
The Devil's advocate
Satan's helper
Lucifer in the flesh

Scrappy Doo. Those two little words that every fan of Scooby Doo can't stand. Everyone I've talk to and every Scooby site I've seen hates this dog. For those that don't know, Scrappy is Scooby's nephew. Don't ask me how he's Scooby's nephew, he just appeared out of nowhere one day and the middle half of Scooby's show biz career was in ruins. He's an obnoxious, annoying, stupid, egotistical little brat, who goes around beating people up. He's way too little to even be out chasing ghosts. Where are his parents? Why they dump him in Scoob's lab? I know why. Cause they couldn't stand him either. I think they just left him some where and hoped someone or something would pick him up and toss him into some kind of acid bin or something. Well, I hate him. I've never liked him. No one likes him. No one thinks he's cute or funny. He's just there to be dumb. There. Now you know how I feel.