Mikey's   Pic   Page   1

So, ya think your up to it, gonna take a chance!!! (Ya never did listen to your mom, did ya??) Well, OK, since your here, some pics of Mikey's World. The Missouri River near home, one of the cats, kids, and of course "The Boss". Oh yeah, me too!!! But that's later on, the safe stuff is first! (Wonder why people get so upset with me when I drive in the fast lane on the freeway??)

How do ya like Mikey's new car??
Well I really did get this one, on New Years Eve 1999 (for the Millennium I guess) lol. It's a 2000 Saturn LS2! Beats that John Deere on acceleration a bit, LOL!

Here's the Missouri River. Kinda pretty isn't it?? Ok, not the Pacific Ocean in Hawaii, but ya take what ya got, hehe!

Well, that wasn't too hard to take was it?? Try the next page. It won't hurt a bit! Really!! It's the last page you should be nervous about, hehe!