Tomb Raider Links

Eidos Interactive: A great site that has a lot about Tomb Raider and other Eidos games.
Official Tomb Raider Site: Everything you everwanted to know (but were afraid you'd get shot in te foot if you asked) about Tomb Raider- plus awsome grafix!
George's Tomb Raider Page: This is my brother's page. He puts more focus on teh game it's self than on Lara, but he's great at this web page making thing.
Joe's Tomb Raider Site: Lot's of cool pics an downloads. Plus cool Tomb Raider 3 preview!
Core Design: Lot's of other cool Tomb Raider related stuff

Cheat   Codes

Tomb Raider I

All Weapons- hold down shift' take one step forward' now take one stepbackwards' spin around three times to your right' now jump backward
Skip a Level-hold down shift' take one step forward' now take one stepbackwards' spin around three times to your right' now jump forward

Tomb Raider II

These are almost the same.
All Weapons- light a flare*' hold down shift' take one step forward' now take one stepbackwards' spin around three times to your right' now jump backward
Skip a level- light a flare*' hold down shift' take one step forward' now take one stepbackwards' spin around three times to your right' now jump forward
* If flare is not lit Lara will explode! BOOM


A shrine to the great Lara Croft...
Who says girls don't know how to have fun?

Tomb   Raider

I think that Lara Croft is awsome and is what a lot of girls could only dream to be. I won't say that I'm obsessed with the game, but once you start to play it's hard to stop! I can't tell you how many times some creature came running out at me in Tomb Raider where I screamed so loudly the neighbors probably wondered what was going on! Or how many times a Goon or a dog has come out at me and scared the hell out of me in Tomb Raider II! I'd just like to make this page to share a few secrets that I've learned with you guys.

How to Kill Lara in Her Own Home

How to get rid of "Cup Man"

This target has been shot times.