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Almar 345/98 announced career opportunities which will exist for Marines
with PMOS 0151, 4653, 5915, and 5918. During FY 97, the Active Duty Force
Structure review Group (ADFSRG) developed a plan to reduce Marine Corps
structure, predominantly non-FMF, to accommodate end strength reductions
mandated by the quadrennial defense review and increase manning levels
in the FMF. As a result, of ADFSRG structure reductions, beginning 1 October
1998, there will no longer be a requirement for marines to serve in PMOS's
4653, 5914, 5915, and 5918, and the requirement for Marines in PMOS 0151
has been reduced. Marines with PMOS 4653, 5914, 5915, and 5918 should see
the Career Planner immediately to ensure they are aware of potential lateral
move options and make every effort to enhance their competitiveness for
these opportunities. Marines with the above MOS's must lateral move. First
term Marines in those MOSs will lateral move during their appropriate reenlistment
fiscal year. SNCO's should read Almar 345/98 to get a complete listing
of their career options. Marines with PMOS 0151 that would like to lateral
move should see the Career Planner immediately. Manpower is seeking 200
career Corporals and Sergeants to voluntarily lateral move. If 200 volunteers
are not received by 30 November 1998, lateral moves will be directed by
CMC to meet new strength requirements. For additional information and/or
to request a lateral move, please stop by the Career Planners office and
read Almar 345/98.
MarAdmin number 007/98 announced implementation of a MOS
conversion. In accordance with the MOS Manual (MCO P1200.7), officer and
enlisted MOS for active and reserve component Marines (including retirees)
will be converted as indicated below. MOS 9909 (officer) will be converted
to 0502 and MOS 9919 (enlisted) will be converted to 0511. Point of contact
for active component officer MOS conversion for MOS 0502 is (MMOA) Maj
O'Rourke DSN 224-1855, POC for active component enlisted MOS conversion
for MOS 0511 (MMEA) is Capt MacFarlane DSN 224-8685. For additional information
see MarAdmin number 007/98.
The calendar year 1999 SNCO selection boards for promotion will convene as follows:
For selection to:
SgtMaj through MSgt 9 weeks 26 Jan - 26 Mar 99
SgtMaj of USMC 1 week 5 Apr - 9 Apr 99
GySgt 8 weeks 20 Apr - 11 Jun 99
SSgt 9 weeks 13 Jul - 10 Sep 99
SgtMaj through SSgt (USMCR) 8
13 Oct - 10 Dec 99
For additional information refer to Almar 321/98.
If you are eligible for the upcoming selection borads, and have not had the opportunity to speak to Career Counselors, follow these simple instrustions to conduct a "short fuse" screening on your record. The counselors utilize the "short fuse" screening when the selection board is convening inless than three months, and eligible Marines are calling for the first time.
1. Go to the Careeer Planner and have them print a current BIR/BTR. Make sure the following is current on the BIR/BTR:
-Rifle/Pistol score (BTR)
-PFT date/class (BTR)
-Completed PME (BTR)
-Personal awards (BIR)
2. Master Brief Sheet
-Check for latest fitness report (Performance Eval on MCTFS)
-Check for posible date gaps
3. Read the full Almar (RTFA)
-Read the entire Almar! The 60 and 30 day Almars contain more information than just the "zones".
Information that may pertain to that individual Marine.
If you encounter a problem with any part of your record, make sure to seek help through your chain of command.
We encourage you to call the Career Counselors 1 to
2 years before reaching the zone. However, if you find yourself
eligible and the board convenes in less than three months,
use the information provided to ensure the board members have the most
current information.
MSG is seeking Lance Corporals through Sergeants who are single, independent thinkers, mature, of good moral character, have firm integrity, confident, and a team player. MSG duty is a voluntary duty which includes training with the State Department in preparation for assignment to overseas diplomatic posts. There are over 120 American Embassies overseas available for assignment while on MSG duty. Marine security guards travel on diplomatic passports and serve as members of their embassies' staff. Security guard duty is a chance to experience a different culture, learn a new language, and see some new sights. If you are interested in MSG duty or would like view a 15-minute video on MSG duty, please stop by the Career Planner's office anytime. The next available MSG classes are as follows:
Class SNCOs report by Sgt and below report by Graduation Date
1-99 27
Sep 98
4 Oct 98
20 Nov 98
27 Dec 98
3 Jan 99
19 Feb 99
28 Feb 99
7 Mar 99
23 Apr 99
2 May 99
9 May 99
25 Jun 99
18 Jul 99
25 July 99
10 Sep 99
26 Sep 99
2 Oct 99
19 Nov 99
For selection to Staff Sergeant:
1. NCO Basic nonresident Program (MCI 7000) or
2. Prior to 18 Sep 91, MCI Course 03.3, The Marine NCO
3. After 1 Aug 96, Sergeants Course (MCI 8000)
For selection to Gunnery Sergeant:
1. SNCO Career Nonresident Program (MCI 7100)
For selection to Master Sergeant:
1. SNCO Advanced Nonresident Program (MCI 7200) and
2. Warfighting Skills (MCI 7400)
For selection to First Sergeant:
1. SNCO Career Resident or Nonresident Course and
2. SNCO Advanced Nonresident Program and
3. SNCO Advanced Resident Course and
4. Warfighting Skills Program
Any Marine interested in becoming a recruiter should call or stop by the Career Planner's Office. The recruiting screening team will be aboard NAS Pensacola on 24 August 1998 to screen potential recruiters. Female recruiters are in high demand right now, if you're a female and interested please stop by the Career Planner's office. The next available recruiter classes are as follows:
Class Report Date Graduation Date
SSgt J. C. Geltmacher reenlisted 4 years on 980810
SSgt R. D. Lamb reenlisted for 4 years on 980818
SSgt D. Ward reenlisted for 4 years on 980820
SSgt D. L. Ploger reenlisted for 4 years on 980821
SSgt A. V. Lucky reenlisted for 4 years on 980824
MSgt A. E. Louis reenlisted for 3 years on 980902