A Love Like No Other

Chapter 25- A New Life

        While everyone was busy wishing Tuxedo Mask farewell, I left my note and transported to Earth.  I tied the rope around a pole at the designated bridge.  I had to work fast.  I had left the note on my bed and I was worried they would find it sooner than I could get back.  I dropped the noose and the gown off the bridge.  There was one problem.  The gown didn't sink.  It began to float down the river.  I had to catch it!  I ran to the end of the bridge and started to chase after it.  I finally caught up to it, after falling and bruising myself many times.  It had snagged on a log that stuck out.  I crawled down the log and tried to reach it.  I got it!
        I walked back down to the bridge just in time to see my mother and the court arrive on the bridge.  I heard my mother scream and my friends start to cry.  Could I do this?  Forsake all of my responsibilities and my friends just for one person.  Yes!  I had to.  I had promised Tuxedo Mask.  It would not be right to leave him in a new place all alone.  I ducked under the edge of the bridge.  I had to get the gown snagged next to the noose.  There was only one way to do it.
        I dove in the water under the bridge.  I swam deep enough so that no one could see me from the bridge top.  I went deeper and deeper until I could not swim any further down because of the water pressure.  I spotted the noose.  I took my bracelet off and hooked it onto my gown.  I made it look like an accident.  I let the gown go.  But now I was running out of air and if I came up for air, I knew I would be seen and this will have all been for nothing.
        All of a sudden it occurred to me.  I transported myself back up on shore, but in a nearby tree.  I heard someone on the bridge say they saw a flash of light underwater.  Confounded!   I had forgotten that when I transport, a burst of light emanates from my body.  But it also does that when royalty dies.  It is a sign of their power leaving them, back into the Silver Crystal.  I transported again, this time to my bathroom.  I peeked my head out into my room.  Nobody there.  I ran to my closet and reached for my luggage.  I was about to see Tuxedo Mask.  This was the beginning of the rest of our lives together.
        I transported myself to wherever he was in the universe.


