Name: Fred Jones
hobbies: Finding spooky houses, fake ghosts, and making homemade traps
Claim to Fame: That Meddling Ascot
Sayings: "Let's split up, gang."


Fred or Freddie, as he's sometimes known, is the undisputed leader of Mysteries Inc. He's the driver of the Mystery Machine and the maker of all the traps you see in Scooby Doo, Where Are You? All though most of the times, these traps of his never work, there are at least three episodes where they do. With the help of Velma, Fred is able to solve mysteries involving grown men and women who hide behind masks and scare people. Fred is known as the Braun of the group, because he's built like a football player and sometimes has to get rough with certain scary monster types. After saying, "Let's split up, gang" he and Daphne go their way. No one ever knows what they're doing or where they went. They are never seen doing anything pertaining to the mystery at hand when they are together. The reason is because they are making out in the Mystery Machine. I'm sorry, the truth had to come out. yes, fred and daphne are going out. They have to be. Watch Scooby Doo carefully next time. In just about every scene, he has his arm around her or she's holding on to him. That has NOTHING to do with being scared! It has to do with teen age hormones! Nothing is ever mentioned of Fred's family, but on a Pup Named Scooby Doo, he's dad's a reporter. The Speaker. The Leader. The Mystery known as Fred.