A Love Like No Other

Chapter 7- An Act of Kindness

        I thought to myself, "Of course I will not tell anyone I was there."  After all, he had saved me from that awful Micah.  I told him that.  "I promise.  Nobody will ever know that I was here."  He turned away from me, but as he did I saw for the first time the stab wound in his shoulder.  It was fresh.  The blood had seeped through his thin white shirt.  I gasped, "You are injured!  It looks bad.  Let me help you..."
        "NO!" he yelled angrily.  "No.  I'm fine.  I do NOT need your help."  He glanced at the clock.  "You are free to go now."
        With that, I was escorted out a stairway that led to the back of the center.
        When I returned to the palace, I figured I had a lot of explaining to do.
        "So where were you, Serena?" Mother asked.  She was not mean about it.  More curious, actually.  "Well, I stayed the night at somebody's house that I met in the theatre."
        "Oh, that's wonderful dear.  I am glad you made new friends at the theatre."
        Then Mother turned serious.  "Now Serena, I want you to sit down.  I have some bad news."
        "What is it Mother?"
        "Micah was attacked by a thief at the theatre last night.  He does not remember much and he is not in very good shape.  I want you to be extra nice to him.  Clear?"
        "Yes, Mother.  Crystal clear." I replied.  I was relieved that he did not remember what had transpired that night before.  It made explaining things a lot easier.  I did not even really have to lie.  I merely said I stayed the night with someone I met at the theatre.  It wasn't technically lying, but I still felt guilty.  I wiped the small line of perspiration that had formed along my brow.  This was the first time I had ever attempted to cover up the truth from my mother.  Luckily they assumed it was a thief attack, and Micah's fine clothes had made him a prime target.  They then deduced that the thief found nothing on him of value, and so they left him for dead in the theatre.  There was going to be an investigation into the mugging, but Tuxedo Mask must have known how to cover his tracks.  After all, he had spent his whole life in that center undetected.
        Then it dawned on me.  If Tuxedo Mask was not a ghost, he must have a family somewhere.  Where did he come from?  Why is he living there?  I decided to go to sleep.  I looked around my room.  I had a huge white satin canopy bed with white drapes, a balcony overlooking the flower gardens and waterfalls, a long white marble dresser with an antique mirror above it, a writing desk with matching chair, a big overstuffed couch and two over stuffed chairs by the window which surrounded a circular coffee table.  I noticed for the first time how much I had.  I had never glimpsed first hand that there were people who didn't have all this.  Tuxedo Mask had affected me more than I thought.  I entered my bathroom and realized that even IT was larger than the room Tuxedo Mask lived in.  I had a large, pearl sunken bath with spa jets, a long counter with two sinks against the wall, (the water handles were in the shape of cherubs), and an incredibly long mirror above the full length of the sink.  This all sat upon pearl white tile.  Then I of course have what everyone else has in their bathroom.
        I took a long steamy shower and washed my hair with my favorite coconut shampoo.  That always made me feel better.  I didn't realized how achy I was until they started leaving because of the hot water.  I got out, got in my satiny lace nightgown and curled up in bed.
        I could not seem to get Tuxedo Mask out of my mind all night.  I kept thinking how lonely he must be.  He obviously did not have many friends or talk with very many people.  "He certainly did not know how to speak to a lady!" I said to myself.  Then I thought of that stab wound on his shoulder.  He had gotten it trying to rescue me, I was sure of it.  The least I could do was bring him some bandages or something.  "Yes.  I will bring some bandages to him after tomorrow's rehearsal."
        It must have been the longest day of my life.  I got up from bed an hour early so as to be able to sneak into our doctor's office.  Yes that's right.  There is a doctor in the palace in case one of the visiting Court members has an emergency.  Normally I could have just requested the supplies, but I did not want to have to explain the reason for needing the iodine and bandages.  I fully intended to keep my promise that I had made to Tuxedo Mask and tell no one of his whereabouts.  Just outside the supply room, I used my disguise power pen and transformed into a nurse.  I just walked in and took everything I needed and put it into the duffel bag that contained my costume, script, make-up, etc.  Luckily I did not run into anyone, so once I was down the hall, I looked around, transformed into Jasmine, and left for the rehearsal.
        When I got there our director was having a huge fight with our orchestra.  It seems that the music the orchestra had and the music the cast had been practicing was different in several places.  They were arguing about which one to use.  I walked across stage to the dressing room and began to chat with a girl I met named Molly.  Molly had short red hair, green eyes, and an accent that was most peculiar.  It was from Earth, I knew that much, but it was most interesting.  Molly and I got along famously.  We helped each other with make-up and then went out onto the stage to start voice warm-ups.
        After running through the first three scenes about ten times each, we decided to break.  Everyone went outside, except for me.  I wanted to see what the new music would sound like later on. (We had 'decided' that we should learn the orchestra's music after they threatened to quit.)  As I was following along in my head, I heard a bumping noise coming from what looked like the ceiling.  I stopped and looked up, but there was nothing there.  'Maybe that's where Tuxedo Mask is?  Is that him?' I thought.  Now I couldn't wait to see him more than ever.  There was just something about him that made me want to be close to him all the time.  'Well, it's impossible to tell now.  There is no way he would talk to me.  After all, I look like a completely different person.  But I will see him soon enough."
        I glanced at the clock.  I only had three hours to go until closing!  I started to get butterflies in my stomach.  Then I had a thought that sent my emotions to a screeching halt.  What if he did not wish to see me again?  What if when I get there, he yells and throws me out?  Should I go or not?
        I thought of nothing else the next three hours.  I had the hugest lump in my throat and began to falter on a few of my lines, where as earlier, I had spoken perfectly.  The moment I had been looking forward to all day, I was now dreading.  The rehearsal ended early for a change, so I went back to the dressing room after everyone else had cleared out and changed back into my normal self.  I took off my shoes and sat down on a folding chair.  I started to rub my feet.  I had been standing most of the day and they ached so badly, I thought they would fall off.  I glared down at my duffel bag.  "Well, Serena, you were thinking about doing this for two reasons.  One; you want to see him again because you think he is exciting.  The second; he was hurt trying to save you and you owe it to him to do something to help him.  Besides, who says that he will definitely be mad?  He might be happy for the company.  Maybe we could be friends, even."
        That was that.  Even if I had decided it was not worth the risk just to see him one more time, he needed help.  He had the wound because of me, and I was the only one who knew about him, so I was therefore the only one who could help him.  I gathered my stuff and headed out back.  I was nervous.  I did not have any idea how he would react.  I reached the back of the center.  I knew about where the door was.  I squatted down and felt for some kind of handle.  I could not find it.  "That's strange, I knew the door was around here." I said aloud.
        I was beginning to think that maybe it only opened from the inside when I got an idea.  I sat down, closed my eyes, and concentrated.  I kept thinking of the handle lighting up in my mind until I knew my telekinesis had worked.  I opened my eyes to discover a yellow glowing metal ring.  I grabbed hold of it and the glow died down and left.  I began to lift it up.  This door was heavier than I had thought.  "I wonder what he will say when I walk in..."

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