4/9/00 - Mark went to the KITTIE concert where DOPE and SLIPKNOT also played. It was a fuckin RIOT!
Mark met up with KITTIE and handed them the tape of what was thier shitty practice tape for 
guidlines since there was nothing they could really hit up good enough. Hopefully they won't think
it sux tremendusly bad...probobly will though, LOL, oh well fuck it. Better tapes will come along
soon. They'll hand it to them later on. Seeing KITTIE is always a treat cuz they always fucking 
ROCK!!! Another kick ass thing that has happened is JEPETTO who is a band they just came in contact
with is gonna help them out cuz thier manager is a HUGE bookie! SWEET FUCKIN DEAL! In the meantime
the band's gonna keep workin'. SEE YA SOON!

4/3/00 - Not that much has been happeneing with the band otherwise than practice and more song 
writting, but if u went to the Figure show at last Fiday (March 30th), you would have seen 
MADD DOGG doing 2nd vocals for FIGURE's song Savior. The song was pumpin, the people were jumpin,
and the show was not 2 bad at all. On Saturday there was to be a brawl between MADD DOGG and sum
punk ass kid who is also the culprit for tryin to fuck up this web page. Well MADD DOGG showed
up and ready to let some blood fly. A big thanks goes out to all the kids who were there to watch
and take pics of the beatdown...but to our dismay, the pussy ass never showed. Special Guest 
apperances were made by Aaron "The Reverand" Winchester, Lindsay Layland, and Virusdope of THE 
UNDEAD SOCIETY. Also Chris Budget showed up to check the shindig as well, plus the 1 and only Dave
Crawford of ChRoNiC PaNiC! There was about 50 kids there, including BT's very own kick ass 
Precussionist... *trumpets blare*... SUPA'PIMP! The whole MALL RAT POSSE showed to this killer
event and we even got innocent bistandards in there too! THANX PEEPS, WE LOVE YA ALL!!!
         In other news, the band is gonna be getting some more good equipment including speakers
and amps so loud they could go louder than certain PA's... if this is true and the band likes them
enough, who knows, maybe they could be sponsored by the guys who make them and in the meantime help
thier buisiness too. Kool though eh? Things r looking very well and a lot more equipment is gonna 
be flowing in pretty soon...FUCK YEAH NIGGA'! Pretty soon the band will hit some shows too, they
want to him ASAP like in LATE May, but might have to do June, they r not sure yet due to the time 
they have for practicing and what not but if all goes well, who knows... THAT'S ALL PEEPS!!!

3/27/00 - The band at thier last practice tried out Joe "Hootie Hoo!!!" Hooley. The kid we were 
planning to try out later when we had more foundation to the music down but he had off of work so
we said, hey get the hell over here. Well he practiced, and well it was an ok practice, it coulda
went better if Derek and Jerid didn't have fuckin work...grrr...but oh well. We think he's good so
if he stays (which we think and HOPE he will do), we'll keep ya posted. He has an alto sax and what
he thinks is we need a baritone. We'll probobly have him back and try his sax through a bass pedal 
or somthin' might work better off then, I dunno. 
          There is a question in the midst for the band as well. It's about DJ TWizTid. Bobby is a
great kid but the thing is the band is skeptical on if they should keep him as DJ or not. The reason
is because he hasn't done much to get the new mixer. He is like a try out DJ type thing that is in
the band, yet however the band might have found someone who is way better at turntables...his name
is Josh and he's sum krazy ass raver kid from South Buffalo (hopefully he ain't on no fuckin XTC and
PCP and shit). If he want's a try and thinks he kan do justice, then fuckin A we'll c what's up. 
What's even better the kid has equipment...AWWW YEAH!
         Finally the band has got a plan for action on somthin. They are going to get thier deadline
of April 7th...what pre' tell is that date? Kittie and Slipknot concert! Kittie as u know r the
bands buds. Mark is goin to see them in Toronto Canada and gonna try to bring a tape of 4 songs to
them. HOPEFULLY, this will help in the future! We'll see! More news to come later on, stay tuned!

3/24/00 - OH HELLZ YEAH! BT is fuckin KICKIN! The band is gettin a lot off REALLY kick ass needed
equipment. Not only that, but the band has a new homie named Nate who joins the BT Crew as kinda
like a techie roadie kid. He's a crazy kick ass son of a bitch and is buying equipment we're using
as well....FUCKIN PHAT!!!! This kid said he's our biggest fan, we love the kid cuz he's nuts, and 
hey, he's a kool kid and knows some shit so he kan help us out. FUCKIN HELLZ YEAH!!!!! Plus a LOT
of songs are still being written as well. It is fuckin WHOOPIN!

