Volcanism in Montserrat

Poster Session

at  the  Second  Caribbean  Conference  on  NATURAL   HAZARDS   AND   DISASTERS. Kingston, Jamaica ;  October 9-12, 1996 ===================================================================
Following is a series of 22 abstracts of the Poster Session.
Please note that a "hard copy" of the ABSTRACTS of the Conference
can be obtained from the Department of Geography and Geology of
the University of the West Indies, Mona, Kingston 7, Jamaica
at a cost of US $ 10.00, inclusive of postage and packing).
Contact the Editor, Rafi Ahmad, E-mail rahmad@uwimona.edu.jm.

* A Photographic and Videographic Chronicle of Important Events
During the Current Eruption of the Soufriere Hills Volcano,
Montserrat, West Indies. Montserrat Volcano Observatory.

* Morphological Changes due to Volcanic Activity at English's Crater,
Montserrat, West Indies. Robertson, Young & Darroux.

* Dating of Explosive Volcanic Events associated with Dome Growth
at the Soufriere Hills Volcano, Montserrat, West Indies.
Young, Hoblitt, Smith, Devine, Wadge & Shepherd.

* How Did We Do? Looking Back on the 1986 Assessment of Volcanic Hazard
at Soufriere Hills. Wadge.

* Electronically Tailoring the Frequency Response of Low Cost Exploration Geophones
for Volcano Monitoring Applications. Lynch, Ramsingh & Ambeh.

* Seismicity preceding the Current Eruption of the Soufriere Hills Volcano,
Montserrat, West Indies. Ambeh & Lloyd

* Seismicity During the Current Eruption of the Soufriere Hills Volcano,
Montserrat, West Indies. Ambeh, Miller, White, Power, Lynch & Lockhart

* Monitoring Ground Deformation at the Soufriere Hills Volcano,
Montserrat, West Indies. Robertson, Shepherd, Jackson & Skerritt.

* Modelling Surface Deformation Measured at the Soufriere Hills Volcano,
Montserrat, West Indies. Howell & Mattioli.

* SO 2 Emissions During the Phreatic Phase of Volcanic Unrest
at the Soufriere Hills Volcano, Montserrat, West Indies.
Gardner, Casadevall & Robertson.

* Geochemistry of Fumarolic and Magmatic Fluids from Soufriere Hills Volcano,
Montserrat, West Indies. Hammouya, Allard, Clocchiatti, Jean-Baptiste, Parello & Semet.
* continued

* Characterization of the Hydrothermal System of the Soufriere Hills Volcano,
Montserrat, West Indies. Implications for the Renewed 1995 Activity.
Boudon, Defonse, Komorowski, Semet & Villemant.
* continued

* Mineralogy of Dome-Forming Andesite Lavas Recently Erupted in Montserrat,
West Indies. Devine, Rutherford, Young, Ambeh, Hoblitt & Shepherd.

* continued

* Geochemistry of Ash and New Dome Rock Erupted During the Period July 1995 to
April 1996 at the Soufriere Hills Volcano, Montserrat, West Indies.
Pascaline, Jeremie & Jacques.

* A Volcanic Hazard Evaluation System for Montserrat, West Indies.
Wadge, Woods, Bower & Jackson.

* Computer-Simulation Models of Pyroclastic Flows at the Soufriere Hills Volcano,
Montserrat, West Indies. Hooper, Kover & Mattioli.

* The Socio-Psychological Impact of Ongoing Volcanic Activity on the Lives of
People in Montserrat. Tuitt.

* The Effect of the Soufriere Volcano on the Coastal Sea Life in the West of
Montserrat. Krebs & Krebs.

* Interaction between the Scientists, Civil Authorities and the Public during the First
Six Months of the Soufriere Hills Volcanic Crisis in Montserrat.
Lynch, Ambeh & Robertson.

first version: October 29, 1996; last modified: February 4, 1997; re-organized: Dec.31, 1998;
file = https://members.tripod.com/~MTS_96/POSTER/mts_abstracts.html;