So, what's it all about?  Well first off, the box is really nice and solid.  (Well, it could make a nice display!)  I was pleased to see TWO CD-ROMS when I opened the box in a nice CD holder.  So far so good.  There is a rather lengthy instruction manual - 72 pages, but luckily there's only 24 pages in English.  You may think it is un-necessary to have an instruction manual for a kind of encyclopaedia but it does come in handy for identifying all the symbols in the Database.  Once you have entered the install CD and gone through a relatively easy installation process, you're ready to go.  To run the program you do need the data CD-ROM in at all times.

The program it-self is easy to use, once you've got use to what all the icons mean.  The first 'fault' comes in to play here - The sound.  I expected X-Files music, but instead I got some weird and irritating music.  It's Ok at first, but after 20 minutes, it gets very annoying.  There are two main choices on the menu.  Desktop Designer and Browser.

I expected more of the Desktop Designer.  It's Ok but it could be much better.  There are no X-Files sounds, the themes aren't very good and the colour schemes don't work.  One thing that does work is the Fact File.  It's good for brushing up on X-Files knowledge.  I have it come up whenever I switch on my computer to improve my fact knowledge.  The backgrounds are very good and the screen-savers are . . .well . . .  nice.

The Browser is the main 'attraction', and it is good.  It has its own system and is very user-friendly.  I especially like looking at people's apartments and offices through specially placed 'cameras'.  You can navigate your way around Scully's apartment, for instance.  There are LOADS of information.  Everything you could ever want and more!  There is no shortage of multi-media either.  There are plenty of pictures, clips and X-Files stuff.

An added bonus is that if you have an Internet connection, you can up-date all the detailed case files.  This is really handy, you can always be up-to-date with the X-Files Series.  The updates can be downloaded right now and they detail each case with pictures, videos and a case description well.

Overall, this is an impressive piece of software with only a few minor faults.  It's £19.99 and is cheaper than most games.  I think this is a must for any X-Files fan.  Dedicated or just a follower this is the thing you've always needed, but you don't know it, until you get it!

MY RATING =            8.5/10      -      IMPRESSIVE