***WARNING*** This story doesn't have a happy ending to it.

Tuesday, June 29th

I was so excited.  Never in my lifetime I would ever think of going to Tampa but moving there, whoa!  I should start off by saying who I am.  My name is Caryn that is pronounced Karen.  I still live on Long Island, NY for a couple more weeks that is.  I am 16 and a HUGE fan of the BSB.  My father is being transferred to Tampa cause the company he works for is moving.  They had bought my dad a house.  A huge one may I add.  I haven’t seen it myself but I have seen pictures that the company gave us.  My parents visited it a few weekends ago and they said it overlooked a lake.  They told me the town was Ruskin.  Now that I think about it, it sounds familiar.  Where have I heard it before?  Oh well.  I hope I can remember soon.  My brothers haven’t decided if they are going to live with us or stay in NY with the rest of our family.  They are 29 and 30 years old and they love their own apartments but they hate being so far away.

Anyway, a few days later came the big day.  My room consisted of 10 boxes!  2 of which were filled with my BSB stuff.  Can’t go anywhere without them.  It took 2 days to get down to Florida but it was a lot of fun.  Don’t ask me how but I wasn’t bored.  I guess cause I was listening to my walkman which was playing BSB the whole way down.  Not only that I kept dreaming of Nick, my fave.  I have a very vivid imagination.  While listening to Everybody I felt like dancing.  I’m a pretty good dancer myself.  I have won many awards with my dancing skills.

Ahhhhh.  Georgia!  Only one more state to go through before I hit Florida.  At this point I was writing in my journal about the wonderful sites I have seen.  I also wrote a few letters to send to my friends back home.  At one point I found myself doodling.  I realized what I have drawn when we stopped at a rest stop.  It was a picture of the BSB.  Very good may I add.  I never thought I could draw people that well.  I had no idea that I did this till we stopped.


Friday, July 2nd

Hey, wassup ya all?  Hahahahahaha!  It has been five days since that last entry.  I have finally finished unpacking all the boxes in my room.  Oh my room is huge and beautiful!!!  It overlooks the lake.  Funny.  That house next door to us gives me a funny feeling inside like I know the people living inside.

Hmm, the woman living next door came over to say hi.  When I saw her, she looked SO familiar!  Where have I seen her from?  It must be my imagination.

Anyway, here’s what happened:

There was a knock at the door.

"Caryn!  Can you get that?" screamed mom from upstairs.

"Its not like I am busy anyway!" I said as I walked over to door.  I opened it to see a woman with blond pretty hair and blue eyes carrying a box.

"Hello!  You must be our new neighbor.  I’m Jane.  I live right next door.  Is your mother home?" said the woman.

"Hi!  Yes she is." I said opening the door all the way and letting her in.  "MOM!!!  OUR NEW NEXT DOOR NEIGHBOR IS HERE!!!" I yelled upstairs and going to the kitchen.

My mom came downstairs and I decided to eavesdrop on them.  I know, it isn’t the nicest thing to do.

"Why hello there! My name is Kathleen Girardi." obviously my mom said.

"I’m Jane Carter.  I just came over to give you a housewarming gift." said Jane.

Oh my god!  I couldn’t believe it!  It was Jane Carter, Nick Carter’s mom.  But wait, I can’t be too sure.

"Thank you so much!  That young woman that answered the door is my daughter Caryn.  Right now she is watching us from the kitchen." said my mom.

"How did you know?"

"Remember the third eye I told you about?"

"Well, um, yeah.  I thought you never used it!"

"I do though!  Say hello to Jane our neighbor" said my mom.

"Hi." I said shyly extending my arm to greet her.

"Why hello there.  You look about the same age of my 16 year-old daughter BJ.  It is short for Bobby Jean."

"Caryn is 16 also!  Maybe they can become friends.  That is a nice name." said my mom.

"Yes!  Wouldn’t that be great!  I would like to invite you over for dinner this Saturday night." said Jane.

"We would love to!  What time?"

"How is 6 o’clock sound?"


"See you Saturday!"

"Nice meeting you!"

"Thank you for the gift." said my mom showing Jane to the door and then closing it once Jane got to the end of the driveway.

"I wonder why there are so many girls in front of their house!"

"Mom, oh, nevermind."

"What is it?"

