On second
J.R, I
don't think
you'll be
making it
today, son.

Now why do you say that?


I guess your Mama forgot to warn you, J.R.

That drink you just gulped down is the new formula that that little tart Lucy Lewinsky has been trying out.







Oh, darn, Mama!

Now I'm in Lucy's
doghouse again---
"sure as shootin'!"

Boy, I just got through promising her that I would wait until our date next Friday night to try out her new recipe.



Your Daddy has a new girl for you named Holly.

I'm telling you, J.R, one look at Holly, and Lucy will be past history!



Be sure to watch for the next episode:---->



"Remember to stuff the bal- lot box for Gore tonight while you're poll-watching Aunt Bee!"

Hush, Barney Fife, I won't hear such talk, not when I know your dear old Mother has always taught you to be a good Republican!


'When J.R. Met Holly, Whatever Happened to Lucy Jane Lewinsky?'

Featuring scenes such as this:




Yeah, but my Daddy taught me to pee on the Bushes!

Also, be sure to visit our

Rogues' Gallery





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