Name: Velma Dinkly
Hobbies: Finding spooky houses, solving mysteries, and giving out Scooby Snacks
Claim to Fame: Solving mysteries under 24 minutes! Losing her glasses at every single spooky place.
Sayings: JENKIES!!

Velma Dinkly

Sometimes confused with Thelma, Velma is the youngest member of the gang. She's the brain, solving mysteries before the next commercial break. With help from Fred, she is able to piece together the clues and gets the bad guy. Often the unpopular member of the group, Velma is actually cool in her own right. I mean, Jenkies! What more can I say? Velma also shares the handing out Scooby Snacks, along with Daphne. She is part of the comic stylings of Scooby and Shaggy. Yes, they're funny on their on, but with all three, you have a sense of the Stooges. Velma's relatives are permenate residents on the show. She has uncles coming out of the wood work and her parents practically live on the set of a Pup Named Scooby Doo. Velma needs contacts. She loses her glasses every time in the middle of a mystery. Of course, with this complete clumsiness, there would really be no funny antics involving her mistaking a monster for Shaggy. Always paired with Shaggy, you have to wonder if and ever there was a love for the guy. He's like a perfect guy. Funny, sweet, likes dogs, always protects you. Unless of course you're near or around a ghost. Oh well. At least in Scooby Doo on Zombie Island, Velma is vendicated. Go Velma!!