3/18/00 - The band is doing a LOT of planning. Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy! The rate they r flying kix
fuckin balls. Plus it seems the sax and keyboard player will be tested out VERY soon. More new 
equipment is gonna be gotten, and more songs r being written. The band has now possibly over 100
song ideas. They r kickin mega ass and gettin fans that they don't even know they r getting! People
are comming to them on the streets and shit and saying "holy fuck u rule!!!" IT KIX ASS! Just wait
people, the take over will soon be near!

3/7/00 - News news news...First off, the band last weekend sadly couldn't record due to so much
hectic shit going on. This weekend however it's looking ok. Plus the band might try out this kid
named Joe from North Tondawanda who plays sax. Hopefully the kid's gonna go for it. Finally the
modifications to the "official" CD for what songs to go up are almost complete. 
         Also somthing big, As you know in April the band will most likly be hitting up shows,
well Mark has been talking to the band SCRATCHING POST, and is gonna see if they kan bring the
band down here. If so, BT IS GONNA TRY TO OPEN FOR THEM!!! FUUUUUCK YEAH!!! More news on this 
later on!

3/3/00 - Yo what up peeps? Well in the news this is what's up with the band. The band is going
to keep up thier pace of recording all thier shit into the little basement tapes for thier 
guidline shit. Thier plan is to practice and get a bunch of songs down again and then just work
up some $$$. They are still looking for horn players and at the moment are waiting on trying out
Anthony who is for keyboard. That will be after more ground laying is done. John Strumm is soon
to come over from Wisconsin, and that will kick ass as well for precusion shit. At the moment
the only problem the band has is $$$ for more equipment. That won't be to bad for long though.
The band itself plans to keep doing songs and writting new 1's and a lot more shit, so they will
have an ever growing arsenal of songs and will constantly be releasing albums and doing shows
and shit. The thing is though, there's going to have to be a lot of time put into what the band
is doing for thier recordings cuz they r digital 1's. This will take place later on.
         The band should have things lined up by April for shows but they are not possitive yet.
A show they DEFINITLY want to hit though is PIPE DREAMS which is a Skater tour. TONS of local
bands will play this 3 day fest and BT wants to hit it HARD. 
         In other news, Jerid is doing a project with his old band PIER 9 BRAWL who broke up
almost a year and  a half ago. They are reuniting to do another show. Mark as well is helping
out this other band which has Mike from FIGURE in it. He'll help them get on the ground untill
they get a singer for themselves. Things are looking up for BOSS TRIBAL. Check back here home
slice, there's a lot of shit from these white trash nigga's soon 2 come. Adios!

2/29/00 - LEAP YEAR...oh an extra day of hell! Anyways, what up peeps. We're doing mighty good
right now. Lots of shit is getting done for the band. Recording again went ok, but we plan to
make shit a lot better. We have examined over DRINK! FUCK! KILL! DESTROY! a bunch of times and
found a ton of places to put stuff. More songs will be recorded too VERY soon. The band has a
plan for songs and what not so they will always be busy and playing shows or recording.
          Mark is also helping out a band from Lockport from which Mike of FIGURE is also in.
"Yeah it's probobly gonna turn out to be some cracked out thing where we are like DOWN or 
somthin...heh, that would be pump," sez Mark... "BT is alive and fuckin destroying. We're bustin
out fuckin hard. Just wait till u hear this shit, it's gonna make parents hide thier kids and
shit, make guys totally scared for thier girlfriends cuz they will be runnin after our stupid 
punk white trash bitch asses with legs open wide, the FBI's gonna try to even probobly get 
warrents on our asses cuz we're fuckin gonna break so much barriers. This is gonna be some of 
the most sickest fuckin shit...some songs are gonna be more traditional type certain area, but
others so fuckin styled wicked holy shit it's gonna be fuckin insane!"
          Also, vote for BT here as the next featured band! vote us!!!! Well
that's about all people. and if you want to be on the new BOSS TRIBAL mailing list, mail us!

