What Is Prayer?

I've heard people explain prayer as talking to God. It is that, but it is more. True prayer is also a heart attitude. It must be sincere, and there must be faith. The Bible says, "Faith without works is dead." So too are words without sincerity. It is too easy to say one thing while thinking or feeling something contrary to it. Prayer is very special, it is our line of communication with God. God sees our hearts, so our words had better match up.

Guidelines for Effective Prayer

1. Read your Bible. Find out what God is like.

2. Take a few minutes before you pray to think about God. Don't say anything; simply think about God and what you know about Him.

3. When you pray tell God everything. Talk to God in your own language. He understands.

4. Don't always ask for something when you pray. Spend some of your prayer time giving thanks to God Himself for His blessings.

5. Always express willingness to accept God's will. Ask for what you want, but be willing to take what God gives you. It may be better than what you ask for.

6. Practice putting everything in God's hands. Ask for the ability to do your best and leave the results to God.

7. Read your Bible. It's God's way of communicating with you.

Impacts of Prayer

There are many forms of prayer, and many aspects to it. This is an acrostic I made to help remind me of what is involved and gained in prayer.

Intercession: to plead or interpose on behalf of another. Romans 8:26,27

Meditation: the revolving of a subject in the mind. Joshua 1:8

Petition: a request. 1 John 5:15

Application: the testing of something by putting it into practice. Psalm 90:12

Confession: admitting or acknowledging something. 1 John 1:9

Thanksgiving: grateful acknowledgment of benefits or favours; a public celebration in acknowledgment of divine favour. Psalm 50:14

Supplication: to entreat or beg humbly for, implore. Ephesians 6:18

Praise: commendation bestowed on someone or something, homage. Psalm 7:17

Reverence: an attitude of deep respect and esteem mingled with affection. Leviticus 26:2

Adoration: to honour, to regard with the utmost devotion, love and respect. Luke 2:27,28,38

Yielded: surrender, relinquish, obey, submission. Romans 12:1,2

Empowered: strengthened. Romans 8:11

Revelation: the act of disclosing. Ephesians 1:17,18

Something to remember is that while we are to ask God for what we want or need, that we are to ask within God's will. This means that while we are asking we are to be willing to accept what He gives us, which may or may not be what we asked for. There are times that we are so overcome, so burdened by something that we want to take it to the Lord in prayer but are either too distraught or cannot put our heart's feeling into words. It is comforting to know that in these times the Holy Spirit interceeds for us (Romans 8:26,27). We may rest in the knowledge that God knows our hearts, and cares. When there is no one else to listen or to turn to, God is there and desires for us to pour our hearts out to Him. He understands. Most importantly, He is in control.

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