The Legond of the One

***** This is a tale of a Seraphim. An Angel of God, who sits beside His throne in heaven and sings praises to His name eternally. From her vantage point she is privy to all that the Maker does. She has seen the rise and struggle of mankind. And finally She can stand to be silent no more. *****
In the falls of ages past, In the dieing of many men, The words of One be singing: "Why, pray Thee, must such madness be? Unending and unyeilding it be; A cruel circle of pain and misery And dispair. Stop! Please Thou must Stop it!" But the Lord of All shakes His Mighty head, And a great sadness fills His All-knowing eyes. "No, my precious child." He says to the One. "I must not touch the Circle." "But why?!" The One wailed in confusion. "Thou art the Lord of All!" "I have promised these Liberty, As they had wished with all their hearts. And though I knew what fooly would come of it, I also knew that these were special. And without Liberty- They would die." "But being as a Father; I told them the danger and Gave them the means to understand it, Hoping this would save them the pain. It did not." "but what can we do? We cant just look the other way And forget about them." The One cried in flustration. "WE..." said He "We....." "I can do nothing with the Circle." "We?..I?.." said the One, thinking carfully. "I! What, not I!? What could I do? Alone, On Earth!" "Thine wilt not be alone, Little One. I can still touch YOU." "But... But I cant go to Earth!" "Not as Thou art, No, thou canst. How willing art thee to help?" "They are in such pain. Helpless, lost..." "Thine wilt have to sacrifice much Child. All that thou knowest and love. It is a dangerous, terrible place. The circle is the least of the evils Thine wilt have to deal with. Things thou hast never known; Save in hearing by others. Pain, sorrow, confusion, Temptation..." The One sat quietly for long moments. Weighing what she knew of Earth, And all she knew of her life In Glory. Then, weighing that against her fealings: piety for the humans, Longing to help them- To make all even; ballance. And then their was her deep, Hidden longing for Earth And what it brings: Flesh, Fealing. Its legondary beauty... She also had to deal with A sense she had never quite Identified- Like a part of her wasn't quite whole And was pulling her to its other Half. This inner prompting finally tipped the Scales. "If I be not alone, Then what is there to fear? With Thee as mine companion My Lord?" She said with a flash of Blue-bright smile. "Time will run for Thee as it Does for all of Earth." He warned. "I know." She said. "Thine wilt have to give up everything, Even thine beautiful hair." "A small price to pay." The One said in a small voice. "Thine wilt not be able to see or Speak with thy friends." "They will understand." Said the One a bit shakily. "Thou wilt have to FORSAKE THYSELF." Silence....

I cant remember when The Legond of the One first came into being. All I know is that it started, and I added to it over the years, trying to get the thee's and thou's right (not sure I have them right yet! lol), and finally finished it in 1990. I like to think She came to Earth and is among us.

~Maria Kay

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