2/22/00 - FUCKIN KICK ASS! Jerid is DEFINITLY in the band. He has agreed to definitly quit
doing his bad drugs! Mark who is his long time best friend is VERY happy cuz not only is he in
the band but because he quit his problem for somthing better. Jerid is dedicated too which is
a mega plus and he is 1 muther fuck of a bass player. The weekend is going to be very kool for
the band cuz tehy kan record as well as hit up with the new peeps. "It's like a totally renewed
band or sum shit," says Mark. Everything is running smooth and is looking VERY VERY good. 
          Also over the weekend Mark and Nate from Roots Of Opposition went to the LOCKDOWN
concert in Warsaw New York, where they met up with some of the band Punchclock and some other 
bands. Cosmic Encounter who the bands r friends with also played the show which was pretty phat.
The kick ass thing was mark talked to Punchclock's manager who is also a lot like Mark himself
(sept MADD DOGG has no hot gf like this kid...LOL). This brings a good little hook up for the
band. Madd Dogg did guest screams at the end of Rage's No Shelter which the manager kid's band
did. "No band would ever do that! He didn't even really know me but he said MADD DOGG here!
They were the nicest people I met in a LONG time". Later on that night there was this band that
played like 4 hours, playing thier own songs and covers (they had to have played the same 
Pennywise song 4 times I swear). Madd Dogg asked if he could hit up some shit from his band 
which they were like, "sure I guess". Mark ended up playing a little bit of $k@tEr Br@iN and
MY GIRLFRIEND'S CAT'S BUTT STINKS which seemed people liked a bit. So hey not to shabby eh.
The new tape that is going to be recorded expect to have a lot of good shit on it too.

2/21/00 - Hey people, we have some sad news to anounce. Chris "JESUS" Kelley has quit Boss 
Tribal. He said that it really much wasn't his thing anymore. We respect that. We wish him
well in whatever he will do in the future for what he chooses. Take care Chris...beat sum ass.
Jerid "WEBBY" Donovan is maybe gonna hit with the tribe, but only if he quits his fuckin drug
problem. We r searchin so if u play bass and r from Buffalo then hit up w/ us.
          As for other shit, the band next week will record another basement copy of songs.
The last copy didn't have a chance to do cuz the person they were using for the equipment 
copped out on them....We should punch that fucker in the head. Oh well. Next week it'll be kool.

2/16/00 - Well LOTS o' fuckin news is to tell. First off The final changes on the album are 
VERY close. Look in the SONGS, ALBUMS, PROJECTS section to hear about the changes on it. Also
Chris has joined the band Artical 85 (formerly Chokehold) which is like a side project thing 
for him. We hope he's gonna kick sum as with them big time too as well as kick sum asses with
us. Madd props Chris! 
          Also, Mark has been trying to set up shows and so far the shows venues
have been not to bad. People like the bands and different crowds r cheakin them out. not to
shabby. Next on the news list, John Strumm will be comming down to visit the group and hit with
them very soon in march, but POSSIBLY might be able to shortly visit in February for a weekend.
John as u know has been trying to get over here forever and jam w/ the band. He heard the 
basement cut copy of DRINK! FUCK! KILL! DESTROY! and wants to kick sum fuckin ass on shit. He's
gonna bring some sickness on his electronic drum set and we're gonna see what's up pretty soon.
         Also, the band will be rerecording this weekend. They will be rerecording DRINK! FUCK!
KILL! DESTROY! in it's entirety and possibly with better equipment. Not only are they doing
this, but they are possibly recording $k@tEr Br@iN, Engine Asylum, and PSYCO. We'll see what is
gonna happen in a few days of what equipment will be used and ect...that will mostly determan
the sound quality. 
         Next in the news...WE MIGHT HAVE A FUCKIN SHOW!!! Mark Mutka of Limited Identity asked
us to play a Spring Break type fest thing at Corfu high school with a bunch of punk bands and
some r slightly bigger like Smacking Iseah (or however u spell em). The show will be in April or
May so we're sceptical on if we should play but John wants to, so, we'll see by next practices.
        Finally, The web page now has a voting station to vote for your favorite band in New
York...VOTE FOR BOSS TRIBAL!!! We'z da shit. Well that's all, more news soon. Peace out peeps!

