A Love Like No Other

Chapter 31- A Surprise Ending

        Serena explained how we had run away together to the Court.  Everyone was overjoyed to see Serena alive.  However everyone was not so pleased to see me.  Serena's mother cried and embraced her daughter.  She then embraced me to the shock of both me and the Court.  I returned the hug and she took me outside with her.  Serena's friends rushed to give her hugs and kisses as we left the room.
        Serenity took me to a small room with two chairs in it.  She sat down and pointed at the other one, offering it to me.  She read Serena's mind and had discovered who she thought I was.  I could just tell.  She had taken me away to question me, but didn't want to get my parent's hopes up by announcing it in front of them.
        "Where were you born?" she asked.  I realized she wanted me to prove who I was.
        "What is your mother's name?"
        "Do you have any powers?"
        "I do but I've never used them."
        "How old were you when you ran away?"
        "Nine."  That meant I was twenty-one now.
        "What happened?"
        I continued to answer Queen Serenity's questions until she was satisfied.  "Welcome home, Darien." she said finally.
        We walked into the Court to find everyone seated again, but arguing.  When Serenity entered, the room fell silent.  "May I present to you, Prince Darien of Earth."
        My parents began to cry.  My mother ran to me and kissed my face.  "But how? Oh Darien!  You are back!  I'm so sorry, Darien!  I should never have doubted you when you told me about Natalie Wildman!"  I gathered my mother in my arms and held her against me.  She sobbed.  I never thought of the fact that my mother could have blamed herself for my running away.  I always figured that the emotions I felt were because my parents didn't love me, but from the memories I now had, and with my mother weeping in my arms, I knew otherwise.
        I left with my parents and we talked about everything.  We were a family again.


 I had a long talk with my mother.  We made up concerning the verdict and the faked death.  I told her about my life on Trysidia.  I loved her so much.  We cried and she told me of how devastated she was when she thought I was dead.  The fake noose and gown had worked just as Darien and I had planned.
        Next was the hard part.  Darien and I met with all the Princesses the next day.  Lita and Mina came in first.  Lita burst into tears and threw her arms around her sorely missed best friend.  Mina and I cried as we hugged and everyone took turns holding each other.
        Two months later Prince Darien and I were wed.  The Kingdom was overjoyed to have two members of the royal family back in place.  We lived on the Moon, but in our own wing of the palace.
        We honeymooned on Venus but we did not see much daylight.

        We made love all night.  Afterward, I couldn't sleep.  I finally remembered who I was.  It felt great.  I looked over at the beautiful girl sleeping by my side.  I was so glad to finally be with her, on the Moon, no more lies or conspiracy, and going by our real names.
        I came out of my daydream and found her looking at me.  She had a smile on her face as she gazed into my eyes.  "I love you Serena." I told her.
        "I love you too, Darien." she replied.  She looked away and rolled on her back.  Then she spoke.  "Oh.  By the way, I have been meaning to tell you.  I am pregnant."

~Hope you enjoyed~ =)

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