Volcanism in Montserrat
Poster Session
at the Second Caribbean Conference on NATURAL HAZARDS AND DISASTERS. Kingston, Jamaica ; October 9-12, 1996 ===================================================================
Following is a series of 22 abstracts of the Poster Session.
Please note that a "hard copy" of the
of the Conference
can be obtained from the Department of Geography and Geology of
University of the West Indies, Mona, Kingston 7, Jamaica
at a cost of US $ 10.00, inclusive of postage and packing).
Contact the Editor, Rafi Ahmad, E-mail rahmad@uwimona.edu.jm.
A Photographic and Videographic Chronicle of Important Events
During the Current Eruption of the Soufriere Hills Volcano,
Montserrat, West Indies. Montserrat Volcano Observatory.
Morphological Changes due to Volcanic Activity at English's Crater,
Montserrat, West Indies. Robertson, Young & Darroux.
Dating of Explosive Volcanic Events associated with Dome Growth
at the Soufriere Hills Volcano, Montserrat, West Indies.
Young, Hoblitt, Smith, Devine, Wadge & Shepherd.
How Did We Do? Looking Back on the 1986 Assessment of Volcanic Hazard
at Soufriere Hills. Wadge.
Electronically Tailoring the Frequency Response of Low Cost Exploration
for Volcano Monitoring Applications. Lynch, Ramsingh & Ambeh.
Seismicity preceding the Current Eruption of the Soufriere Hills Volcano,
Montserrat, West Indies. Ambeh & Lloyd
Seismicity During the Current Eruption of the Soufriere Hills Volcano,
Montserrat, West Indies. Ambeh, Miller, White, Power, Lynch & Lockhart
Monitoring Ground Deformation at the Soufriere Hills Volcano,
Montserrat, West Indies. Robertson, Shepherd, Jackson & Skerritt.
Modelling Surface Deformation Measured at the Soufriere Hills Volcano,
Montserrat, West Indies. Howell & Mattioli.
Emissions During the Phreatic Phase of Volcanic Unrest
at the Soufriere Hills Volcano, Montserrat, West Indies.
Gardner, Casadevall & Robertson.
Geochemistry of Fumarolic and Magmatic Fluids from Soufriere Hills Volcano,
Montserrat, West Indies. Hammouya, Allard, Clocchiatti, Jean-Baptiste, Parello
& Semet.
Characterization of the Hydrothermal System of the Soufriere Hills Volcano,
Montserrat, West Indies. Implications for the Renewed 1995 Activity.
Boudon, Defonse, Komorowski, Semet & Villemant.
Mineralogy of Dome-Forming Andesite Lavas Recently Erupted in Montserrat,
West Indies. Devine, Rutherford, Young, Ambeh, Hoblitt & Shepherd.
Geochemistry of Ash and New Dome Rock Erupted During the Period July 1995 to
April 1996 at the Soufriere Hills Volcano, Montserrat, West Indies.
Pascaline, Jeremie & Jacques.
A Volcanic Hazard Evaluation System for Montserrat, West Indies.
Wadge, Woods, Bower & Jackson.
Computer-Simulation Models of Pyroclastic Flows at the Soufriere Hills Volcano,
Montserrat, West Indies. Hooper, Kover & Mattioli.
The Socio-Psychological Impact of Ongoing Volcanic Activity on the Lives of
People in Montserrat. Tuitt.
The Effect of the Soufriere Volcano on the Coastal Sea Life in the West of
Montserrat. Krebs & Krebs.
Interaction between the Scientists, Civil Authorities and the Public during the
Six Months of the Soufriere Hills Volcanic Crisis in Montserrat.
Lynch, Ambeh & Robertson.
first version: October 29, 1996; last modified: February 4, 1997;
re-organized: Dec.31, 1998;
file = https://members.tripod.com/~MTS_96/POSTER/mts_abstracts.html;