mDRAW Tutorial Session Start: Wed Oct 07 19:56:47 1998 Leapin is giving a lesson < What is mdraw okay I is ready mdraw is a drawing program for mIRC in a few minutes, it makes ascii art drawing very simple do a search on the net for mDRAW it is a very tiny program only about 300k and well worth the download it is freeware so not charge okay when you open mdraw you should see a few buttons across the top the first icon is to make a new file unlike other new file options, this one will erase any work you have done so far and open a new .txt/notepad file so make sure if you have done some work to save it before you open a new document when you open mdraw it automatically opens a new canvas the second icon is the save icon it will ask you for a name the first time you save your work after that it will overwrite the file and save the new information let me know when you have done this okay the third icon over is copy to clipboard this allows you to copy what you have done so far to memory so you can paste it later into a new document or maybe to notepad or some other word processor the 4th icon is a grid the grid will appear on your canvas/document and helps you draw things straight it is very handy to have the grid turned on to turn it on simply click the grid icon to turn it off again click it one more time the 5th icon is the character icon it allows you to use character from the ascii dos chart it also includes letters of the alphabet and numbers this is sometimes used to do shading of ascii art the final icon, the 6th over is the colour bar pressing it once opens the colour bar for you to pick a colour once you have selected a colour and start to draw with that colour on your canvas/document the bar will disappear that is a royal pain in the behind, but you get used to it if you want to change colours you have to click the colour bar icon again to see it again now to do actual drawing.. to set the TEXT colour or Character colour left click on the colour you want to use you will notice the word Typing at the bottom of the colour bar turns to the colour you just clicked on if you did some typing now it would be the colour you have selected if you want to get a solid block (highlight) of colour with no text then left click once and right click once the area where the word Typing used to be should turn the colour you just left/right clicked on you can also left click on colour and right click another colour which would allow you to do something like this... k12,4 hello there oops hello there or if you left and right click the same colour you would get.. hello there a solid block of colour now to actually draw.. select the colours you wish to use and then go to the document/canvas and hold down your left mouse button either click once, for one pixel (grid square) of colour or keep holding down and dragging your mouse to get a line of colour draw something, and switch colours if you want when you are completed your masterpiece hit the save icon give your file a name (no more than 8 letters) and navigate to the folder you want to save it in I save mine in my mirc text folder because that is the only place you can use the ascii files anyway to play the file, use your play command in mirc it will come out like normal popup type ascii arts to get a shading effect 3d sort of, just use a lighter shade of the colour, and a darker one for the shading How big? Flooding? dancin try to keep it under 10 grid lines you rarely flood off if it is under 10 lines of text Do we have to put a script somewhere? dancin your work should probably be saved to your text file folder for mirc to play it I use the following script in my alias editor so you do not need anything else. Just click on the file? ../F4 /play $file C:\mirc\text\*.txt 600} without the dots .. just from the /f4 over a setting of 600 is good, but you can change it to faster or slower if you want nope just use the f4 key and pick from the list to play Leapin mirc has 66 spaces in its screen so if you do art you need to subtract your name and <> and 1 space and then popups will fit kr that is very handy info to have thanks Wouldn't that flood that depends on your monitor doesn't it? I am not too sure skoal no your monitor only show what is there I would think thats the number of pixels I know I have 54 space to do across the screen for art and up to 10 lines down kay I mean if say a 17" monitor had 66 space wouldn't a 21" monitor have more? the smaller the nick the more room for popups