Well, you know what they say
about saving the best for last!! Here I am! :-)
My name is Brooke Elizabeth. I am currently 7
months old. I will be a year old in December. A
couple days past Christmas.....Santa saved me for
later I guess! I have a kidney disorder called .
. . Severe Bilateral Hydronephrosis. Those are
BIG words but in the end .... I should be
ok!! If you go to the bottom of my page....my
mommy has a link to a page that will tell you all
about Hydronephrosis and how it is treated. I go
to Hershey's Childrens Hospital from time to time
and undergo many tests. I don't like these tests
AT all. I am not sure who cries though
more, ME..or..Mommy! I haven't had any
infections...(knock on wood) so the Dr's are just
going to keep an eye on me! But until we know
more, I have to take my medicine daily! :-(
My Nanny Edie says I look like Tommy off of
Rugrats. . . . .and sometimes my mom agrees with
her!! What Nerve! Ha Ha I really like Zoe
off of Sesame Street and I just adore my older
brother and sister. Just recently I have
discovered Barney! He is wonderful. He sings
great songs that I like to hop up and down to.
I have also just started eating Cherrios! I have
to be watched though, cause I like to eat more
than one at a time. My mommy says she is going
to have her hands full now cause I have also
started crawling, and pulling myself up onto
things.....F_U_N! Please make sure to sign
the guestbook on my mommy's homepage!! Thanks for
stopping....and come back soon! Also be sure to scroll on down and take the time to read my stroy and how we have conquered Hydronephrosis~!

Hydronephrosis Link

Brooke's Story...Hydronephrosis