2/7/00 - THE BAND IS MOVING FASTER THAN EVER!!!! It seems that the band not only has rehearsed 
thier first practice with the new members but has acomplished to nail a few songs right away.
Not only has the songs been practiced...DRINK! FUCK! KILL! DESTROY! is almost perfected to a T,
and RECORDED!!!!! YES A FUCKING RECORDING!!!! The recording is just of Mark, Brian, and John.
The recording is a shit recording but u kan get all the little things in there. What's amazing
about this recording is half of it WASN'T planned!!! The song was actually the soundcheck for 
the song, but it sounded so well they didn't care. The song is dubbed a cut version copy as of
the moment. The details on this basically are, the solo was totally off Brian's head...maining
on the spot IMPROV, the drum wacks before the 3rd chorus was emprivised into it on the spot,
the part where it's just the guitar was a mistake of where to end, but ended up being a VERY
useful thing for the band kuz John jumps right back into it, and then the end Mark helps get 
em to stop at the same time very nicely...THE SONG IS FUCKING UNREAL!!! IT'S AMAZING!!! The
reason it's kalled the cut version is because the begining is to pound the bass drum and then
hit a certain beat before the 1rst spitting of biggie though. Next week possibly 
another recording of this will be recorded and perhaps a new song as well!!! We shall see 
soon! If you want the song just mail us and give us yer AOL IMer screen name or ICQ # to
throw it to ya!

2/3/00 - HOLY FUCKING SHIT!!! If you were at the Vanilla Ice concert you woulda had a slight 
you seen him bust his shit! Vanilla Ice asked the crowd if ANYONE was able to rap...Mark did a
fuckin flying ninja hurl up to the stage...when he got on, everyone was like "HOLY FUCK IT'S
MADD  DOGG!!!". Well DJ Zero who was spinning spun a SLOW rap beat, Madd Dogg says it felt 
awkward to do the shit he did to it but the crowd LOVED IT!!! he started out with some of 
MEDLY...the new BT song that is new, then hit the chorus of BOOMSHAKA, which THEN right after 
spit PSYCO out (very slowly mind u), and the crowd went fuckin APE SHIT!!! Mark talked to the
merchendise dealer of Vanilla Ice and got his # and shit (he's a 19 year old kid named Jordan
that followed Vanilla EVERYWHERE). The kid is gonna be contacted too cuz then who knows...BT
and Vanilla Ice? KOOL THOUGHT EH?!

1/31/00 - NEW PIX!!! We got a bunch of new pics up and more are on thier way! Plus sounds r
gonna be commin in a matter of time...Keep yer fingers crossed boys and girls! Shows commin
VERY soon as well! We be rockin! Final stuff on the CD will be told as well! 

a new drummer named John Kuwik who tried out yesterday. The kid is fucking AMAZING and he is 
everything the band is looking for! The band will be ready to kick sum shit soon and bust all
a'ya so be prepared!!! ALSO, possibly a new keyboardist will now be tried out. His name's 
Anthony...we'll see about that soon. The ablbum rendition shit is still going on...look in 
SONGS, ALBUMS, AND PROJECTS for more details!

1/20/00 - A final song has been added to the PARTY IN THE WOMB disk for the band. It's a song
kalled WE ALL FALL DOWN. That's the only real news except if yer in the Buffalo scene look for
a lot of local shows...they r gettin booked by Mark pretty much and lots of good bands r hittin
up. Find em in the Show section soon!

1/19/00 - After the long period of us not getting to be on the web page cuz of tripod's stupid
ass we're FINALLY back!!! What up want news, I got news...LOTS of news. First off,
Mark has became the manager of a few local bands. He is managing Condemed Conception, Root Of 
Oposition, Chokehold, and more quite soon.
          The band itself has went through a change of players as well. First off, Bill 
"PIMPWRECK" Webb who was our 2nd guitarist is gone. He is the bassist of Condemed Conception
and was told by Mark to just concentrate on that band cuz it would benefit him more. Bill has
been replaced by Brian "THE MAN" Manly who rips shit up just like Derek duz. The band is still
talking to John Strumm of old 30 Below and get him to get over here soon. However the band 
might even have a new drummer already (his name is John as well). The band could use each 
person cuz they want precusion people. Finally, the band might have a new keyboardist named
Anthony with them soon as well. The band has fallen on good times.
          The band was to record the MP3s and get sounds but changes and shit have fucked
things up, however we're optomistic so just sit tight, we'll get shit up soon. We are getting
more T-SHIRT shit done VERY soon as well. The songs have undergone changes and the album has
got 2 new songs on it that replaced the SPLATBALL and BAD BLOOD...more about that in SONGZ,
ALBUMZ, AND PROJECTS, section. Get ready for BT kidz...we're commin out swingin for 2000!

12/15/00 - It is most certainly definite that the band WILL record over the vacation break!
They will get a lot of work done and try to hit a few recordings for MP3. New pics r comming
soon thanx to Erin Moser...AWWWWWW YEAH BABY!!! Also more underground news commin soon.

