Hartmania!: From Our Hearts...

Over the months I've seen works on the web
dedicated to Phil Hartman, works that I now can't link to,
or would find hard to link to (e.g. message boards).

Here I want to re-create works that I've found, works you've
submitted, new works I create.  Everyone will get "proper billing"
for the fruit of their hearts and minds--no plagiarism here!

Love is as strong as death,
its ardor unyielding as the grave...
Many waters cannot quench love;
rivers cannot wash it away.
If one were to give 
all the wealth of his house for love,
he would be utterly scorned.
--from Song of Songs 8:6-7

Our tributes to Phil...

I want to put some new poetry here on the top,
it's so good...

California Man

Who are you now, California man?
I see you, smiling, laughing--hiding.
What was going on inside?
Tell me, California man.
Did you hold your children tight?
Did you tell them of your love?
I see you dancing with another who you love--
Tell me, California man--I must know.
Why are you in my mind?
Why did you enter my life?
Can you say all this?
California man, answer me.
Come to me, California man.
Watch a show, laugh with me.
Have a cupcake--
There is room in my life for you, California man.

written appx. 7/6/99
entered 7/21/99

One last time to pretend
That this simple time with them will never end
One last time to put them to sleep
And pray the lord their soul to keep
One last time for a bedtime story
And prince and princess in all their glory

One last time to hold them close
To kiss the ones you love the most
To smile as they drift toward their dreams
Little boy conquests, little girl schemes

One last time to say goodnight
To cover them up and turn out the light
Not knowing when you close their door
That you'll never close it anymore

written appx. 3/6/99
entered here 7/21/99


Here are two poems from the message board of the 
defunct site, Good Night Sweet Prince:

An angel waits,
sitting there on the bed.
A couple argues in silence
with only 2 bullets to break it.

An angel took a man to heaven,
and a woman was sent the other way,
And when they were sent away,
one said to the other,
"My love, I love you always."

This poem does not rhyme,
but I am told that if I continue,
it will.

This poem is not about rhymes,
it is about an angel who meant much.
And another who took him to Heaven.
And if you keep the laughs within you,
you will be able to say,
"My love, I love you always."

Angela, May 29, 1998


A poem for Phil--Thanks for the laughs

At the end of the day,
when I felt tired and blue,
I could turn on the tube,
and sit and watch you.

You'd make me smile,
and then I'd relax,
if it weren't for your comedy,
I'd surely have needed prozak!  (sic)

Think of Heaven as an interesting place,
Farley, Sinatra, the Princess and the Mother,
and now you are there to put a smile on their face.

You will always be loved, no matter where you are!

Janet, May 29, 1998


"A Morning Never Come"

today it was your birthday
( and I almost bought a card )
but you didnt make it
to september ( or even june )
when i think ( about that night )
i hear you tell me
" see you in the morning "
but it was an eternal
( for you, me and my sister woke up )
although i wish we died too
i wonder why you left me ( dad )
to deal with a new world
( new state new time zone new school )
new life for me
do you forgive forgive the one who killed you
( for what she did and leaving us alone )
at my sister's first day of school
our aunt waited in the driveway ( but not you )
at my graduation ( in a year when I go to middle school )
a seat will be empty ( at least in my heart )
you can't cry forever ( but a lot )
i cry at night since your
morning never came ( you didn't see us again )
but for us it was a 
mourning of a different sort

Hillary, entered 2/3/99

(note: Hillary entered this poem into her school's poetry
contest; no results yet)

Please give Hillary feedback on this poem.
E-mail her at hkellerpl@netscape.net


A man so bright, shone like a star
Came into my dreams and didn't seem so far
But that is a dream, so far from real
The woman who shot him didn't know how i feel
And now the pain, is nothing but real
The idols you love, can fall like a fly
No more can you ask the question "why?"
No one will answer, no one can hear.
And you wish the one who died, could feel so near
But heaven is far, not close to the earth
And your guardian angel takes care of whats worth
But I wish I could leave my body for a day,
         and meet all the angels glowing
The deceased idols who tell me to keep going
         for my dreams
But what does it mean? Is it worth it?
I need someone to lean on, but the pain is so cur-sed

The ones who are dead, that you once looked up to
Are they in heaven looking down on you?
I wonder if spirits miss the everyday things
  like bubble gum, amusement parks and onion rings?
Do they miss being alive, feeling the hot sand
         from the beach fall through their fingers?
Smiling at something funny, crying at something sad,
  getting angry at someone who makes them mad.
Feeling rain fal on their head and run down their face.
Trying to run at a steady pace.
But a funny thing like fate can appear in a snap.
And somelthing that was yellow, can automatically turn black
But fate is life, and life is fate.
So when I die, I hope they're all at heaven's gate.
To welcome me, to comfort me, to show me a good time.
But right now, i'm alive, to enjoy the good things.
I realize that life doesn't come on a silver platter.
So for right now, it really doesn't matter!

Candice, submitted 1/29/99, entered 2/3/99


Like a comet
Blazing 'cross the sky
Gone too soon

Like a rainbow
Fading in the twinkling of an eye
Gone too soon

Shiny and sparkly
And splendidly bright
Here one day
Gone one night

Like the loss of sunlight
On a cloudy afternoon
Gone too soon

Like a castle
Build upon a sandy beach
Gone too soon

Like a perfect flower
That is just beyond your reach
Gone too soon

Born to amuse, to inspire, to delight
Here one day
Gone one night

Like a sunset
Dying with the rising of the moon
Gone too soon

Gone too soon

author unknown
entered 6-14-99


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Hartmania!: Links to bios and fans' creative works inspired by Phil.

created by mnl, Queens, NY


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