"Nothing." I said going upstairs to my room.


Saturday, July 3rd

Saturday came in a flash.  I was so worried what to wear that I didn’t realize what time it was.  It was 6 and I still didn’t have anything to wear!

"Caryn!  Its time to go!" screamed my mom.

"Hold on one more minute!"


I took out this very casual dress with no sleeves.  It was a forest green and had nothing on it.  I quickly put on some shoes and ran downstairs.

"We have only been here a week and already we are going to be known for being late!" said my dad jokingly.

We walked over to the Carter’s house and boy was I nervous!

My mom rang the doorbell and a tall handsome blond with the best looking blue eyes opened the door.  Of course I knew he was Nick.  Who else would look that good?  I pretended that I didn’t know him figuring he was tired of fans.

He let us in and Jane came in to greet us.

"Hello again! And welcome to the Carter household.  We have over here my husband Bob" said Jane pointing to him.  Every family member was in the room. "my twin son and daughter Aaron and Angel"  walking behind them and hugging them.  "My daughters Leslie and BJ" She pointed to them.  "And last but not least, Nick." She walked over to him and put her hand on his shoulder.  All at once they said "Hi!"

"Nice to meet you all.  I am Kathleen, this is my husband Charles, and my daughter Caryn." said my mom.  "My two sons Jim and Brian are still in NY.  They are 29 and 30.  They decided one day that it was time to move out and out they went."

"Whoa!  Big age difference there!  Caryn is 16, right?" said Jane.

"Yes she is.  Its only 13 years." said my dad.

"Well it sure seems like a lot.  Do they like the idea of being away from the family?" said Bob.

"They both agree, its a lot quieter." said my mom.

"Please, come sit down." said Jane entering the living room.

It was a beautiful and wonderful room.  I can remember every single detail.  Nice, soft couches with a pretty design on them.  A huge area of shelves with many beautiful vases.  The window looked out to the street where you could see the black gate with fans behind them.

"Why don’t you kids go play on the Play Station while the dinner is being made?" said Jane.

"YEAH!!!  Nick, can we go play on it NOW?!  I want to beat you again!" said Aaron.

"Like you can beat the pro? Ha!  I accept your challenge!" said Nick running after Aaron up the stairs.

Angel ran after them with Leslie at her feet.  BJ came over to me and asked "Want to join the hyper bunch?"

"Sure!  I love watching two people killing each other over a silly video game!" I said following BJ up the stairs.  As I went up I could hear my parents talking about me and my most embarrassing times of my life.  I couldn’t wait to get upstairs.

BJ led me down the hallway to a bedroom which was painted green and had a drumset in the corner.  Acting stupid cause I knew whose room this was I asked "Ok, which one of you LOVES the color green and plays the drums?"

Nick shyly raised his hand.  "I am the convict!  Now how long do I have to stay in jail?" asked Nick with a cute smile on his face.  His smile melted my heart.

"1 million years!!!" said Aaron  jumping onto Nick who was sitting on the floor.

"No way!"

"Yes!!!" said Angel joining in on top of the two who were now wrestling.

"Hey!  Are you two going to play or what?" asked BJ breaking up the fight.

"Ahhhh!  Get him off me!  Stop tickling me Nick!" yelled Aaron.  Nick immediately got off.  While getting off Aaron tripped him and he fell against me.

"Sorry!  AARON!!!" yelled Nick getting up and handing him the controller.

Angel, Leslie, and BJ sat down on the bed and I followed.  Nick and Aaron started playing Mario Kart.  It was a long battle but Nick won and he jumped up.

"I WON!!! I am the pro!  I told you I was!" screamed Nick dancing around the room.

"I let you win, Nick!"

"Sure you did!" said Leslie.

"Hey, Caryn, would you like to play?" asked Nick handing me Aaron’s controller.

"No thanks.  I really don’t know how to play." I answered politely.

"Aw come on!  I’ll teach you!  Its very simple!" said Nick.

"It doesn’t look simple."

"Well, once you learn it will be very simple." said Nick.  I really just enjoyed watching the two brothers play.  I didn’t want to play.  I don’t know how to use a Play Station at all and I’m bad at learning controllers.  Thank goodness Jane called from downstairs then.


"Coming!" yelled back Nick.  Aaron and Angel chased themselves downstairs.  Leslie followed walking.  BJ slowly followed.

