Venom's Lair 

Hi, most of you know me from's CGI chat as, MWOVENOM. I have been asked by the owner of this page to lend a hand with his new news board. Well, as you can tell by reading this, I have accepted. My role in this venture will be to offer the reader a liitle bit of everything. Sometimes I will report some news and other times I will give my opinion on something that relates to wrestling. I have been a wrestling fan now for approximately 15 years and have watched the WWF as if it were my religion. Most of the news or opinions that I will be expressing will deal with the WWF because I feel that this is the premiere wrestling federation. Love me ot hate me, I hope you realize that these opinions are my own and in no way are meant to tell you what you should or should not think about the going on's of the WWF. If you wish to view more of my opinions then please feel free to visit the Marvel World Order's Official homepage by clicking on the following link. This way to the MWO Homepage.  
Well, I thought I would start off at this news board with an opinion on something that has really been bothering me over the last couple of weeks in the WWF. For the past two years, one of my favorite superstars in the World Wrestling Federation was a man who goes by the name Hunter Helmsley. In the past, Hunter went about his buiseness, and rather well I might add, in a quiet sort of way. Hunter was never in the spot light and seemed quite happy with the role in which he was playing. He was arrogant, smug, and seemingly a loner. I remember Hunter thinking that nobody was good enough for him and that he could do it all by his lonesome. This attiude was relected in the way in which he treated Mr.Perfect after Perfect basically handed Hunter the belt by leveling Mr.Mero. I used to enjoy watching Hunter wrestle and wondered why Vince wasn't giving him a push. He had all the right tools to be a major star in the federation for many years to come. He is in great shape, he has an outstanding arsenal of moves, he has good agility, dexterity and stamina and he has the speed of a Tazmanian Devil. A few months ago it appeared as if Vince finally realized the potential that Hunter had and I noticed that he was being booked against some of the federations top heels and even won the King of the Ring. I thought to myself, its about time that Vinny Mac gives Hunter a push. Well, I must admit that I was wrong. In my opinion, things started to go downhill for Hunter with this Mankind feud. Hunter lost most of the battles to Mankind and who will ever forget the return of Cactus Jack in Madison Square Garden. It seems to me that Vinny Mac has a serious problem with Hunter. Hunter always seems to be the fall guy and jobs in some of the most important matches for the WWF. I make specific reference to the return of Cactus Jack and to the return of the Ultimate Warrior. Now the latest Hunter angle, one for which I have lost total respect for Hunter, we see him acting like a juvinile little shit headed side kick of the biggest idiot in wrestling, HBGAY! HBGAY's latest contract hold out has cost me my favorite wrestler. It appears as if one of the stipulations in Michael's new contract was that he work with Hunter. I really dont know what to say about this subject. I am completly dumb founded by his actions and the way in which he acts when the camera is on him. It seems like he is a little boy emulating Michael's every move and gesture. To be quite honest with you it seems like Hunter is rather uncomfartable with the role is he supposed to be portraying. Oh, I'm sure he his happy that he gets to work along side his real life friend, but the way Michaels has him acting, it is obvious that it is out of character for him. I could accept this union if Hunter acted the same way as he did before but Michael's has him acting like a complete idiot. I hope that Vince sits down and watchs a few tapes of the past four Raw's and comes to the conclusion that if Michael's wants to act like a faggot let him but Hunter is to valuable to loose to the WCW. I think that Vince should sign him to a long term deal and get him the hell away from michaels. Besides, if Micheals really was his friend he would think about what is best for Mr.Lesveques and stop brining him down. We all know Michaels desire or reported desire to go and work for the WCW. Michaels should realize that if he brought Hunter with him that Hunter would be no more then a mid card wrestler over there with Mr.Bishoff playing out his suck up to the big guys thing that he does. However, in the WWF, a federation that allows talent to gain titles over size, Hunter .... the old Hunter....was the future of the WWF. Bring him back!

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