It was a mutual thing,
no harm done. Mike and the band kinda just didn't work out. Who knows what the future holds, 1 of Shawns friends MIGHT become the
new possition of trumpet along side great trumpet Matt Pelkey...Dinkus 9 is also helping the Tribal crew get a new trumpet player
and 2nd trombone player. Hopefully Brian BARN BASTID Kreher is reaching into some Latino music or some kinda horn crap there in
Spain. oh well...more new soon!

7/12/99 - BOSS TRIBAL'S FIRST SHOW WILL BE MADD DOGG'S GRAD PARTY! The band's getting ready to play a short set for thier first
on stage appearence, which will mark a great leap in the history of psycopathic music! MADD DOGG is trying to pull out all the 
stops. Also a new song has been added to work on kalled @#$%&*!!!! (it means what it is). Also more pics r a'commin'. Making all
these songs have been easy in lyrics but the corespondence between the members is hard due to the fact that MADD DOGG duz every
aspect backwards. He makes lyrics for music to go around, when Derek (who mostly is needing for an easier way for MADD DOGG to
do stuff) believes lyrics to fit around music. MADD DOGG's only explination for this is..."See if I write around music I'm not
getting any good ideas, plus I'm not as figurative in words...I take it as rapish shit or whatever the fuck I want it as and
kinda do like poetic shit to it if u wanna say...I dunno, I'm loco as a chupa cabra". Hopefully this will be resolved easily.
          Also, Sadly to report, Mike SEXUAL CRISCO Slagor wants to quit BT. The band isn't sure what he is doing yet but it 
looks that way. He'll always be loved. If he duz quit they will pick 1 up easily, probobly G.O.D.'s friend who duz psycotic
skater tricks on stage...awwwwwwww yeah!!!! 1 LAST THING!....BT HAS ALMOST ENOUGH SHIT FOR THIER OWN RECORD LABLE!!! More news
to come soon!

7/7/99 - BOSS TRIBAL IS NOW A RAGING 10 PIECE!!!!!!!!  The story is actually really kool it goez...MADD DOGG went
to the mall and met 3 awesome dudes. 1 kid was a bassist named Chris Kelly. They 3 dudes and MADD DOGG got along great and 
later on was dropped off by MADD DOGG at Chris's house. Chris showed MADD DOGG his bass skills and Mark liked what he heard.
NEWT who was originally the bassist switched to Keyboards because he wanted to do that as well and Mark definitly wanted to 
keep him. Shawn still plays bass though for any riffs he makes or whatever because he is a great bassist too. Chris is 1 crazy
kid and is kalled CRYPT TAKER due to his screen name on AOL.
         ALSO Matt Pelkey, a long time friend of MADD DOGG's has also joined the band! Now being kalled THE BEAVER (due to an
online discusion of picking names), Matt was inducted and is going to be a great help to the band. Matt who is well known in
Akron for trumpet along with Mike, is 1 of the crazy horn players. Matt offered MADD DOGG his services if they ever needed them,
and well, MADD DOGG said "Ya know, we could do that because of the pedals and stuff", and so was inducted into the band shortly
after. Brian THE GREAT GAZOO Koszuda is still awaited to reply to see if he will be albe to do trombone work...and as once known
before in the band he always has been a great insane bastid plus a wonderful musician and mixer/sound coordinator. Brian before
basically has=d a mutual realationshit of why he left/kicked from the band. "He was like in a lot of personal things, it was tuff
but who knows what'll I said to him, we got different standards now. 1)dedication is key...2) No shit outside 
affects the band (like chix)...3) I am lead vocals." More on everything shall come soon!!!

7/5/99 - AMAZING news...The long search for the 2nd trombone player might be over along with the goal of becomming the large
band that they are. However that's not the amazing part...The amazment comes from who might be the 2nd trombone player...
it is none other than the one and only Brian "THE GREAT GAZOO" Koszuta!!! MADD DOGG this 4th of July went up in town to chill
and met up with a bunch of peeps like Colt "FONZEY" Wilson, Pat "IGOR" Wrobluski, and SEXUAL CRISCO Mike Slagor. Slagor once
again exacuted a brilliant preformance in marching band proving once again he is THE MAN! Well anyways, IGOR who asks about
the band frequently has been bugging to be some type of possition as a lacky. He said "Marco I don't care about any money
just as long as I can get some women I'm fine!" When IGOR left GAZOO and MADD DOGG had a great laugh. Mark then said about how
he'd be ok to roadie shit but would really be paid close to squat. He then was telling Brian about the 2nd needed trombone
player and said that if he still wanted to do shit that he could be in it cuz they really needed one. Later online, They both
talked about it again. Brian said he'd give it some major thinking because he also wants to do vocals which MADD DOGG said is
mostly just him, but he wants GAZOO to do like Gangsta's Alphabet and other songs like that with him. It's a good possibility
that he might come back to this insane clan...we shall soon see.
        The revision of lyrics has been completed and all of them seem perfectly in order in how they will be bitched out and
written into the CD booklets and ect. Aside from getting all the actual music finished, the album's art will be started by
MADD DOGG and some of the other Tribal crew. More news on everything soon shall come!