12/13/00 - Well some good news, John plans to come around the middle of January which is not
bad for the BT crew. He says he also got electronic drums which is EXACTLY what we wanted 
along with acustic drums....MORE POWER *Tim Allen groan thing*. We're all pumped and waiting.
Will from FIGURE, as we said is helping on the loose end right now.In the meantime changes to
the album are going to be made. The song SICK is going to be rewritten a little better, plus
Splatball might be replaced by another song kalled BOOMSHAKA. More on this in the SONGS,
ALBUMZ, PROJECTS section. That's all for the moment but more will come soon. The band is also
getting more pics up VERY VERY VERY soon so keep posted for that too. Once the band gets going
again they'll post a newsletter for stuff.
           Now for the even more important news...BOSS TRIBAL has hooked up with yet ANOTHER
awesome band in the higher ranks. The band met an upcomming band kalled KITTIE from London
Ontario last the 10th. What's special about this band is not only are they signed to the lable
Artemis records (a branch off Sony), but the band is a bunch of wicked kool 16-18 year old 
girls. The band met someone thier own age who is gonna make it big and are pumped big time!
They are going to keep good relations with KITTIE and help them out as much as possible. The
band also wants to thank our GREAT friend Erin Moser cuz if it wasn't for her KITTIE would 
have never got here and we would have never heard of them. THANKS ERIN WE LOVE U!!! Anyways,
in account of connections with big bands, this might possibly pave a better way for the band 
to expand thier playing field. 

12/10/00 - Basically the band is going to just do what they can. Work and school r pain'z in
the ass but not that bad. John Strumm, who you know we've been talking to to get his ass over
here and be the drummer, thinks he will be here a little after New Years. It's lookin up so
far. Next week is when the band can possibly record somthing. Over vacation they might quite
possibly be able to record MP3s that are quality instead of the shit boombox 1's planned.
That'll be decided soon. Will Hughes of FIGURE will most likly help on the drums for it.
More songs have been written in this waiting period as well...the new songs will be kept on
the down low though cuz the band has given so much info and crap already. There are actually
so many songs written that the band could make 3 or 4 albums, not bad eh? Anyways, the new
shit will be worked on a little later. We're just gonna concentrate on what we have now, get
what we need done, and see what we kan do. We're still in need of a keyboardist, trumpet 
player, sax player, and 1 more precusionist. Well more shall be said later on, as for now the
band is just gonna wait and see what comes up.

12/7/99 - The band hasn't had a chance much to do really anything  at the moment. We're all
basically awaiting drummer and other needed member feedback plus with who tyhey kan muster 
together, do like a spur of the moment recording that is basically vocals, guitar, bass, and
drums...the extras like turntable and horns and such would be on the regular recording stuff
that they would pull off. The recordings r just gonna be on a shit boombox like we said, but
still ok quality (better than the shit we had before). when we hit the real recording shit 
then stuff will kick fuckin ass! Oh well anyways, We're just gonna do what we kan do. Expect
more pics up soon and wavs and whatever. Also more writting has been in the works.

12/3/99 - It seems bad luck continues to always fall on the band everytime somthing good is
about to happen. What is it this time? You probobly guessed it, John who is suppose to come
down CAN'T COME DOWN! Why...because of his truck. A piston blew in his engine yesterday on
his way home from work meaning he is left with no transportaion and plus he's unable to find
anyone's he kan use. So bassically he kan't practice the weekend planned. Will from FIGURE
is filling in on this 1 which kix. John plans to come down after X-mas where he could 
possibly stay a whole week instead of just a weekend. he'd fly here too which would make shit
a lot easier as well. in the meantime more songs kan be worked the next practice they
are going to record as many songs as possible that they kan so they kan send it to John so
he kan get a feel for the music. This will more or less be an achievment because he kan try
to learn the stuff and also see kinda what he kan do to tweak the sound. Anyways, more to 
come on this soon. Oh yeah 1 more thing....expect more new pics up on the page soon!

12/1/99 - John will be here by Friday (Dec 3rd) and things will kick off RIGHT AWAY. They
think John is gonna stay with them for being the drummer and hopefully he is gonna (that or
we r gonna club the bitch and chain him to a drum set). Anyways, a few more songs are being
written plus the band will probobly have recording over the weekend off thier boombox 
recorder which would kick ass for LIVE shows and stuff. ALSO, From the DRAIN STH / FILTER
concert there was some promoter dude walkin around gettin band signatures and shit for a 
battle of the bands (probobly sum shithole ROR concert). Let me say one thing right now
ROR concerts r the worst type of battle of the bands cuz they steal so much $$$ from kids,
the only reason we'd play them is to get exposure...but anyways. The battle will most likly
take place in March or April, so hey yippie skippy we're gonna kick thier ass.