        I arrived at my destination and took a look around me.  I was in a valley that was covered with trees and brush.  I had the feeling of déjà vu, considering that once again I was to be lost and without help.  I started walking.  I was not in a forest this time.  I shifted the bag on my shoulder.  I had packed some necessities and toiletries as to look like I was planning to be alone.  Considering I didn't own much to begin with, my bag was very light.
        I looked up.  At least the sun was out this time.  I walked on, gazing at the natural beauty around me.  I considered myself lucky.  At least I had not been sent to a desert planet.  Queen Serenity had at least put some thought into where I was going.
        I heard a creek running nearby.  I had been walking for a long while now and I needed a break.  I sat down on a log and watched the creek.  There were little fish that kept swimming by and jumping out of the water.  I opened my bag and got out a water bottle.  I filled it up and raised the water to my nose.  It did not appear to be polluted.  I drank a sip.  It tasted fine.  I refilled the bottle and placed it back in my bag.
        I started to wonder if Serena had succeeded.  I guessed I would see her by late afternoon.  That is, if she was coming.  Maybe she got caught, or wasn't planning to come after all.  Not that I could blame her.  She had a life, family, and friends to leave behind.  I didn't.  I began to feel guilty for asking her to run away with me.  I still hoped she would come, though.
        I got up and brushed off my pants.  Serena had bought me some clothes too at the mall, luckily.  I was no longer dressed in a tuxedo.  Now I wore a white shirt and a pair of jeans.  They felt a little strange to me, but I became accustomed quickly.  I started off.
        About an hour passed.  It was then that heard a crack of a twig behind me.  I turned around.  Nobody there.  I continued on.  Fifteen minutes later, 'snap'.  I turned again.  Still, I saw nothing.  I turned back and kept walking.  Now I was hearing things all around me.  I stopped dead in my tracks, laid my bag down, and put my hands on my head.  "I am unarmed.  Whoever’s out there, I mean you no harm."
        Eight men jumped out from all around me.  I was scared stiff.  They all had guns and were dressed in camouflage colors.  That is why I could hear them but I never saw them.
        "Who are you?" one of the men asked.
        Good question.  I thought.  I could not very well tell them my name was Tuxedo Mask.  I had to think of a name quick.
        "My name is Skyler." I announced, still with my hands on my head.  One of the men ran to me and grabbed my bag.  He backed away with it and he and another man went through my stuff.
        "No weapons." the taller man reported.
        "Search him." the one who asked my name ordered.  That must be their leader.
        The taller man who had helped search my bag now came to me and felt my clothes. He shook his head indicating I had no weapons.
        "Lower your guns." the leader ordered.  "Where you from?"
        "I am from the Moon Kingdom.  I just got here.  I was sent on a mission to scout out possible threats when my shuttle hit a wave of energy.  The next thing I knew, I was on board a bigger ship.  They had taken my shuttle and they transported me here.  I think they are still in orbit.  They still have my girlfriend on their ship.  I am hoping they'll transport her here, too."  Wow.  That was a good story.  I couldn't very well tell them I had been banished.  They'd shoot me.
        "He must have been captured by the Nemesis." one of the men told the leader.
        "Yes.  Or a spy for them."
        "But he has no weapons with which to fight."
        The leader crossed to me.  "Are you working with the Nemesis?"
        "Who is the Nemesis?" I asked.  "I was a scout for the Moon in the Moon Kingdom.  Our enemies are the people from the Negaverse.  Most of them are rather tall and led by a Queen Beryl.  Is that who you mean?  If it is, then no.  I am not working for them."
        "I believe him,” one of them men said.
        The leader turned from him and looked at me, his face softening.  "I, too, believe you.  Your Nega Verse? and our Nemesis are one and the same.  If you are enemies with them, you are friends with us.  You are on the planet Trysidia.  Come.  We shall take you back to our town.  We are one of the last colonies left on this world.  The Nemesis has nearly wiped us out.  You may live with us if you wish.  You are far from home and with no ship, you have no way to get there.  You said your name was Skyler, right?"  I nodded.  "I am Julian."
        We walked a ways before we stopped at a small clearing to rest.  "We patrol far out from our camp.  You see, we are frequently attacked my Nemesis and we need all of the warning time we can get.  You must understand, being a soldier yourself."
        "Yes." I agreed.  "I did not catch your men's names, Julian."
        "Ah, yes."  He pointed to each man and said his name.  "This is Tobin, J.R., Allister, Paris, Ethan, Chris, and Ryan.  Ethan, here has recently had a new addition to his family."
        I looked at Ethan and smiled.  I hoped to one day be a father, also.  "Her name is Natasha." Ethan declared proudly.
        The other men all laughed.  I found out later that Natasha was all Ethan ever talked about.  She and his wife, Teresa.
        We walked on until we came to a secluded town.  It was kind of like a village, no paved streets.  One of the men, Tobin, came up to me.  "Skyler.  You have no place to stay tonight.  My wife and I would be honored if you would stay with us.  If your girlfriend shows up, she may stay, too."
        "Thank you kind sir.  You are Tobin, correct?"
        "Yes."  He was a short man with brown hair and brown eyes.  He was muscular from being a soldier and walked casually.
        Tobin walked me to his house.  It was small, but lovely.  It was three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a kitchen and a small dining room.  There was also a parlor through the kitchen.
        "This is my wife, Ivy." Tobin said.  I bowed and shook her hand.