***Author’s Note***
Sorry but I had to change to Nick’s perspective now so you can get an idea what he is thinking.

Mom called and the others went downstairs.  Now it is just me and Caryn in this room.  I am worried because I have been having feelings for her and I don’t even know her.  She seems so nice and I love the way her brown hair rests on her shoulders.  I love the way her brown eyes look at me.  She doesn’t seem to know who I am which is great!  I think--- I think I love her!  Oh, I shouldn’t but she is like so special to me.  I finally put my courage together and asked her out.

"Do you, I mean, would you like to go out for dinner one night?" I asked.

"You mean a date, right?" Caryn asked.  "Sure!  I would love to!"

"Great!  Lets go have dinner!"

***Author’s Note***
Sorry for that.  Back to Caryn’s perspective.  By the way, Caryn is me only with a few things changed.

Oh my god!  He likes me!  And I like him!  So why am I so worried?  I think a good meal will help me.


A good meal did help me!  I had sat next to Nick and BJ but I didn’t even pay any attention to her.  I kept watching Nick.  We talked to ourselves while our families talked about boring subjects.

Afterwards Aaron and Angel went to go play a video game, BJ to her room to call a friend, and Leslie watched the twins.  We (me and Nick) went outside to the backyard and watched the sunset.  It was beautiful.  We sat on the ground and Nick held my hand.  After the sun went down I turned to him.  I could feel a force bringing us closer and closer.  This force was love.  And we kissed.  This first time was a short, soft, sweet kiss.  Soon we found each other passionately kissing.

We stopped and looked in each other’s eyes.  I could feel his love for me like, well, I can’t describe it.  Soon my parents were going home so I followed.  I gave Nick a goodnight/goodbye kiss as I left.  He smiled as he said goodnight to me.

I went home that evening feeling happy, excited, scared, and lucky.  I couldn’t wait till our date.


Monday, July 5th

Oh god!  How can I describe our date?  It was awesome!  Nick took me to the Florida Keys for a day and we went scuba diving.  It was terrific!  He gave me a beautiful shell to keep so I can remember this event.  Trust me, I won’t have a problem!  Oh and afterwards, Nick took me to a fancy restaurant and we had fun making fun of the waiters there!  He is so sweet.  We had taken his family boat out there so on the way back we stopped and we watched the sunset once again.  It was beautiful.  We had spent an hour and a half after that just talking and kissing.  The last part of our conversation before we left was about the BSB.  He finally told me about them.  It wasn’t like I didn’t know already.  I have to say, he is one good kisser!  I had wonderful dreams that night of our date.

Saturday, July 13th

Oops!  Hehehehehe.  It seems that I haven’t written in this journal in a few years!  Hahahaha! Oh well.  I guess I have to tell you what happened.  I am now 19 and happily married to Bill Gates.  JUST KIDDING!!!  Well, the Bill Gates part is anyway.  I am married to Nick!  I was unpacking into our wonderful brand new house when I came upon this journal and the shell.  It brought back so many memories that I had to write in here.  Like I said, I am married to Nick and I am pregnant.  Hehehehe.  It may be a Nick Jr or a Emily.  We do not know yet.

We have this house and a cottage in the Keys.  I am about 20 minutes away from my parents which isn’t too bad.  Nick is currently on tour.  I would be with him but he told me not to go because of the baby.  Oh well.

Right now, I am loving life.  What could be better?!

Thursday, July 18th

Hi.  I know this may sound crazy but I miss her too much.  Hi, this is me, Nick, Caryn’s husband.  I was just reading all of her entries and they touch my heart.  I guess I should tell you what happened.

A fan was mad because I was married and decided one day to kill Caryn.  This fan kidnapped Caryn while at home a few days after this last journal entry.  She took her to a cliff and put her in a bag and tied her up.  She then threw her off the cliff.

As I sit here, writing this, I can not stop the tears that leave my eyes.  I loved Caryn so much that I would do anything for her.  Now because of someone else’s jealousy she is gone.  She was my only love.  God bless her!  I shall never marry again.  Everywhere I go, whatever I do, makes me think of Caryn and I cry.  Even a rock makes me think of her!  I don’t think I can tour again.


Created on November 13th, 1998
Created by Caryn Girardi