11/27/99 - The band is just gonna practice as much as they can really do along into thier
busy sheduals cuz they are trying to get even more prepared for John to come. As for other
shit the web page has got ANOTHER and WAY better guestbook. Another message board has been
put up as well (hopefully it'll keep kickin way better). Finally, from thier practice 
Saturday, the band will record song shit on a regular boombox recorder to get sum quick
sounds up for u all to cheak out. Tim Shrock from the old PIER 9 BRAWL is gonna fill in.
Who knows how many songs will be hit up...we'll shall see...keep the tunez bumpin' psycoz,
peace out.

11/25/99 - A delay has come up for John to get here and jam with the band. It seems that
his parents are comming up to see him for Thanksgiving (comming from New Mexico to
Wisconsin) for over the weekend. Duz this spoil the plans for the band...NO!!! There will
be a practice, John will be comming the week of Dec. 3rd through the 5th...sounds good so
far! More preperation will just be done, no worries.

11/24/99 - Everything is set for John to come and jam, it seems everything is going 
according to plan. It seems very good things are going to happen. Mark has also released
some of the band's old shit recording from when they had Josh and Ryan. The main focus
of why this was released is because he wanted to show some of the guitar skills they
were doing for riffs and solos...however the sounds due to the way it was recorded
before are static-like and not very well heard for any instrument but the guitar...still
it's ok for releasing. Expect sounds that are of better quality soon!

11/23/99 - 1 of the Biohazard pics has been finally put up on the page. More pics will
come soon and at double the rate possibly because PECKER's girlfriend Erin has also a
scanner to scan shit off off. Chris will also use his as well still. New pics are going
to be taken and scanned, especially MANY pics will be taken this Saturday for when John
comes down here. Everyone is ready to roll basically, only a few days to wait and they
are all set.

11/20/99 - DJ AND PRECUSIONIST ACHIEVED! The band got thier DJ and Precusionist 
finally! Actually though, the band has always had these members but they were just 2
different possitions. The Precusionist is SUPA'PIMP (he use to be the band's 1 roadie).
Bassically he asked Mark what was needed in the band and he told him all the shit. He
said to him that if he wanted a position in the band then he could hit it up and Brian
said sure thing. As for the DJ, The DJ was the band homie who was also kind of a Roadie
and bodyguard to the band...the DJ is Bobby Stienwandle. Bobby was a vocalist in a band
kalled Man Nut but don't mind hittin up the turntables cuz he is into rap VERY much.
Even though the band ain't rap or anything he wants to just kick fuckin hellz
yeah. They'll see what will happen and hopefully they'll kick it hardcore.
           All the band is looking for now is a keyboardist, a sax player, a trumpet
player, and 1 more precusionist for more congo-ish, bongo, ect shit...if ANYONE in
the Buffalo area wants ta hit it up...e-mail us!!!

11/17/99 - Some more composing has been going on between a few of the  members of the
band and more pics are being taken. A new song has been writtien along with the band's
upcomming song to the Buffalo NY compilation CD. A thought on that CD has also taken 
place. That thought is, since that Snapcase and Buried Alive are both from Buffalo,
would it be possible to get them on this CD....of coarse this would have to be talking
to some management and ect., but it might be a good idea. More on that later on.

11/15/99 - First off, the band might have thier new trombone player...the biggest 
surprise is it is the one and only, GREAT GAZOO Brian Koszuta! If u possibly kan
remember the old skool BT line up, Brian was 1 of the first members of the band. He
is 1 crazy son of a bastard too and the band thinks they might get him back in as 
well. It seems he's willing, but they need to see if he will definitly have him 
because when they booted him out it was kuz he didn't do much. We think he will so
we'll see what's up...most likly yeah. 
           They r trying to get the band's other picks up but Chris who has the 
scanner either has to much work from school, or he just don't feel like doing it
either..*paddles chris's ass*...*chris then punches everyone out and sez fuck off*.
Well, seems, he's uh....working on it *falls over*

11/13/99 - Nothing much latly except preparing for John to come in 2 weeks. The web
page will be getting a new guestbook. The last 1 didn't have a few features that were
desired on it...they are also looking for a new forum as well for a message board.
The band will get the Biohazard pics up on the page soon as well as a few extra pics.
That's all for now...c ya'z!