        "What are you doing?" Tobin asked puzzled.  Ivy just laughed.
        "What do you mean?" I asked.  "Have I offended you or your wife?"
        Tobin took my hand and shook it.  "What is this?"
        "A hand shake?  It is a formal greeting in the Moon Kingdom.  What is the custom here?"
        "This." Tobin reached out and embraced me.  I hugged him back, rather embarrassed.  I must have frightened poor Ivy.  I apologized.  Ivy just giggled and told me it was all right.  Tobin explained my situation to her and she went to prepare their guest room.
        "I hope I am not any trouble, Tobin, Ivy," I said.
        "No.  No trouble.  I just don't want you sleeping on dirty sheets is all.  Will your girlfriend be here soon?"
        Ivy had shoulder length, white blonde hair and bright green eyes.  She was almost as tall as her husband and was quite thin.  Her face resembled that of a cat with her high cheekbones and her slightly slanted eyes.  We all walked back to the guest room.  Ivy retrieved the sheets from the hall closet and began taking apart the bed.  Tobin and I assisted.
        It was at this moment that Serena appeared in the room with two luggage bags and one duffel on her shoulder.  She was wearing her hair down and had on a red tube top and jean shorts that barely covered her rear.  Tobin and Ivy stopped in amazement.
        "Thank Heaven they transported you here, Fiona!" I said to a puzzled Serena.  I took the luggage from her and embraced her.  She muffled a 'huh?' against my chest and gave me a rather strange expression.  I turned to Tobin, still holding Serena's hands.
        "This is Fiona, my girlfriend.  Fiona, this is Ivy and Tobin.  They were nice enough to let us stay with them.  Are you all right, Babe?  Did they release you without a fight?"
        Serena looked at me for a moment.  She must have probed my mind for she came out with, "Skyler, it was awful!  They asked me a whole bunch of questions and I did not know what they were talking about.  They took our ship and said that they had already sent you away!  But then they gave me my things and sent me down here, when they finally believed I was telling the truth.  They told me the people here would probably kill me.  Oh, I am so glad you are all right and we are back together!"
        Serena turned to Tobin and Ivy.  "Thank you so much for inviting us into your home.  Is there anything we can do for you as payment?"
        "You can help me with dinner, Fiona." Ivy said.
        "Great!" Serena said.  She walked out with Ivy, smiling at me knowingly as they left the room.
        "You can stay until you can afford a place of your own." Tobin told me.
        "Thank you Tobin.  If there is anything I can do for you, let me know."
        We heard the back door open.  Two children ran into the room yelling "Daddy!  You're back!"
        "Skyler, these are my daughters, Lina and Stephanie.  Girls, this is one of Daddy's friends.  His name is Skyler.  He and his friend Fiona are going to be staying with us for a while."  They were twins.  They looked about ten years old.  Brown hair and green eyes, they were both beautiful.
        "Pleased to meet you, Lina and Stephanie." I said.
        "Pleased to meet you, Skyler," they said in unison.
        "Now how old are you two?  You must be ten years old, right?" I asked.
        Both of them giggled and looked at each other with their hands covering their mouths.  "No.  We're five months old." Lina said, beaming.  I looked at them.
        "Five months?  You pulling my leg?"  The girls laughed and ran out.  I looked at Tobin. "Five months?"
        "Yes.  Five months.  Why is that so hard to believe?"
        I sighed.  "Where I come from, five month olds are about this size."  I made the size of a baby and now it was his turn to gasp.
        "That does not leave you much time to be grown up then, does it?" Tobin asked, amazed.
        "How long is the average life span here?" I asked.
        "The oldest age we get to is six years.  I think there have been a few who have made it to seven, but it's rare.  Why, how old are you?"
        "Around nineteen or twenty years old.  I am not exactly sure."  Tobin's mouth hit the floor.  "Nineteen?  How old is your girlfriend?"
        "I do not believe you." Tobin laughed.
        "No, truly.  Ask her."  Tobin left the room with me close behind.  Tobin went up to Serena and looked her in the eyes.
        "Fiona, how old are you in years?" Tobin asked.
        "Tobin!" Ivy gasped.  "You must never ask a woman her age!"
        "No, it is all right." Serena told Ivy.  "I am sixteen."
        Ivy dropped the pan.  "Sixteen?  Years?  You people in the Moon Kingdom sure live a long time!  How old do you get?"
        "Royalty lives until they are killed or they choose to die.  Commoners live to be about eighty or ninety."

        Needless to say, it took a while to get used to this new planet.  Luckily Serena had brought things to trade rather than money.  She did have some gold, which did hold the same value over here.
        That night Serena and I sat up talking quietly.  We were sitting up under the covers with our backs up against the headboard.
        "We did it, ‘Skyler’."  Now we can finally live together and share our love openly with others.  It felt so good when you called me your girlfriend!  Oh, Tuxedo Mask, I am so happy."
        "I am too Serena.  But we have to be careful.  Call me Skyler now.  You are Fiona, a daughter of a Delegate, and I was a soldier for the Moon Kingdom."
        I laid my head down on the pillow.  I had no pajamas so I slept in my boxers.  Fiona didn't seem to mind, though.  She had brought the sexy nightgown she had worn the first time she seduced me.  She was wearing it now.  I rolled over and looked her in the eyes.
        "It just occurred to me, Fiona.  Serena and Tuxedo Mask have made love several times.  But Fiona and Skyler have not."  I raised an eyebrow.  Fiona giggled.
        "We shall fix that.  But we must keep quiet." Fiona said.  It was 'quiet' for the next three hours.

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