Draw Case Codes
Draw Case Codes (DCC) are used to quickly identify military personnel.  If you have a DCC and would like to know what it is, used the below list.  If you would like to know if you have a DCC, you can locate these codes on your TOUR screen located in the MCTFS.

AA        Stabilized for unit deployment.
AB        Serving on Recruiter/DI duty-station-option.
AC        Stabilized assignment; used for situations not covered by other DCC's.
AD        Marine dropped from MSG school.
AE        Denied further service due to service limits or failure to met high standards.
          RE-1B or RE-1C.
          Marine is eligible for promotion consideration.
AF        Marine not authorized to extend or reenlist without approval of MMEA.
AG        Volunteer for accompanied overseas tour.
AH        Humanitarian reasons.
AI        Marines approved for VSI/SSB.
AJ        Review personnel file before assignment.
AK        SRB recipient:  SNM must be assigned per current SRBP instructions (MCO 7220.24).
AL        Stabilized for new aircraft or aircrft transition.
AM        Relieved from DI, Recruiter, MSG, I-I Staff or MCSF duty.
AN        Not qualified for Drill Instructor Duty.
AP        Not qualified for Recruiting Duty.
AQ        Reserved for 01XX population.
AR        Restrictive assignment for 02XX and 26XX only.
AS        Marine due for formal school in Primary MOS.
AT        Marine twice passed for promotion.
AU        Marine was subject of a poor performance letter.
AV        Volunteer for DAUS(DR) Tour.
AW        Marine once passed for promotion.
AX        Denied further service due to failure to meet reenlistment prerequisites
          (weight, performance, not recommended by CO, etc.) RE-3_ or RE-$.
AY        Assigned RE-3O.  Marine refused to extend/reenlist to deploy or execute PCSO.
          Marine is not eligible for promotion consideration and not authorized to
          extend or reenlist without MMEA approval.
AZ        Approved for transfer to FMCR.
BA        Marine granted a deferred reenlistment option.
BC        Marine on EFM Program.
BD        Marine not qualified for MCSF duty.
BE        Marine found not qualified by Headquarters Recruiters Screen Team.
BG        Serving on reenlistment duty station option.
BH        Career Planning Force.
BI        Temporarily physically unqualified for world-wide assignment and or/pending
          result of a medical board.

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