To the Triad^3 Sitemap
triad   n   \'trì-'ad\:
a union or group of three : TRINITY
a chord of three tones consisting of a root with its third
and fifth and constituting the harmonic basis of tonal music

-- Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary

About Triad3 | Triad3 Sitemap | Contact Us | Links
Red Room | Orange Room | Yellow Room
Green Room | Blue Room | Purple Room
Black Room | Grey Room | White Room
Facades & Faces | E-Postcards by LilyWing

About the gallery...

All things change over time.

This site is now an archive of older work.
More recent images are available at

Please go there if you want to see the new stuff.

To access the individual pages or see a list of images, please visit the sitemap.

Triad3 is an online gallery containing work by Margaret Hoskins. I'd like to include reciprocal links with others artists and art organizations. Please e-mail if you have an interest.

All images copyright by Margaret Hoskins.

I am relying on the decency and honesty of others and the fact that most of these images either have no practical use or aren't reproduced to the highest quality possible, which makes it pointless to take them. That being said, please contact me by e-mail to request permission to use any of these for personal web pages or desktop wallpapers. I put a lot of time into these pictures and this site. Contacting me lets me know that you've visited my site and, honestly, it's an ego boost if nothing else. It also encourages me to put more images here for you to borrow. Some images are scans or modifications of original colored pencil drawings, acrylic paintings, or photographs. Arrangements can be made for modifications, higher quality graphics, or the purchase of original works. The usual statements about copyrights, commercial use, etc. apply here. Don't steal. It's just wrong.

Please visit


for more information about copyright laws and
what the web would be like without any graphics.

The gallery is loosely organized into nine main sections:

red -- A room of ladies, moms,...
orange -- Inspired by specific songs, movies, and books.
yellow -- "Happy" pictures. I don't know... Yellow is bright; so are the pictures.
green -- Mostly flowers and trees. Everything that used to be in the Flower Garden has been included here.
blue -- "Sad" pictures. Including some photographs of some departed pets.
purple -- My absolute favorites or ones I'm really proud of. There are some repeats from other sections here. Chances are these have been my desktop wallpaper at some point.
black -- "Darker" images... Stuff I've done when not in the best of moods.
grey -- More of how the web would look without graphics, links to and,...
white --
Images and other pieces made especially for some special people.

(Please don't ask me about "indigo." It happens to be one of my favorite colors, but just isn't included because combination number/color scheme. Also, I just happen to prefer the alternate spelling of the word "gray.")

So, why all of the reference to colors when the background of the entire site is black? Well, colors invoke feelings and moods. I thought it would be a fun way to organize a gallery. I also like trivia in general and thought the dictionary definitions that accompany the adjectives were interesting and thought-provoking. I've left out definitions that refer to skin color or politics in most cases. They didn't fit in with the information I wanted to present here.

There are also a couple of other "rooms" leftover from the previous organization of images on this site. I was happy with the presentation and have left these pages mostly in their original format:

Facades and Faces
A collection of masks, mostly... Images from this page have now also been added into other pages on the site. This room is probaby going to be phased out.

Our Flower Garden
Images from the Garden have been incorporated into the Green room.

About the Webmaster...

I love coffee and lots of it. I'm generally sleep-deprived, and my home is always in a state of pleasant chaos (And sometimes not quite so pleasant... I'm really busy and really human.). I'm never bored, which was one of my goals in life.

This site includes examples of acrylic paintings, colored pencil drawings, wire sculpture, and digital art. Software used includes Paint Shop Pro 4, Corel PhotoPaint 8, Pixel 3D, Bryce 3D, Poser 3, sPatch, Elefont, Spiralizer, L-System, and some really fun filters.

If you have any other questions, please e-mail me, and I'll do my best to put together a reasonable response.

About Triad3 | Triad3 Sitemap | Contact Us | Links
Red Room | Orange Room | Yellow Room
Green Room | Blue Room | Purple Room
Black Room | Grey Room | White Room
Facades & Faces | E-Postcards by LilyWing

E-mail M. Hoskins