It is with a sense of pride that we trace back the history of Guiding at Methodist College, having had the singular honour of being the first Guide company to be formed in Colombo in 1917.

 "1st Colombo, came into existence under the ideal leadership of Miss Shire who was a skilled organiser, a merry comrade and an intrepid pioneer in the cause of Guiding". This indeed was a fitting tribute to Miss Shire who in those first years gave Guiding the foundation it needed to stand firm through these many years.

One could also capture the enthusiasm and zeal of the early Guides when reading of the number of activities they planned each year ranging from Enrolment Ceremonies to Guide Rallies, Camps, Competitions, Picnics and Garden parties. They also took their work very seriously and did their proficiency tests in order to gain badges, thereby proving their capabilities in the fields of Cooking, Laundry, First Aid, Nursing and Home Makers to mention a few.

 The Guide motto "Be Prepared" demonstrates to every Guide the need to be equipped to play her role not only as a citizen of the country but also as an accomplished house-wife and mother, the traditional roles of a girl. To this end we have been extremely fortunate to have had Guide Captains who through the years were able to put into practice the high ideals that Guiding stood for. In 1922 when our World Chief Guide Lady Baden Powell visited Sri Lanka for the first time, a Rally was held and our 1st Colombo Guides took an active part and did well to win some of the competitions organised for the occasion.

Over the years the 1st Colombo Guide Company kept growing in numbers and by 1952 had reached 80. In the following year with the visit of the Queen of Tonga, our Guides gave her a Guard of Honour when she visited our Church. Once again in 1954 when Queen Elizabeth II visited Sri Lanka, the Guides participated in a Guard of Honour at the War Memorial and again at the colourful opening of Parliament.

For many years, the 1st Colombo Guide Company excelled in almost every field of Guide activity. Since the Queen's Guide Award began to be recognised as the highest award given to Guides who completed the required Proficiency tests before the age of sixteen years, 1st Colombo did well to have many of its Guides as Queen's Guides during the past years.

 Guiding continues to fulfil the needs of every girl between the ages of twelve and sixteen years, found to be important for their own character building and whatever role they are called upon to play in later life.


Methodist College has shown much interest in sports, especially during the last fifty years or so of her history, when these activities were gaining increasing importance in schools.

Athletics was a field in which Methodist College took the lead and through the years we have had outstanding individual champions, as well as success in relay events.

 Netball has always been popular in the sports activities at Methodist College. Tennis too has proved popular among our girls, especially after our own tennis court was opened in 1958.

In more recent years, interest has grown in other sports fields. Swimming, which was poplar, unfortunately had to be discontinued. But badminton, table tennis and chess are followed with enthusiasm. Chess, though introduced fairly recently, appeals even to quite young students. All these sports and games owe much to the dedication of the Coaches.

In addition, we are happy that our Past pupils are always willing to help with sports activities - perhaps re-living their own schooldays in the process!

These activities through the years have contributed in building integrated personalities, developing talents, promoting loyalty, co-operation and also much enjoyment in our school.


The English, Sinhala and Tamil Literary and Dramatic Associations meet regularly. In addition the Art and Music Society, the Interact Club, Science Association and Commerce Association also have their meetings. Inter House Drama Competitions in English, Sinhala and Tamil are held and students are expected to write original scripts. At the Inter School English Drama Competition, Methodist College won the award for the Best Original Script and Best Actress. We tied for the Best Supporting Actress Award. The play won second place. Special programmes are also organised. The 4 religious associations viz. Student Christian Movement, Buddhist Association, Islamic Associaion, and the Hindu Association meet regularly. The SCM is involved in a Social Action Project with the World Vision Street Childrens Programme. Lately, a Junior Christian Association has also been formed, and this Association has a programme with the Blind School.